Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Medford School Board

I don't want the Medford School Board to become another battleground in the culture war. I prefer a non-partisan, non-political board of school-supporting, public-spirited people.

People have asked me which school board candidates I voted for:

Position 4: Kendell Ferguson, a local attorney.

Position 5: Michelle Atkinson, President of the Kid's Unlimited Academy 

Position 6: Michael Williams, endorsed by both the Medford Education Association and Kim Wallan, a Republican state representatives.

Position 7: Lilia Caballero, the well-regarded incumbent. Her opponent is Curt Ankerberg.

In the contested election for the Rogue Valley Transportation District, I voted for Denise Krause.

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  1. Dang! Peter, I voted as you did, except for position 4 where I enthusiastically voted for Ilex Brandenburger, the recently appointed incumbent and the only one representing the rural community. He’s wicked smart, has helped save the Ruch Outdoors Community School (ROCS) from closure at least twice and once “dug deep” and found $50,000 in government funds earmarked for schools such as ROCS that no one else knew about.

    Personally, I like Kendell, but why don’t we have a system that insures that every part of the MSD is represented on the board? Some 75% of the geographic footprint of the MSD feeds ROCS, but when Jim Horner steps down, how many of the school board members have even visited ROCS to see for themselves the amazing things happening there?

    I think it speaks volumes about Ilek that the members of the MSD board selected him to fill an open term over a number of others who had thrown their hats in the ring.

  2. Is Michelle Atkinson related to Perry and his kid who shot himself?

  3. Since Curt Angerburger failed to write a comment for the voters' pamphlet, I appreciated the one in the Rogue Valley Times. I'm just afraid MAGA hatters may find it inspiring.



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