Sunday, April 16, 2023

Easy Sunday: Live and Learn

Let's talk about Chinese clothes sizes.

I realize this is a mostly-political blog and people don't expect to get shopping tips. But it's Easy Sunday and I have an up-close observation. 

I should have known better.

About ten years ago I ran in the Hong Kong marathon. It was 26.2 miles up and over bridges and freeways with extraordinary views of the city. The day before the run I realized I had underestimated the heat and humidity, so I went to a big-box-type athletic-wear store in Hong Kong. Imagine a superstore the size of a Best Buy. I wanted to buy a singlet to replace the tee-shirt I had expected to run in. (A singlet is a tank top.) Open arm-pits would be more breathable.  

I wear a size Large in America. Size Medium shirts are too snug, size Extra Large are blousy. Large fits. Nothing whatever fit me in the store. Literally nothing, from any brand, for a 180 pound American. Not Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Under Armor, or any of a dozen unfamiliar brands. Hong Kong "Extra Large" would fit American males weighing 150 pounds, tops. There was nothing larger than Extra Large in the store. 

Two weeks ago, back in America and on my computer, a pop-up ad showed me summer-weight yoga/beach-wear/lounge-about pants. They were so cheap I could not resist, $12, but only if I hurried and bought while the limited-time promotion clock ticked down the time. I hated the fake urgency, but marketers do that because it motivates buyers. The pants were SO cheap, so I hurried.

I bought a size up -- Extra Large -- to be sure they would be roomy. They arrived yesterday. They would be large enough for a ten-year-old American boy. I went back and looked at the size chart, now without time pressure. Extra Large is supposedly for men who weigh 132 pounds, and I think it would be snug on them. Extra Large equals 132 pounds. Wow. About 4% of American men weigh 132 pounds or less.

The photo makes it look like the waist expands, but it barely does. Apparently Chinese men don't have either stomachs or butts. 

None of this is of any great consequence. The pants cost me only $12. My wife has co-workers with elementary school children. It is cheap tuition for me for lessons on shopping on-line, on Chinese size labels, and on the girth of American men, including me. 

I don't take Chinese clothes-sizing as an insult about my weight. I take it as a health warning. 

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  1. Two tips: 1. They are on sale because they don’t fit anyone. I bought an “economical” suit online once. The pants looked like jodpers. 2. Chinese manufacturers don’t care about you or how you look.

  2. Ah yes, the trials and tribulations of a global economy! Maybe it's China's way of mocking "America First." We always prioritize Made in America, unless we can get it cheaper elsewhere.

  3. I learned a lot about Chinese clothing, especially for kids. I love buying dresses for my granddaughter. The Chinese sites have beautiful stuff, I must admit. The sizes are pretty accurate, so what's the problem? First, you have to look at how to wash. They say you have to hand wash everything. Why? It's because the colors tend to run. Badly. Now, who in American hand washes their clothes anymore? Nobody I know of. Certainly, not my wife.??? (bless her heart) Second, the materiel is super thin. Very cheesy. It wears out after a couple of uses. Third, for all of this you have to wait at least 6 weeks for it to arrive. Like on that slow boat from China you've heard about. Running about 2 knots with all your stuff.

    Consequently, I make sure it's machine washable and NOT FROM CHINA.

    1. My grandmother sewed or crocheted some of my clothes. The garments were beautiful. One Easter outfit was a very simple pink dress with a plaid wool cape. The cape had a pink satin lining. I also remember a hand-crocheted navy blue vest that tied in the front. We loved those vests.

      Just remember that girls are not dolls for playing dress up. We don't want them being socialized and trained to focus too much on looks and fashion. Their minds, hearts, abilities and aspirations are a lot more important than a pretty dress.

      Maybe you can also give her a child's chemistry set and take her on a nature walk, fishing or camping. She might need to wear shorts under the dress so that she can be more active.

  4. Off topic: Since you watch Faux News on a regular basis, please keep us updated on the Hunter Biden "investigation." Not the salacious, bad personal behavior...not my business and not interested.

    Have they actually come up with anything? Are they waiting to spring it on Joe Biden and voters at just the right moment before the 2024 election? Anything else? I think I read that HB threatened to sue for defamation, stolen property, etc.

    Many people do not have cable and wouldn't necessarily want to watch it anyway. You can be our eyes and ears. Thanks

  5. Remember the tune, "Look for the union label when you are a buying a coat, dress or blouse..." for the ILGWU (international ladies garment workers union)?

    Available on You Tube

  6. I recently saw Carhartt Teeshirts on sale, at a very good price, so off I went to replenish my wardrobe. At $22 each, they're a better buy than most any other tee available, holding their shape for several years. At $15 each, they're a steal. When I got to the store I found that near all of the shirts ranged in size from 2XL to 5XL, And were all either Tall or Relaxed fit. I'm 6 feet, 240 pounds, so XL very comfortable, but the Tall go halfway to my knees, and the more X's, they appear to have been produced by Omar the Tentmaker. I did find 2 that fit, even though I wanted 6. Opposite of the Chinese sizing issue, but still frustrating, and otherwise the quality is very good. Incidentally, Made in Guatemala.

  7. I every rarely hat clothes that were long enough. 6’6”, 220 lbs. where can I get Carharat tees? I’ve got Carhart pants, coats, and jackets, no tees. Love Carharts! All bought by my hon, don’t know where. Don’t ask!

    1. Grange CoOp, on sale rest of the month, try on a 2XL Tall

  8. There is no incentive for a company to sell you clothes that fit if they make money selling you clothes that don't fit.

    Peter, how did you handle this? If you didn't get your money back or an exchange for the proper size, then you lost.



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