Wednesday, April 26, 2023

A quick note: Nikki Haley takes issue

I don't think Nikki Haley will be the GOP nominee. 

She won't be brutal enough to win the nomination.

But she raises some policy issues that Democrats should pay attention to.

I suspect the real GOP criticism of Biden will not be about policy. Policy talk will be the window dressing. The real, bumper-strip-size vulnerability of Biden among swing voters will be his capability. In a hundred different ways the GOP will call Biden senile, confused, incompetent, and weak. The campaign will say Americans cannot vote for him, even if they would like to,  and even if they dislike the alternative. It will be ugly. 

But, amidst that, there are some issues. In this first email of the day, Haley's campaign outlined some of them. Here is her letter:


Since the moment Joe Biden stepped into the Oval Office, his presidency has been marked by failure after failure. 

Just to name a few (for time’s sake)→
  • Racking up nearly $5 trillion in new spending, helping fuel the worst inflation we’ve had in more than 40 years.
  • Overseeing the worst border crisis in history.
  • Wasting billions on climate change while making it harder for American energy producers.
  • Pushing policies to allow biological men to keep competing in women’s sports. 
  • Expanding welfare without work. 
  • Pushing burdensome regulations to crack down on gas stoves, gas-powered cars, and more.
  • Letting China walk all over us.
  • Overseeing a botched Afghanistan withdrawal.
  • Canceling the Keystone XL pipeline.
…And NOW, he wants to run for another term?!

Let’s get one thing straight, Peter. This country cannot afford another term of Joe Biden, and I’m not going to wait around and let it happen. 

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  1. Haley has some good points, but she doesn't have a chance in today's GOP. I just heard her this morning talking about abortion, but rather than give her views on it, she castigated the media for asking about it - as if that wasn't their job. The problem is that she's semi-rational but has to appeal to a completely irrational base, which makes it hard for her to say anything.

    I think Tucker Carlson would be the ideal Republican candidate and hey, he's available!

  2. Haley's allegations are missing facts.
    She needs to look within her party.

    She'll be gone by August. Next!

  3. Marianne Williamson, power hungry and fake loving spiritual guru, is very busy attacking Joe Biden. Look at her Facebook page.

    She could promote herself and her policy positions without attacking our current Democratic president. She is a Fake Democrat.

    There is obviously something wrong with her. But if she really wants to run for president, she should try another party, such as the Green Party or Libertarian Party. Or she can start her own political party. She could call it the California Dreaming Party.

    What a waste of time and money. Apparently she has nothing better to do. I put her in the same category as Kanye West, which isn't a compliment.

  4. The problem with this list is that it utterly depends on the reader already agreeing unquestionably with the premises. No one capable of even minimal critical thinking, which is taught in our public schools with admittedly spotty success, is going to go along. A passing acquaintance with actual reality and facts makes all these claims arguable or just stupid.

    Uh...Nik, the spending bills were bipartisan...

    I didn't think Biden would run, happy to hand off to VP Harris after saving the Republic, but it's clear now that it's going to take more than four years to clean up the mess. Of course, once re-elected, Biden could resign for health reasons.

    Today it was revealed that Ted Cruz was involved in the 1/6 plot. For some reason he spoke to Maria Bartiromo on tape expressing his approval of suspending the certification. This is a violation of his oath of office and at minimum grounds for an ethics investigation if not expulsion.

  5. I'd also add that the letter's tone is that of a sarcastic teenager which further insults our intelligence.

  6. Mc and Rick are right - I take back my comment that Haley had some good points. What she gave is a list of things the far-right already believe, and they don't need no stinkin' evidence.

    Unfortunately, things like the debt and immigration do need to be addressed, but that would require both parties to act like grownups. What are the odds?

  7. I kind of hope she get some traction, so Trump notices her. Then I wonder what kind of name he'll give her. He has one for everyone. Hers could be really nasty.



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