Sunday, March 19, 2023

Notice to commenters

 Sorry, but the troll is back.

I will once again moderate comments.

It is as big a nuisance to delete the candidate’s comments when they appear as it is to moderate comments and delete them beforehand.  My liability is lower this way. When unmoderated, I was in constant danger that he would use this blog to post obscene or defamatory words about the Medford School Board, local journalists, local officials, or to fellow commenters. When unmoderated he could post “confessions” falsely signed by other people. I can stop those before they are seen.

1 comment:

  1. They make really good psychiatric meds these days. Patents have been up for years; very affordable.



Do not be surprised or disappointed if you post anonymously and the comment never appears.

Comments attributed to other people are forwarded to local law enforcement for investigation and prosecution. Identity theft is a Class C felony.