Sunday, February 5, 2023

Easy Sunday Newspaper War: "We got one! We hired a reporter!!"

It is strange. Bizarre, but in a good way. 

This isn't about layoffs and the misery of being a journalist dinosaur.  It is the opposite.

I am reminded of Division One colleges announcing they recruited a top-rated quarterback. "He picked us!!!"

This is from Twitter this morning. Nick Morgan is a former employee of the Mail Tribune. He just picked a team. Scott Stoddard is the editor of the Grants Pass Daily Courier, which is expanding its service into Jackson County. EO Media is the other suitor for the attention of readers in the Rogue Valley, and they, too, are staffing up by hiring former Mail Tribune employees. Journalists are in demand.

The Daily Courier publishes five days a week and is up and running now. The Rogue Valley Tribune will be a 24-7 on-line newspaper, with a print edition published three times a week and will be up and running in a week or two.

I urge people to subscribe to both.  Let's see how this settles out.

Daily Courier:  

Rogue Valley Tribune: www.rvtrib.comThis link goes live on Monday, they report.

[Note: To get daily delivery of this blog to your email go to:  Subscribe. The blog is free and always will be.]


  1. I think I detect an obsession. But obviously it is your blog, so have at it.

    It appears that anonymous comments are another obsession, a negative one.

    Instead of periodically insulting and berating anonymous commenters, I suggest that you ban all anonymous comments and just be done with the drama.

    I probably will continue to submit comments anonymously because they are still allowed.

    Not sure why ANYONE is offended by anonymous comments. I personally think it is ridiculous. I focus on the content. Also, often I skip over comments from certain self-identified readers because I have little or no interest in what they have to say.

    I wonder why anonymous comments have not been banned already? Maybe it is because you would lose eyeballs and some good comments. If that is the case, maybe drop the silly scolding and show some appreciation.

    Sincerely, Anonymous

  2. Some of the anonymous comments are useful.

    Some of the anonymous comments name people by name and claim to be confession of sex crimes. So, yes, I scold those comments as a way to shame the Trump-supporting Republican who places them. I need to protect commenters from having defamatory things published in my blog, which creates liability for me, plus, of course, being unkind to the people who are defamed.

    Then there is gray area. There are comments that are anonymous, somewhat useful and interesting, and also in disagreement with my me. Like the one just posted. I like having contrary dialog in the comments, but I need to make gray-area decisions. Is it fair to call Biden old and past his prime. In my judgement, yes. Is it fair to call Biden or perhaps a commenter on this blog, including you if your identity were known, a sexual deviant who has been found guilty of performing oral sex on Putin? No, that isn't useful. But what about a negative comment that is useful but plagiarized? I delete those. What about a negative comment that is useful but argumentative and nasty in tone. I take a couple of seconds to make a decision. Does the nastiness overpower the usefulness?????

    Call the scolding silly if you like. I am attempting to exact a price from the Trump-supporting local Republican for attempting to post obscene defamations of people. Hey, Republicans, look what your guy does, the guy many of you vote for. If local Republicans like him, at least they know what they are getting, which reflects on them.when they vote for him.


    1. In my comment, I am referring to comments that are selected to be published.

      You are right to exclude highly inappropriate comments, which occurs behind the scenes. You are the editor and filter.

  3. I think I detect an obsession. There's an "anonymous" commentor everybody knows who is obsessed with imposing his anger and hatred on unwitting readers. He has claimed to have "water on the brain" (his words), but I suspect it's something else. Where's the Cancel Culture when you need it?



Do not be surprised or disappointed if you post anonymously and the comment never appears.

Comments attributed to other people are forwarded to local law enforcement for investigation and prosecution. Identity theft is a Class C felony.