Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Sample Number Two: Artificial Intelligence writes a blog post

Below is a sample blog post, written by an Artificial Intelligence website.

It is not the future of this blog. 

It is from ChatGPT, at www.openai.com It is currently free.

I will have comments on what is lacking in upcoming commentary. I would never make a daily habit of reading text like that below, but readers should decide for themselves. For today, just take it in. 

My prompt, telling the program what I wanted: "Write an essay about the downsides of wokeness and critical social justice ideology."

The response, received in a few minutes: 


Wokeness and critical social justice ideology have gained significant attention and influence in recent years, particularly within certain communities and sectors of society. While these ideologies aim to address and combat discrimination and inequality, they also have a number of downsides that should be acknowledged.


One of the main downsides of wokeness and critical social justice ideology is that it can be divisive and polarizing. These ideologies often involve a strong emphasis on identity and group membership, which can lead to the creation of "us vs. them" mentality. This can be especially harmful in a diverse and multicultural society, as it can lead to increased tension and mistrust between different groups.


Another downside of wokeness and critical social justice ideology is that it can lead to a culture of censorship and suppression of dissenting views. This is particularly true in environments where these ideologies are heavily promoted, such as universities and certain workplaces. Individuals who hold views that are perceived as "not woke" may feel pressured to keep quiet or risk being ostracized or facing consequences.


Additionally, wokeness and critical social justice ideology can be seen as overly simplistic and reductionist. These ideologies often reduce complex social issues to a matter of good vs. evil, and individuals to their respective group memberships, which can lead to a lack of nuance and understanding in important conversations.


Furthermore, it can be argued that wokeness and critical social justice ideology can lead to a lack of accountability for one's own actions and behavior. This can be seen in the way that individuals who hold these ideologies may view themselves as inherently good and morally superior, which can lead to a lack of self-reflection and a lack of willingness to take responsibility for one's own actions.


In conclusion, wokeness and critical social justice ideology have the potential to be powerful tools for addressing and combating discrimination and inequality. However, it is important to also acknowledge the downsides of these ideologies, such as divisiveness, censorship, oversimplification, and lack of accountability. It is important for individuals and communities to be aware of these downsides and to have open and honest conversations about the ways in which these ideologies are being applied and implemented.

I welcome reader opinion in the comments. 

[Note: To get daily delivery of this blog to your email go to: https://petersage.substack.com Subscribe. The blog is free and always will be.] 


  1. Writing term papers in college for a large portion of your grade will be impacted by this. I wonder how many “A” grades have been handed out already. ChatGPS can now write the screen plays for movies if you want. We are looking at a tidal wave of change way sooner than most people realize. Schools and education are going to have a hard time being adaptive to all the available technology.

  2. ChatGPT can also write code. I asked it to solve some simple coding problems, and it did just fine. Software developers may be in the process of putting themselves out of work. I suppose there’s some karmic justice in that.

  3. Interesting. Not exactly an in-depth analysis, but it sounds more intelligent than most of the anti-woke, social injustice warriors.

  4. As I understand it, ChatGPT works by predicting the next word it should write based on an analysis of all of the text currently available on the Internet. It does this over and over to produce an entire essay. It has nothing like what we would consider to be “an understanding“ of the concepts it is “writing“ about.

    It’s amazing how far ChatGPT can get based on an elementary process like this combined with massive computing power.

  5. Try to test the AI program against Godwin's law. That would be fun.

  6. The “industrial model“ of education may have to change because of things like CharGPT. Testing students may have to be done individually, in person. That will make it much more expensive and reliant on the subjective human judgment of those doing the testing

    At the moment, due to initiatives about “equity“, there is a movement to make grading as objective as possible. The emergence of ChatGPT may have just created a huge problem for those initiatives.

  7. There you go again.

    Even though this is merely an exercise, an example, you intentionally continue to harp on "anti-wokeness."

    If you were black or a female, instead of an uber-privileged white male, you might not find it so funny and cute.

    Like any garden-variety addict, it seems as if you can't stop yourself from inflicting pain on the people around you, in this case the readers of this blog. Instead of being respectful and responsible, the point seems to be getting attention, creating drama and stirring the pot. Perhaps the rush is intoxicating. To me it is pathological and very disturbing.

  8. It sounds like something written by a bright middle schooler. It would probably get a "C".

    It repeats the word "downsides" too many times...

    This is obvious but there is no sense of the personality of the writer, much like the forced neutrality of an academic treatise, or a journalist straining for objectivity. I suppose this is to be expected and I would imagine that we'll be able to assign an identity profile to future versions. At that point it will actually be able to mimic an actual literary voice.

    Interesting that there was an emphasis on divisiveness, as if that was something to be avoided without questioning whether one point of view is actually moral or socially redeeming.

    The use of AI for customer service is a growing industry. I think at this point most find it useless, I have never been satisfied with a chatbot response on a commercial website. Science fiction predicted self aware computing. Remember "Space Odyssey, 2001"? So it's a matter of when not if...

  9. “There you go again.”

    Said Regan to Carter...



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