Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas!

 Merry Christmas from President Joe Biden:

Merry Christmas from former president Donald Trump:

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  1. Telling for me that I only read about two sentences of what Trump had to offer. He is a tiresome old man. Can’t let go of bitterness even on Christmas? He is a bah humbug kind of old man.

  2. It’s incredible to realize that the latter Christmas message is from the 45th President of the United States. Almost half the voters in our country chose that to be leader of the free world. What explains it? Mass hysteria? The hateful sentiment behind his delusion is representative of the real War on Christmas.

    Happy Holidays.

  3. $100 says that Joe Biden is too senile to write his message, and that it was written by his speechwriter.

    1. Perhaps anonymous, but I’d rather have a harmless senile leader who has competent handlers, than a toxic, narcissistic, lying, self-dealing autocrat who is bent on destroying democracy, and who only surrounds himself by spineless, incompetent, sycophants.

    2. Hateful, just like your cult leader. Bah humbug


  4. I'll take you up on that, Anonymous. Now prove it or lose it.

    1. Unknown; I'll back you with an extra hundred, and I'm not afraid to publish my name.

  5. ...
    Thank you Peter happy holidays to you as well!
    The one distinction I will make here is that you know dawn well that Joe Biden did not write that tweet. I highly doubt he even know that it went out.
    On the other hand we can say for certain that Donald Trump definitely wrote his tweet, And you can't disparage him his frustration and what he writes is essentially true, so, why don't you go burn the baby Jesus in effigy, you filthy heathen.
    It's also the 8th night of Hanukkah you slovenly Greek idolaters!! Get your pigs out of the House of G'D!
    Too late for you abortionists, the Messiah is born(!!!), and the temple will be rebuilt!!!!!!!


    I have published the above comment from "David in Ashlsnd." It is the last comment of his I will publish either under that name or submitted anonymously, if written in that style. I have concerns about David-in-Ashland. The above comment is an example of what I find troubling. Possibly he is perfectly healthy and happy, but I worry he may have issues that are triggered by involvement with the comment section of this blog. It will be better for him and this blog if he goes elsewhere.

    Peter Sage

    1. Why was it posted at all? Does it contribute to a positive discussion of facts?
      I don't think so.

  7. It’s good to have input from all sides of an issue, but obvious lies and the raving of maniacs are counterproductive.

    1. It's good to have a variety of sane opinions. That is not one.

  8. Message failure? Sigh. Merry Christmas, Peter, to you and yours! (Cannot

  9. I suspected David in Ashland was just Rabbi Zaslow letting off steam, this time in salty ecumenical fashion.

  10. If I were the Rabbi, I'd consider that libelous.

  11. If you were the Rabbi, you’d not only have an antenna for facetiousness, but an operative understanding of “libelous” in any event.



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