Thursday, December 8, 2022

Hunter Biden's laptop

"You know, probably just me, but even if I did get to see Hunter's penis I still wouldn't have voted for Trump."

           Jordan Klepper, comedian

Hunter Biden's laptop was Trump's big pre-election "October Surprise." 

Twitter, Facebook, and the mainstream media suppressed it. Coming to them as it did, they thought it was suspicious.

GOP politicians are still sore about that.

Twitter didn’t trust the legitimacy of photos and emails supposedly found on Hunter Biden's laptop computer. The photos and emails made their way to Steve Bannon and Rudolf Giuliani and the Trump campaign. They gave them to Murdock's New York Post, which published them twenty days before the 2020 election. Those images and emails were widely promoted in the conservative media, but not on Twitter or Facebook, nor by mainstream media. 

It was in fact Hunter Biden's laptop. It contains self-generated pornography, emails with escorts, photos of Hunter Biden's ruined teeth, selfies of him looking wasted, and photos of his erect penis. It also included financial records and copies of letters relating to his work as a lobbyist. Juicy stuff.

I am not surprised the media was cautious. The story was too improbable. Supposedly Biden dropped off the laptop computer on which he carried out all of his personal and business life, but abandoned it at a repair shop and disappears. Really? Trump's October surprise was frustrated in part by his "cry wolf" history. Trump was on record wanting to get dirt on Hunter. Now the media was being handed on a silver platter a laptop with photos of Hunter Biden's sex play plus his financial records. Giuliani would not turn a copy of the hard drive over to Democrats so they could independently examine it. Anyone should have been skeptical.

Republican politicians and conservative media hosts openly scoffed at news that a 10-year-old victim of rape became pregnant and sought an abortion. This news emerged just as states were considering abortion bans after the Dobbs decision. It was the worst possible case and timing for abortion opponents--a 10-year-old rape victim!--so they assumed it was an invented story. They were right to be skeptical. It turned out to be true.

Any individual alert enough to refuse the bait of a phishing attempt knows that too-good-to-be-true gambits are dangerous. We know not to be fooled by the Nigerian prince.

Fox News and Republican officeholders feel cheated. Big tech and big media are secretly pro-Democratic, they say. They sat on campaign gold, and if the 2020 election had been a referendum on Hunter Biden, then Trump might have won. This controversy has been convenient for the GOP. It distracts from Trump. Don't look at the Trump conviction for tax fraud. Don't look at the January 6 sedition conviction. Don't look at Trump's call to ignore the Constitution. Look at Hunter Biden. 

Emails and images aren't necessarily what they appear to be. I won't supply links, but if one Googles "Deep Fake AOC" one would find credible videos of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's face and purported body interacting with porn stars. There are links to sites showing one how to create these.

Fake image

Here is a source for buying personal messages for family and friends directly from "Donald Trump." He says their name, congratulates them for their birthday or anniversary, gives them a pep talk, or thanks them for their support. It is an excellent holiday gift for $205.

This blog gets handed faked material often. Some purported comments are cut and paste plagiarisms from conservative media. Others are comments for publication prepared by a prominent Medford Republican who signs the names of my family and local Democratic officeholders to confessions describing deviant sex acts. They are fake. I delete them. I am particularly alert to too-good-to-be-true material. 

There is a reason most media sources, including blogs like this one, have shut down their comment section or moderate it. The world is full of cheaters, trolls, vandals, fake news creators, and people who attempt to defame others. A sketchy source connected to a political opponent is a bright red flag. Ending content moderation is the equivalent of defunding the police. It is a jungle out there.

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    The NYT and WaPo--not to mention federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies--would be gratified to read this latest proof that their politicized pabulum had been duly ingested by good progressives.

    Once again, yet again, read slowly please, the primary importance of Hunty's abandoned laptop was not titillating photographic proof of Hunty's general loathesomeness. That horse left the barn many years ago.

    The laptop contains evidence of business transactions and shared personal expenditures among the Biden family writ large. Moreover, the FBI has known since 2019 that the laptop content was quite authentic.

    That didn't stop selected feds, including FBI, from warning Mark Zuckerberg and others in the 2020 election runup to guard against and if prudent censor "hacked" and otherwise supposedly suspicious material.

    Several of Hunty's dubious ex-business partners are already felons or in prison. One isn't, Tony Bobulinski, who gave a full interview to the FBI long before October 2020, implicating all the Bidens in graft.

    As many have learned to their cost, lying to the FBI even on peripheral matters is highly dangerous to one's freedom. The FBI never followed up with Bobulinski one way or the other. Some dogs don't bark.


  2. Regarding Hunter Biden's laptop contents, the DoJ has opened an investigation into said contents. There is your proper resolution. Not trial by media and public opinion but an actual investigation into the facts seeking evidence of a crime. The salivations of poison peddlers has no place in resolving the issues raised in said laptop contents. Remember Comey's statement that the FBI was reopening their investigation into Hillary's emails when some were found on a hard drive of a friend of Wiener, an assistant for Hillary. The DoJ has made a similar statement regarding Hunter's hard drive once the FBI had it in their possession. The investigation continues and I am positive Fox et al will check back frequently to keep the investigation alive in the public's attention.

    Imagine what would have been the reactions of the media if the laptop had been turned over to the FBI initially. I imagine a proper investigation and not hearsay and innuendo but the NYP thrives on material of that nature so maybe the same flaming outrage.

  3. I am a technologist by trade. I understand hard drives, computers, and data. I’m still very skeptical of the “information “ allegedly found on a laptop computer. This kind of stuff is so easy to fake, the stakes are so high, the very prurient nature of the contents all make me tend to dismiss this as a typical politically motivated attack on a prominent politician. And, the inherently nasty nature of the “discoverer’s makes me doubly suspicious. It’s all a distraction.

  4. The mainstream media and the social media companies destroyed the public’s trust in them when they performed a politically motivated act of censorship and banned discussion of the laptop’s contents. They were so wrapped up in their blue bubble that they had no idea what their actions looked like to everyone else. They still don’t.

    There was a recent debate, described below, on the proposition: Don't Trust Mainstream Media. The audience was originally 52% against the proposition, 48% in favor. At the end of the debate, they had shifted to 33% against, 67% in favor.

    Munk Debates: Be it Resolved: Don't Trust Mainstream Media (video), (transcript)

  5. Tom--

    I assume you felt the same way about nasty prurience and politically-motivated hitjobs when FBI Director Comey went to the White House to "brief" Trump about an intelligence report about a Russian hooker's supposed hotel pee tape then, er, leaked that info (pun intended).

    Never mind that Comey and his FBI already knew the Steele dossier was bosh, including from Steele, but used the briefing to justify subsequent FISA court spy warrants, just as the FBI has long verified the Hunty laptop content is NOT bosh or faked, but quite authentic.

    I know I view proffered content through a strictly transactional party lens. After all, Harry Reid's reply to post-election revelations that, contrary to Reid's strident, purportedly informed pre-election claims, Romney HAD paid taxes after all? "It worked, didn't it?"

    Still, if a dogged, almost blind focus on prurience successfully distracts from graft and influence peddling laundered through the then-Vice President's office, not to mention Air Force Two, I am all for that. As I said, it's aLL about whose elephant or donkey is gored.

  6. The story of Hunter's laptop is more complicated than fits on a bumper strip. Folks inclined to vote against Democrats are sure that Biden is corrupt and Trump's FBI knew it all along but failed to do anything about it. They also avert their eyes from Trump.

    Here is a more complete story, this from Wired Magazine, which covers the technology business. Twitter was well justified in being nervous. If GOP oriented people want to hitch their wagon to conservative media, Elon Musk, and Fox News style resentment, they may come to regret it. Here is the Wired story:

  7. Republicans think they know what’s on Hunter’s alleged laptop because the Trump devotee who claimed it was left at his shop made copies of it that were given to Rudy Giuliani and the NY Post. The questionable provenance of the laptop and rules regarding chain of evidence make it unlikely we’ll ever see it brought up in court, but fans of right-wing conspiracy theories need have no fear. You can be sure that for the next two years, House Republicans will be treating us to an interminable “investigation,” dutifully followed by Fox Noise, that will make their multiple Benghazi “investigations” seem interesting by comparison. Anything to divert our attention from the increasing likelihood of their Supreme Leader being indicted.

  8. Folks, even the NYT, WaPo, CBS News etc. have each had to acknowledge via their own belated investigations and via their federal law enforcement sources that that laptop’s contents are authentic and attributable to Hunty and the family biz. The only issues remaining are how far up the chain is provable. Look it up on your favorite, coff coff, credible news source. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

  9. Oops. I didn't mean to disguise my scorn by going anonymous in the comment above, so allow me to reiterate my prediction: Before the 2024 elections, House Republicans will have squandered so much time futilely perseverating over Hunter's laptop that even the conspiracy theory crackpots will be sick of it.

  10. Wow. I did my own research on this. It was easy. This is what I found: "After extensive scrutiny of the laptop contents by multiple parties, no evidence of illegal or unethical activity by Joe Biden or Hunter Biden was found." Wikipedia.

  11. The difference these days between a conspiracy “theory” and a conspiracy is what is or is not a partisan inconvenience if proven. The theoretical serves as a basis for s legitimate story while that plays out when it serves partisan interests; when inconvenient, it is dismissed altogether as wild, untrustworthy speculation unless and until established in full. The sheep obey. Welcome to today’s legacy news.

  12. Jonah—

    Accepting the Wikipedia interpretation of course as substantively dispositive, until updated, it does appear that for you and Wikipedia anyway, now, the laptop content its authentic after, not crackpot,……just not ethically damning….per the latest Wikipedia entry. Small steps. Onward. Popcorn’s nearly ready…..

  13. In reality, the difference between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy is evidence based on facts, which is why Trump's election conspiracy theory never got anywhere in the courts and why, after over four years of investigation, Hunter has yet to be indicted for a crime, in spite of all the hysteria over him in the right-wing media.

  14. Why can't you stop humiliating and ridiculing someone with a complex, chronic mental illness who has done nothing to you? Shaming an addict or alcoholic only makes the situation worse, as any informed person will tell you. (Of course the pro-life hypocrites would be delighted if they totally destroyed HB, to the point of suicide.)

    A person who spends their time and energy shaming, ridiculing and further harming someone with a brain disorder is just as sick, if not sicker, than the recipient of their abuse. He is also a bully.

    Since you apparently are not aware, these are some of the causes of addiction (in no particular order): genetic predisposition (inherited), trauma (including childhood trauma) and having another mental illness (dual diagnosis).

    Is the purpose of this blog to advance enlightenment and understanding or ignorance and hate? Do no harm.

    If HB is guilty of any actual crimes, the justice system can handle it. Also the IRS.

  15. Peter Sage is attempting to point out two issues with Hunter Biden's behavior.

    One, it covers Joe with the stink of scandal inviting the whataboutism deployed by the opposition to all things Joe Biden. Exactly what Trump was trying to get Giuliani to setoff the stink in his trip to Ukraine. The stink is now in the Twitterverse. You can watch for the Congressional hearings already openly discussed and promised by McCarthy.

    Two, the attention caused by the laptop stink has retarded the progressive portion of his Build Back Better initiative as less than half of the Bill passed Congress. That is where Joe's big heart may have actually hurt his most noble plan to help the children and their families.

    I hope my analysis is wrong, unfortunately it may be worse for the nation.



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