Sunday, December 4, 2022

Easy Sunday: Terminate the Constitution.

This isn't a joke.

Donald Trump published a Truth Social message, calling for termination of the Constitution to restore him to office. 


Republican candidates and officeholders still do not criticize him by name. I welcome comments and Guest Posts from Republicans who defend Trump and support his claims about the 2020 election or his election in 2024.


  1. I was thinking it is so ridiculous that it should be ignored, not worth reacting to. That would be the sting that would hurt him. That was his power- say outrageous things and get the attention. I don’t read everything about Trump now, I’m slowly learning and I think the media is as well.

  2. One of my go-to conservative commentary sites is the Power Line blog, staffed by various national legal heavyweights. Today’s entry is entitled, “Trump Is Finished” because of the TruthSocial conment in question. The subtext is “As Well He Should Be”, though that’s long been the particular writer’s position. He is saying there can be no way forward from here for anyone rational.

    Not surprisingly, “Trump Is Finished” has generated abnormally high comment traffic. Contrary to the writer’s outlook, however, which I share, there are still conservatives with brains trying to spin for Trump, calling this latest blast a hypothetical. The problem there is that Trump specifies the 2020 election, THEN asks whether the results should be thrown out or a new election held.

    When he surged to the GOP lead in 2016 my view was something I thought a commonplace then, a clarion call now: he is manifestly unqualified. That includes for the pedant in me—his odd ignorance of English usage. Look at his quotes around “Founders”. The dolt thinks they are another form of emphasis, like all-caps. Instead he inadvertently questions them, as the election.

    A new election tomorrow would not go very well for Trump anyway. I’d guess 68-32, with Biden himself (for me) a near-travesty.

  3. Was there massive cheating and irregularities in the 2020 Presidential election? YES....OF COURSE THERE WAS. The cheating was unprecedented. However, since the Courts (including the Supreme Court) refused to hear the Trump election complaints, then it's all a moot point now. It's too late to change the 2020 election. If Trump were going to address the irregularities in the election, then it would have had to happen before Biden was installed as President. It's too late now.

    There's NO way in hell that Biden got 81 million legitimate votes, which is more votes than Hillary and Obama got, and Biden spent the entire election hidden in his basement. You want to compare old, dull, corrupt, senile Biden to Rock-Star Obama? For an intelligent, thinking person, it doesn't add-up. Biden has spent his entire life cheating to get ahead, so what's the harm with a little election cheating?

    Trump is a loose cannon. Trump isn't going to suspend the Constitution. Trump is venting because he knows he got screwed. Trump did get screwed. Trump is so hated that people won't help him even if he were injured. Trump is his own worst enemy.

    Trump would be wise to move-on from 2020, and focus on 2024. The Biden Administration is so corrupt and incompetent, that numerous Republicans would beat him if he ran again. But, Biden won't run again. He's damaged goods.

    Biden will be impeached (justifiably) numerous times during 2023, and he'll be lucky to survive his Presidency. I think that Biden will be gone within six months. Then you'll get President Kamala, who will make Biden look good. But then, Kamala will get impeached (justifiably), too.

    2024 is still a long way off, so who knows what will happen, but my money is on Ron DeSantis.

    1. Better than the Sunday funnies!

    2. My ol' editor's red pen dried up as I marked up this missive.

  4. I publish the comment by Curt Ankerberg as a calibration-fix for readers. The author of that comment on Biden's certain loss demonstrates the blindness of Trump-supporting Republicans who are deep into the cult cocoon. Of course, tens of millions of people did not vote FOR Biden. They voted against Trump. Trump is crazy. He is a performer. He dominates the news and is good at being the center of every news cycle. The author heard things he liked, apparently, and was able to overlook the rest. Trump actively appealed to his base and did so by vilifying people not in the base. They did not have bumper strips or banners on the back of pickup trucks. They showed up because they were disgusted by Trump. It really is simple as that. People in the cocoon don't understand and believe that Biden could possibly have won. Where are the crowds? Where was the enthusiasm? Answer: There wasn't a lot of it. The pre-election polls projected Biden would win and he did win. Meanwhile Republicans won. What happened to Trump? How could he lose when Republican candidates for federal and state offices won. Three or four percent of Republicans under-voted. Secretaries of State like Raffensperger explained it. Enough people saw Trump as "his own worst enemy" and didn't vote for president. Some others voted for Biden, reluctantly perhaps, but for Biden. Republicans like Randy Sparicino in Medford blew it. He had every opportunity to show a little independence from local cultists and did not. He had every opportunity to show a little independence from upstate GOP puppet-masters. He did not. He tied himself to Trump and threw away the five percent of the vote that would have elected him. Democrats are so very lucky that Republicans are blind. They tie themselves to an anchor.

    This tweet by Trump shows just how big an anchor.

    Peter Sage

  5. Republicans are in a quandary. If they dump Trump, they risk losing his white nationalist base. Most don’t want to talk about him, hoping he’ll just go away. Any that defend him would have to be as crazy as he is, so allow me to explain the obvious:

    Trump is a greedy, delusional, angry compulsive liar who cares about no-one but himself and has no knowledge of or interest in America’s founding principles. He was made leader of the Republican Party because he best represents their values.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  7. The deleted comment criticized me for conflating "white nationalist" with "white supremacist," so I thought it appropriate to provide this dictionary definition.

    White Nationalist:
    The belief, theory, or doctrine that white people are inherently superior to people from all other racial and ethnic groups, and that in order to preserve their white, European, and Christian cultural identities, they need or deserve a segregated geographical area, preferential treatment, and special legal protections.

  8. Y'all forget...this is fundraising spam, designed to tweak the media and draw attention to the sales pitch and they fall for it every time, due to the insatiable 24 hr., scoop driven, outrage addicted news cycle.

    The "let's ignore it" point of view is actually pretty much on point. I get emails from Nigeria that aren't echoed in the Mail Tribune, at least not yet.

    It's like the poor soul with the cardboard sign at the stoplight, only with less dignity.

  9. A final observation:

    Before becoming Trump's energy secretary, Rick Perry accurately described him as "a cancer on conservatism." Like cancer, ignoring him isn't likely to make him go away. But prison might.

  10. I see three possible explanations:

    * Trump has no plan to run for president in 2024. He did this to cause mass condemnation, so that he can cast the entire political world as corrupt and withdraw from running with his ego intact.

    * Trump sees a way to use the mass condemnation as a way to increase fundraising from his supporters.

    * Trump’s mental state is deteriorating even further into paranoid delusion.

  11. “Truth Social”: brought to you by the Ministry Of Truth…

  12. Politically speaking, Republicans are probably correct to ignore all the outrage about Trump’s statement. The outcry will damage Trump, and staying above the fray will help Republicans look good to voters who are repelled by extreme levels of political noise.

  13. Republican readers failed to make their voices heard on Peter’s question. Throw out the US Constitution for Trump or stay the continued insurrection by the cult of DJT.

  14. The only thing shocking about Trump’s tweet is that there’s nothing shocking about it. That’s what we’ve come to expect from the GOP's last president. At least, we can hope he’s the last. Real conservatives need a new party.

  15. The most important gloss on Trump in my opinion remains that one should resist extrapolating or universalizing from what he sees in his navel and his hand mirror. It all started, the celebrity component anyway, with “Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous” in the 1980s. In 2016 it was if a malevolent, tacky Chauncey Gardiner entered big time politics by whimsy. But Democrats believe they’ve their proper, natural opponent. In a way, he and Biden are two sides of the same coin. They will prove more sober if they decline to nominate Oprah Winfrey next.


  16. Is LD's comment our long-awaited Republican defense? The point's not exactly clear but seems to be that we shouldn't extrapolate anything from what he says. It's kind of like what Kellyanne Conway once said: We shouldn't go by what comes out of his mouth, but by what's in his heart.

  17. I'm actually agreeing with Rick Millward.

    But about the whole termination of rules and articles thing, technically congress has HUGELY broad discretion when it comes to things that aren't specific. This is why we have lawmakers and a court system which sways too and fro, dancing together in the everlasting quest for a more perfect union.

    Congress did its job and Biden is now president. Our system worked and frankly I am tiring of those believing it so shaky as someone who walked away quietly on January 20th was really so much of an existential threat two weeks earlier.

    It's time to emotionally evolve a bit. Americans are stronger than this.

  18. Trump alone poses no threat at all. However, he and many in his party tried to overthrow the government, and his party became completely complicit by trying to derail any effort to investigate it. Even now, House Republicans are promising to investigate the investigation.



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