Thursday, November 3, 2022

The president's bully pulpit

President Biden spoke yesterday. He was doing the bedrock job of an American president. 

He was trying to persuade.

He urged Americans to come together and agree that democracy itself is worth preserving. 

“We’re facing a defining moment. We must with one overwhelming, unified voice speak, as a country, and say there’s no place for voter intimidation or political violence in America.”

Back in 1967 I heard a professor tell me that presidents have less power than most Americans think. Power is divided between branches of government. Just because a president tells an executive department to do something doesn't mean it gets done. Things only happen, Professor Richard Neustadt told us, when the president persuades people to do it. 

As Barack Obama put it, the president's job is "to explain stuff." Presidents meet the challenges of their moment by explaining the moment to a skeptical Congress and public. Lyndon Johnson persuaded a majority of Americans that laws that brought equality for Black Americans were overdue. Ronald Reagan persuaded a majority of Americans in 1984 that it was "Morning in America," and time to be optimistic again.

I want Biden to be good at the job of persuasion, especially now, amid the open flouting of democracy. Candidates proudly say they won't abide by the results of an election if they don't win--and they get more popular after saying it. We face a defining moment.

Lawrence DiCara attended that same class by Professor Neustadt. He has had a brilliant, and early, career in politics. He was elected to the Boston City Council shortly after finishing college and served on it for ten years. As a City Councilor he helped shape the development of Quincy Market, Copley Place, and the Charlestown Navy Yard. Boston is a very different and better place than it was back in the 1970s. DiCara has been intimately involved with development that shaped Boston's restoration into one of America's great and successful cities.

Guest Post by Lawrence DiCara

“The power of the president is the power to persuade.” That sentence was added to the lexicon of American political science by Richard Neustadt, a diminutive fun-loving professor; some of us dared to take his course as Harvard freshmen!

His head section person, Doris Kearns Goodwin, had just gone to Washington to work for Lyndon Johnson. His student Graham Allison was all but finished with his doctoral dissertation on the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Neustadt had watched Roosevelt as a young man, worked in the Truman White House, and then he put together a bible for the Kennedy administration. The book has a position of honor in my bookcase at home. I believe that what he wrote over 60 years ago is as true today as it was then.

The president doesn’t act alone. The president’s power comes from the ability to persuade the people he needs to cooperate and act. These include the House, the Senate, the bureaucracy, and ultimately the American people. Is that not what Theodore Roosevelt spoke of as the bully pulpit? The President is not a glorified clerk. It is a position of true leadership and Dick Neustadt was in the background giving guidance to many political leaders over a period of decades with that in mind.

John Kennedy’s famous speech at the commencement at American University in June of 1963, the so called Pax Americana Speech, set the stage for the passage of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty a few months later. The treaty was supported by Republicans and Democrats. He was able to persuade each of them, and the American people, that we had to take a step back from the nuclear brinksmanship we had seen the fall prior.

Not only did I take Gov 154 in the fall of 1967, I later took a course at the Kennedy School when I was a graduate student. As part of that class Richard Neustadt dissected our writing. I still write the way he taught me. He was emphatic that Truman, for whom he had worked, would nearly exclusively use words with Teutonic origins. Kennedy – who was educated at some of the nation’s best schools - used words which had Greek and Latin origins.

Neustadt persuaded me to shorten my sentences. His lessons on presidential leadership persuaded thousands of people who became leaders in our nation and our world.


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  1. I wonder what the venerable Professor Neustadt would say--did say, for all I know--about the subsequent meteoric rise in the power of the modern federal bureaucracy and the executive order. Moreover, 1967 is obviously well before Congress gave away the farm on War Powers in the '70s, essentially enshrining precisely what they had wanted to forbid after Vietnam, namely quasi-war executive military actions without that pesky Congressional approval.

  2. I’m afraid it will take a more charismatic leader and speaker than President Biden to persuade Republicans that democracy is worth preserving. They’re far too preoccupied with their election lies, conspiracy theories and war on ‘woke’ or social justice.


  3. I would say it's pretty clear that Joe Biden did not take Professor Neustadt's class. It is more than likely that he has no idea who Professor Neustadt was for that matter. Joe Biden doesn't even know where he went to college. He makes up a new alma mater every time he speaks.

    Well I guess you had to post something today Peter, but I'm afraid I have to give you a big fat F for fudge packing this blog post with such nonsense like democracy is in peril. To use an "old timey" liberal phrase, "this is what democracy looks like". Democracy is in full swing around the entire country right now. The only peril is that Democrats are going to lose on historic levels ...God willing!

    To continue with my penchant for using old hardcore punk songs from the '80s, today's installment will be from the band X. "We're Desperate"

    [Verse 1]
    I play too hard when I ought to go to sleep
    They pick on me 'cause I really got the beat
    Some people give me the creeps

    Every other week, I need a new address
    Landlord, landlord, landlord, clean up the mess
    Our whole fucking life is a wreck

    We're desperate, get used to it
    We're desperate, get used to it
    We're desperate, get used to it
    We're desperate, get used to it, it's kiss or kill

    [Verse 2]
    Coca-Cola and a Motorola kitchen
    Naugahyde and a tie-dye t-shirt
    Last night, everything broke

    We're desperate, get used to it
    We're desperate, get used to it
    We're desperate, get used to it
    We're desperate, get used to it, it's kiss or kill

    [Verse 3]
    I play too hard when I ought to go to sleep
    They pick on me 'cause I really got the beat
    Some people give me the creeps

    Every other week, I need a new address
    Landlord, landlord, landlord, clean up the mess
    Our whole fucking life is a wreck

    We're desperate, get used to it
    We're desperate, get used to it
    We're desperate, get used to it
    We're desperate, get used to it, it's kiss or kill

  4. David in Ashland obviously appreciates deep and meaningful song lyrics, but is it relevant?

  5. “Boston is a very different and better place than it was back in the 1970s. DiCara has been intimately involved with development that shaped Boston's restoration into one of America's great and successful cities.”

    Too bad Medford has no one like him. This town has not gotten better. It’s gotten a lot worse. Local leadership (cough) has dismally failed.

    Eugene and Springfield (for two) have gotten better. Medford has gotten worse.

    As to the US and Biden, seriously?

    “We must with one overwhelming, unified voice speak”

    There’s no unified voice, and in the totality of my memory none weaker than his.

    Weakest voice (embarrassing usually) in a viciously divided time.

  6. Anyone who isn't concerned about the dangerous and violent Alt-right, MAGA, Qanon Cult is one of the following: 1) one of them, 2) a sympathizer or 3) ignorant.

  7. And here are some lyrics from the Grateful Dead’s Ship Of Fools:

    I won't slave for beggar's pay
    Likewise gold and jewels
    But I would slave to learn the way
    To sink your ship of fools

    The rising wave of working class populism is going to sink the Democrats’ ship this time. If the Republicans don’t catch a clue and do something effective, it’ll be their turn next time.

  8. Another way to say “leadership“ is charisma. Biden scores approximately zero on that scale; Kamala Harris descends into the negative numbers. Trump had it. Obama had it. George W had it slightly. Bill Clinton had it; his wife did not. Reagan had a ton of it.

    2024? Kari Lake, possibly.

    Watch them with the sound turned off.

    To quote a chant commonly heard at left-wing demonstrations, “This is what democracy looks like!”

  9. It is clearly relevant because this sad speech is a last ditch effort of pure desperation by the captain of a very fast sinking ship. Every time Joe Biden speaks he persuades another Democrat to jump ship.

    1. Many of us are quite happy with President Biden's policies and leadership. I know that I am. Informed Americans understand that certain problems are global in nature and there are no easy answers or quick fixes. I don't engage in magical thinking and I don't expect our president to be a magician or the Messiah.

  10. What Biden said is all too true, but it's too bad he even had to say it. The fact that it's being judged on the basis of style rather than content further confirms the point he made.

  11. "It was later than I thought
    when I first believed you
    now I cannot share your laughter
    ...ship a fools"
    ( that goes out to my fellow deadheads in the room)

    In response to comment made by Anon Mouse.

    Do you believe that a man can become a woman just with a thought? that's magical thinking.

    Do you believe that Humanity will ever end the use of fossil fuels, and in less than a decade?? that is Extreme magical thinking.

    Do you believe that covering the Cascade Mountains in solar panels and blocking all of Oregon's Coastal ports with windmills is going to provide even enough power for a half of a Borough in Portland?? That's magical thinking

    Do you believe that printing more and more money and increasing our debt will bring down inflation?? That's not only magical thinking that's called Keynesian hackery. Mercantilism is magical economics.
    Because if you turn around and try to tell me that this is all solvable by science then I got to ask you how's that turning lead into gold going for you because you are obviously an alchemist which is born of magical thinking

    " Dream On, Dream On, Dream On, Dream until your dreams come true"

    One of the best things Donald Trump did on Foreign Relations was move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The American embassy in Jerusalem is very much a statement in support of the nation of Israel and their right to be who and where they are.
    An embassy is not a Temple to Hashem.

    The temple to Yahweh when it is rebuilt by Moschiach, who is a descendant of the family of Judah, will re-establish the traditional RELIGIOUS rights and practices of the people of Israel.

    Even if Donald Trump were to convert to Judaism it would be a hard sell for him to say he comes from the line of Judah.
    Yes of course some people would buy it. Just in the same way that people believe that the 2020 election was the cleanest most uncorrupted perfectly legitimate election America has ever had.
    And that is the Allure of magic

  12. (seriously Peter?)

    "It was later than I thought
    when I first believed you
    now I cannot share your laughter
    ...ship a fools"
    ( that goes out to my fellow deadheads in the room)

    In response to comment made by Anon Mouse.

    Do you believe that a man can become a woman just with a thought? that's magical thinking.

    Do you believe that Humanity will ever end the use of fossil fuels, and in less than a decade?? that is Extreme magical thinking.

    Do you believe that covering the Cascade Mountains in solar panels and blocking all of Oregon's Coastal ports with windmills is going to provide even enough power for a half of a Borough in Portland?? That's magical thinking

    Do you believe that printing more and more money and increasing our debt will bring down inflation?? That's not only magical thinking that's called Keynesian hackery. Mercantilism is magical economics.
    Because if you turn around and try to tell me that this is all solvable by science then I got to ask you how's that turning lead into gold going for you because you are obviously an alchemist which is born of magical thinking

    " Dream On, Dream On, Dream On, Dream until your dreams come true"

    One of the best things Donald Trump did on Foreign Relations was move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The American embassy in Jerusalem is very much a statement in support of the nation of Israel and their right to be who and where they are.
    An embassy is not a Temple to Hashem.

    The temple to Yahweh when it is rebuilt by Moschiach, who is a descendant of the family of Judah, will re-establish the traditional RELIGIOUS rights and practices of the people of Israel.

    Even if Donald Trump were to convert to Judaism it would be a hard sell for him to say he comes from the line of Judah.

  13. Peter, you do have the right to only post it once

  14. It sounds like the Deadheads are having a long, strange trip. Very strange, but maybe too long.

  15. You never know where Deadheads will turn up… 😀

  16. Doris Kearns Goodwin. An honored and respected Colby College graduate



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