Sunday, November 13, 2022

Easy Sunday, Part One: A Christmas Email from Trump

Keeping it classy.

A brand new item, direct from the official Donald J. Trump merchandise site: 

"Let's Go Brandon" wrapping paper.

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  1. Maybe a better Xmas wrapping would be Trumty Dumpty , the loser had a great fall. I might buy something like that from the unstable genius.

    1. "Trumpty Dumpty, the Biggest Loser," !
      I like it ! I couldn't help but notice as I traversed our Valley today a noticeable lack of Seditionist Flags flying. I did see that the Biggest Losers have yet to take down their yard signs, but I guess the laws don't apply to Losers ?

  2. In 2016, Trump told his supporters, “We’re gonna win so much you’re gonna get tired of winning.” It looks like they did.

    If the wrapping paper looks lame, I recommend the T-shirts that say, “SICK AND TIRED OF WINNING.”

  3. "We will also include the following MY PILLOW premiums at no additional cost because we've got to.get the warehouses cleared of this high quality, well quality, well crap : Pillow. Sheets, Bathrobe, Slippers, French letters, and bubble bath..Delivered by My Pillow Guy himself as he's now a Grub Hub, Uber, Lyft, Dash, seasonal UPS driver. You'll recognize him HE'LL BE WEARING A RED BASEBALL HAT



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