Sunday, November 20, 2022

Easy Sunday: Good things to enjoy on a quiet Sunday

Toddlers splashing in rain puddles. 
Tim Ryan's concession speech. 


  1. Ryan’s concession speech is a quaint reminder of a time when the peaceful transfer of power was taken for granted, before the GOP descended into madness.

  2. In the clip provided, Tim Ryan sounds measured, gracious and in my opinion wholly sincere. It's a pity he couldn't have remained in the House, where he could have counseled among others Speaker Pelosi's putative replacement in the Democratic leadership, Hakeem Jeffries. From Jeffries' still-extant Twitter claims relevant to recent elections:

    "The more we learn about the 2016 election, the more ILLEGITIMATE it becomes...

    History will never accept you [Trump] as a legitimate President...

    Russia stole the election for the so-called President is sweeping and systematic fashion...

    [Re 2020:] The person trying to steal the election is YOU (and your Kremlin buddies...."

    Back to Tim Ryan's speech? He specifically contrasted America to lesser nations where those presently in power repeatedly try to and often succeed in imprisoning political opponents. Now Trump did lead corrosive chants of "Lock Her Up", but when it comes to concerted action under the ambit of criminal law you've got to hand it to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the FBI and the Biden administration....

  3. My own view is to agree with Senator McConnell, that Trump incited a riot to attempt to intimidate Congress into overturning an election. This raises the question: What is a Justice Department supposed to do when, publicly and openly, a sitting president attempts to overthrow an election. I heard significant portions of his conversation with Brad Raffensperg. It sounded to me like clear coaching to urge he invent some excuse for overturning the Georgia vote. Trump urged his Vice President to void electoral votes in the face of clear notice from his election security people, his AG, his own Justice Department people that he lost the election. In my view, these are not invented crimes. This isn't a show trial situation. In face, based on the evidence I observe, Trump attempted a coup d'état. I consider this morally wrong and criminal. Therefore, facing trial for that seems to be not just OK, but necessary.

    Similarly, if a Democrat loses the 2024 election, but Vice President Harris throws out the votes cast for the Republican claiming that she feels the votes for the Republican in Texas, Florida, Wyoming, and Utah are all fraudulent and therefore the Democrat wins. I would not support that coup d'état. What is amazing to me is that so many Republicans who would be outraged if Harris did that seem to find a million excuses for Trump and well-educated, presumably rational and fair-minded citizens, are OK with it. After all, Hunter Biden is a drunk and drug addict, therefore Trump should get away with openly and proudly flouting the laws.

  4. Undermining elections and attempts to thwart the results of elections are bad, period. Trump did worse by a goodly margin. That doesn't give Democrats a pass for scurrilous, ultimately fanciful claims that Trump was himself an illegitimate election thief and traitorous Russian patsy.

    Joe Biden is the reason the Hunter investigation is crucial. IF our Hunty was not just a reckless addict but also a fraudster and international influence-peddler, with the connivance of his father and graft partner, Democrats should leave off playing the ostrich with her head in the sand.

    Operative word, "if". Sure, prove it. Customarily, however, thanks to biased legacy journalism, a potential GOP scandal gets saturation treatment upon the arrival of a colorable "if". A potential Democratic scandal is dismissed as a non-story--or worse--unless and until proven in full.

  5. Everybody knows that Putin helped elect Trump. Trump may not have 'colluded' in the legal sense, but he was certainly aware of it. In other words, there's some basis for Jeffries' comments and none for Trump's. Plus, Jeffries wasn't the POTUS and he didn't incite a riot.

    It's a good thing Republicans are so fixated on Hunter's alleged laptop, because I expect over the next two years, even they will get sick of hearing about it. They'll have to harass Dr. Fauci for some comic relief.



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