Sunday, October 9, 2022

Easy Sunday: Bird, Bird Nest, Bird Eggs, Baby Birds

55 Days in the life of a mother bird.

There is time later to show video of Trump in Nevada, insisting the election was rigged and that he won the 2020 election by a landslide.  He doesn’t hide who he is. He is the gift that keeps giving to Democrats.

There is time, too, to show video of the candidate for Nevada Secretary of State saying that he has organized a half-dozen fellow election-deniers/election-reversers to be candidates for Secretary of State in battleground states. He doesn’t hide who he is, either. Elections that a Democrat wins simply must have been stolen. Candidates like him may motivate Democrats to vote.

There is time ahead to quote the Jackson County, Oregon GOP’s message to fellow Republicans, urging that they stop attacking Jeff Golden by calling him racist for the book he wrote. It was backfiring. The attacks made Golden look good and Sparacino look like a nasty Republican who would say anything to get elected. So cool it! 

But today, Sunday, let's just look at the life cycle of a Eurasian blue tit.

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  1. Fledgling politicians hatch tactics to flip the bird at opponents and egg them on.

  2. “Gravid parent”, please. The term “mother” has become offensive because noninclusive.

  3. LD,

    The politically correct woke term is egg layer.

  4. Former Guy may well be the gift that keeps on giving to the Democratic Party; the question is, are Democratic Politicians, and the Party writ large, smart enough, and willing enough to do what it takes to defeat the Latter Day Confederacy, which this time is not confined to the States in the Southeastern part of the Nation.



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