Sunday, September 25, 2022

Easy Sunday: The birth of an elephant

Today we witness the birth of a real-life elephant. 

Elephant mothers are "single moms." The mother and baby get the immediate support and protection of the herd. 

Watch. Sixty seconds.

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  1. Joe Biden still eats shit.

  2. Again, this anonymous comment timed at 8:48 is from someone I have evidence is a Trump-supporting local Republican activist.

    Peter Sage

  3. Aside from demonstrating how stupid and irrelevant he is, what's the point?

  4. Anon @ 8:48:

    Hop on the spoon.

  5. The point is to show how stupid and irrelevant the commenter is.

    A secondary point is that he reflects on other local Trump-supporting Republicans because the commenter is personally known to them, and he is not publicly condemned nor ostracized by them.

    1. Silence is complicity. At this point, given the near daily revelations of Former Guys criminality, and quite possibly, even Treason, anybody still supporting him is just as evil and potentially treasonous. Only my opinion, but I'm pretty sure "just following orders" was disproven as a Defense at Nuremburg.

  6. Watching this I'm struck by the thought that Republicans have forgotten why they chose the elephant to represent them.

    The donkey?...well yeah...

  7. Ed Cooper is too right. A recent USA Today/Ipsos poll showed the 59% of Republicans think Trump should be their nominee in 2024, and 82% believe he can win if he is. People make all kinds of excuses for why so many are so attracted to such a psychotic pathological liar, but once all the BS is shoveled aside, it’s because they’re as messed up as he is.

    Widespread complicity in treason - it's become the proverbial elephant in the room.



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