Friday, August 26, 2022

Democrats did well. Part Three: 15% corporate minimum tax

Democrats did something popular that makes the world better.

A corporate minimum income tax of 15% is a provision in the Inflation Reduction Act.

New York Times
The Inflation Reduction Act is complicated. Most Americans would like what is in the bill if they understood what is there. They hear numbers, but not the practical benefits. The law was passed and signed in a moment of yet more Trump drama, this time involving the FBI recovery of documents taken to Mar-a-Lago. And now the news is shared with the controversy over student loan forgiveness. Amid all the noise, the 15% minimum corporate tax provision gets forgotten. 

The corporate minimum tax addresses a problem. Some very profitable companies were arranging their accounting to avoid taxation. The 15% corporate minimum tax is analogous to the Alternative Minimum Tax paid by individual taxpayers who arrange to have so many deductions and tax workarounds that they wouldn't pay anything near their scheduled marginal rate. The Alternative Minimum Tax kicks in. People caught by it don't like it. It confounds their tax strategy, which is its point.

This minimum tax for corporations is popular with the public. The vast majority of Americans, getting W-2 income from employers. They have few tax avoidance strategies. However, the opportunities for international corporations are endless. American taxpayers  observe multi-billion dollar corporations pay little or no tax. They resent it. Gallup polling for two decades has been consistent in reporting that 65% to 70% of Americans think corporations pay too little in taxes. Corporations have accountants and lobbyists to game a very game-able system.  Minimum taxes put a floor under the gamesmanship. 

There is a second, related issue. Large international companies can shift where they book income, moving their supposed corporate headquarters to low-tax jurisdictions, then pay taxes at their rate, not at the rate where most of their sales happen. The U.S. has led an effort to get all developed countries to agree to a similar 15% minimum. The Voice of America explains

The global minimum tax is part of a larger international taxation framework developed under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the G-20 group of large economies. The deal brought together more than 135 countries in an effort to control “base erosion and profit shifting,” known by the acronym BEPS. 

BEPS refers to tax strategies employed by multinational corporations. The practice involves strategically placing operations in low-tax jurisdictions, thereby eroding the tax “base” of their home countries, and then “shifting” profits earned internationally so that they are paid in those low-tax jurisdictions. 

Getting international cooperation is an ongoing project. The U.S. version of the 15% minimum tax calculates income on "taxable income" rather than the "book income" preferred in Europe. Joe Manchin insisted on that. Still, the U.S. is in a position to urge a universal 15% rate, which will reduce the incentive for corporate venue shopping.  

Biden presented himself as a person who might know a thing or two about getting legislation passed. He came through. The sausage got made, notwithstanding zero margin in the U.S. senate. International cooperation on a worldwide 15% tax is the culmination of this administration's policy to return our foreign relations to rules-based international cooperation. That, too, took a mix of policy and moxie. Americans--me included--underestimated Biden. 

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  1. Another result of US corporate taxation policy is excessive compensation which exacerbates wealth inequality. Executives are rewarded for increasing profit, a big part of which comes from tax strategies. This ripples down into smaller companies as well and contributes to an overall negative attitude toward taxes.

    But to my thinking the biggest benefit is what you mention; the perception, and hopefully reality, of fairness. I'd venture that most people don't object to paying taxes, they understand that taxes provide for the common good and contribute to the overall economic activity.

  2. It’s really good to follow someone in your profession who was incompetent. I had the luck of doing that and the amount of consistent praise I received for doing my job adequately was nice. This is not to denigrate Biden, I’m just saying.

  3. If the Inflation Reduction Act doesn't close the offshore corporate loopholes and require corporations with offshore accounts to pay taxes, maybe the U.S. could consider charging them an equivalent amount to do business here. The government does provide some valuable services, but if we don't start paying for them very soon, there's going to be hell to pay.

  4. Yay! the International Fascist overthrow of the Free World is almost complete!! It's a One World Government after all!!
    Peter you will be rewarded for your slavish devotion to the cause of overthrowing the Last Vestige of freedom and liberty in the world.
    Equity Equity Equity Now!!
    At last, we will all be poor and starving and begging. Mmm, Soylent Green is ...DELICIOUS!
    "WE ARE ALL N*GRRRZ Now!!"

    ... thank goodness the spotted Owl will survive. Oops the elite overlords need to build some new Mansions ...bye-bye forests!! hahaha

    For almost 2 years I have scarred my brain forcing myself to read any bit of your sad little milquepost, wondering when and if I should ever step in to this morass of inane blather. Well here we are and it always has to do with the fascist taxation of the people that rouses me. (Believe me you do not want me to unleash all that I did Not post.)

    Peter, are you so foolish as to think that this college loan forgiveness scheme will do anything less than destroy every so-called "good intention"(paving its way to hell) into this bill which has never been anything more than a diabolical redistribution of wealth to the wealthiest in the world?!? The only relation to inflation that this bill has is that it will blow up inflation to an unsustainable degree and it will completely destroy the American, if not the world economy, ...and that that is the very purpose of this bill!!! The whole world will be swarmed over by windmills and solar panels that will provide Power to no one except the wealthiest Elite!! I hope you have good insulation because power outages are coming this winter.

    Everything that this International Socialist Demagogue Horde is doing will immerse the world into the most destructive vicious brutal war that we can't even begin to imagine. Ukraine is the world Elites laundromat, if you know what I mean. Hunter Biden's laptop has blown the lid off of all that and all of you ...scumbags... are crying that Jared Kushner dare attempts creating peace in the Middle East??? It would be so funny if it wasn't so sad to see Joe Biden pooping his pants begging the Saudi Arabians to release oil. ("I just had to laugh I saw the photograph...") Strangely enough, none of you mentioned the sad state of the Philistines... who will never in a million years ever want peace until Israel is destroyed!!!
    And you, Peter, continue to sit by and laud the machinations of this demonic Beast, while frothing at the mouth, pulling your hair out at the thought of Donald Trump even being alive much less attempting to run for president again?? TDS will soon have its own diagnosis code. The only people in the world who are more consumed by Donald Trump other than Donald Trump himself, is you and the screaming meemies of the Honky Donkey democrat white trash slave class. I can only assume that you are complicit in all these treasons.

    Do all of you just not understand that this is no longer the Democratic Party of JFK. The '60s are long long over and all that was beautiful and Sublime about Hippie died in 1995 with the death of Jerry Garcia. I was there. I know.
    "... if you are 50 and older, and still a socialist, have no brain"
    I will be 53 in exactly one month from today. I can only imagine I am the youngest person attending your blah blah blahgosphere

  5. Ah yes, "the perception"!! if only people would believe that what they perceive to be true is really true! 5 + 7 = 2 do you perceive it to be true?

  6. hey David, I'm only 36 and read this blog regularly. And kudos to you for posting about the most nonsensical (though entertaining) diatribe I've read in a very long time, possibly ever.

    Anyway I'll all in favor of the 15% corporate minimum tax, it's pretty much the least we can do. Kudos to you Peter for the excellent 3 part analysis of this bill, it's been good to read and I hope that the Democrats are able to sell the many popular and good things this bill does.

    1. Selling it is all they can do Rafe, and You and I will get bill, and a very costly bill indeed...

  7. Beat me to it, Rafe. The 15% Minimum Corporate Tax has been overdue for at leat 35 years,if not more. And here I thought the RWNJ Brigade was restricted to the more rural parts of Jackson County, like Gold Hill, and here comes David in Ashland proving me wrong.

  8. I urge commenters to address the issues, not each other. Do not personalize it. Comments should be able to stand on their own, or stand as a response to my blog. But not as a response to one another.

    A general rule: never mention another commenter by name or description. The only exception would be to praise their comment.

    This isn’t Twitter. No flame wars.

    Peter Sage

  9. I urge commenters to address the issues, not each other. Do not personalize it. Comments should be able to stand on their own, or stand as a response to my blog. But not as a response to one another.

    A general rule: never mention another commenter by name or description. The only exception would be to praise their comment.

    This isn’t Twitter. No flame wars.

    Peter Sage

  10. If I emigrate to a different country, the IRS will still collect taxes-on money I earn in my new country! Why is it that piggish corporations can move offsh9re, and never pay anothe4 dime to the irs? Did I simply need better (any, actually) tax lawyers?

  11. Please don't print something so lengthy and deranged as the diatribe above, and then tell us we can't comment on it.

  12. Comment on content. Not on the commenter. I have blocked a half dozen comments each commenting on the intelligence and morality of other commenters. These are from multiple points of view. If you are a commenter feel confident that someone said you were an idiot and that I blocked the comment.

    You can do this. DE-personalize comments. Pretend you are in a graduate seminar.

    Peter Sage



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