Monday, July 18, 2022

Yes, Donald Trump is running in 2024

Seven emails in 24 hours.

Trump needs to be the center of positive, flattering attention. Of course, he is going to run for re-election in 2024.

Today I report on emails from Trump. 

Sunday morning I got an email from Donald J. Trump, taking credit for creating a new piece of merchandise. The subject line read: "I designed a NEW HAT." He wanted personal credit:

These new Let’s Go Brandon Hats were designed by YOURS TRULY, and I want all my best Patriots to have one.

Normally I glance at Trump emails and immediately delete them. "Let's Go Brandon" is code for "Fuck Joe Biden" and Trump wants personal credit for using it on merchandise. Really. It struck me as frank evidence of his joyful embrace of the role of all-in bad-boy political street fighter. People who want him to be "presidential" misunderstand his brand and his appeal to his supporters. Nothing is beneath him and he is proud of it. There are no rules of decorum, no norms of behavior, no restraints of custom or law. He is free to do as he will. He is happy to wrestle in the political mud. He likes the mud. He called Mike Pence a "pussy" on January 6. After all, Pence let himself be constrained by rules. Trump makes the rules. 

Here is the beginning of that email:


The close look at that email caused me to go back and count. How many of these emails was I getting? The answer: Seven in 24 hours, and they are continuing at that pace throughout yesterday and today. The immediately-prior email to the "Lets go Brandon!" one wrote that I am in a special group having earned "MAGA King status." If I contribute my name would be entered onto a royal scroll. The email started like this:

The email shortly before that one offered to have my name scrolled at a livestream event:

Just prior to that, this one, telling me this is "OUR country, NOT THEIRS," before requesting a contribution:

And before that, the offer to send me an "official Trump Gold Card" to carry in my wallet:

And prior to that, a drawing to meet "President Trump" at an upcoming rally:

And earlier, this one saying "President Trump was the greatest President of all time--there's not arguing with that."

Seven emails in 24 hours is itself a signal. 
His email promotions are dramatically out of scale with those of other potential candidates. Biden and the DNC write me two or three times a week. Ted Cruz writes me three times a week. Trump solicits money 30 to 40 times a week.

The content is unique, too. They are about personal affiliation with Trump and identification as part of the Trump-loyal team. The emails do not advocate "Trump-ism," or Trump-oriented populist Republican policies. The emails feature the personal specialness of Trump himself as leader. He isn't sharing power. It's about Trump.

Trump seeks adoration. He likes being king. The moment he stops being the likely next candidate, its present and future, he becomes a bystander. He would be de-throned. Rivals would become the new centers of attention. They are already being talked about. He needs to step in front of them, lest the money and cheers stop. It would be anguish for him to watch someone else get the cheers that once were for him.

Between the rallies and emails, he is already running. He must run. He will be an official candidate soon. 

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  1. Trump is a classic scam artist. The mystery is how he finds so many chumps. I’m thinking I should start a “non-profit” that collects money to complete the Great Wall of Trump and then go to Mexico with it.

  2. Other than his needing the money he grifts from his sycophantic supporters, is his running an "in your dace" dare to Merrick Garland to actually dare to indict a presidential candidate ?

  3. Equally plausible is that he is in desperate need of funds for ongoing and upcoming lawyer fees and that he will never run except to "take the money and run".

  4. It's the greasy hucksterism that's most off-putting to me, especially when I envision a certain cadre of older or otherwise unsophisticated content consumers ponying up their own much-needed money under the guise of supposed urgency and "personalized" appeals. He's collecting general lifestyle expenses. An ongoing, credible Neither Trump Nor Biden poll would be very helpful going forward.

  5. I can't help but see the similarity to TV evangelicals.

    I think the guy missed his calling...

  6. Ah email… clearly the technology of choice for the most effective social influencers

  7. Hopefully, Ron DeSantis will beat Trump like a gong.

  8. Stuff like Trumps mailing-for-money is so sickening.

    I have an antidotal experience while working in Wyoming with how these mailers and emails affect the unsophisticated and less-then-discerning reader.

    Our sons' babysitter's brother lived next door. He had received a personalized mailer from the Publishers Clearing House. To his amazement the personalized letter with his name stated: You maybe the winner of One Million Dollars." He did not read more of the letter, he saw the check with his name on it for $1,000,000.00. He ran in and told his parents they were rich and he could afford to buy them a house and a new truck with his new found fortune and still have an enormous amount left over. Next he ran over and knocked on our door to ask us if we needed something he could buy for us. He wanted to share his good fortune with people that had helped him after he took care of his family first.

    I was very curious has to the source of this new money and asked to see the letter. With sadness, I realized he had miss read the opening sentence. So I proceeded to read the letter out loud to him. (HIs name) may be the winner of One Million Dollars. Yes, Yes! he said see I'm now a millionaire. With deeper sadness I read the sentence again (His name) MAY be a winner of One Million Dollars. I had to reread that sentence five time before I noticed, again with sadness, he realized the letter clearly stated he MIGHT be a winner if his entry was selected by a drawing yet to be held. Now he had to explain to his folks and anyone else he offered money to that he did not have any money to offer.

    The official (to him) look of the mailer was genuine. I seriously don't know what he would have done if he went to the truck dealership and the salesman seized on the opportunity to sale him a very expensive trunk, reaping a big commission for himself? Luckily his awareness was raised and he realized that it was just a cruel way to sale magazines.

    I suspect the Trump brand is not diminished to his faithful. Trump's plea for money is the worst kind of hucksterism and it works on people like the boy I described. For mail fraud is a crime and the letter looked official and Trump "served" as POTUS so he must know that the country needs him and the money I send will help him. So they send him money... they can't afford to do.


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