Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Southern Oregon GOP goes full MAGA crazy

Jackson County Oregon Republicans:

     "We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected." 

This is how Republicans lose elections.

The Republican Party of Jackson County Oregon made an unforced error. It decided to declare itself full-on Trump election-denialist wacko.

Lucky for Democrats.

The county GOP announced that the 2000 Mules documentary "irrefutably proves election fraud," and that "substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas significantly affected the results in five key states." Therefore, it concludes that Biden is a mere "acting president" and that he was not legitimately elected. 

The GOP here has gone wacko. Nobody required the county GOP plant a flag on behalf of Trump's stolen election claim. The resolution addresses internal tensions within the GOP. Are you a true-believing Trump-supporting Republican, including the Big Lie? Or are you a RINO, a Republican in Name Only? To be an authentic Republican goes beyond carrying the GOP elephant brand and saying one generally supports Trump and dislikes everything about that terrible President Biden. It requires saying the 2020 election was fraudulent and Biden is illegitimate. One need to be full-on Trump.

The resolution throws Democratic candidates a huge lifeline. The resolution signals that Republicans are extreme and uncompromising. GOP candidates and officeholders in Oregon have generally attempted to "move on" and criticize Democrats rather than defend Trump, January 6, and his claims of a stolen election. At the national level Republicans prefer to talk about inflation, gasoline, Afghanistan, and the southern border. Anything but Trump and the claim of stolen election. In Oregon they express frustration with tent encampments of the homeless, anarchists in Portland, COVID policies, and screw-ups in Oregon administrative departments. There are plenty of good issues for Republicans for a general election. The 2020 election isn't one.

This resolution puts Republicans back into conspiratorial crazy-land. They don't believe the courts--even ones with Republican-appointed judges They don't believe election officials--even Republican ones. They don't believe the reports and conclusions of Trump appointees in his own Justice Department. They believe 2000 Mules and Trump at his most intransigent.

People who believe the 2020 election was stolen are never going to vote for a Democrat. However, there are a range of views within red-state and red-county America. A significant minority of nominally-Republican and Republican-leaning people are turned off by the full-MAGA storyline. A Republican candidate who wants to be perceived as a "normal," congenial, Rotarian, small-town, Chamber of Commerce, easy to get along with Republican might normally have an easy campaign in light-red areas like Jackson County, Oregon. Such a candidate might need to take an uncompromising, unpopular point of view on abortion, but that isn't a timely issue in Oregon. Access to abortion in Oregon is likely assured for now. But right now Republicans have a hard choice stuck in front of them. Do candidates stand in support of their own party in saying that Joe Biden is an illegitimate president? If candidates go along with their intra-party friends, they look wacko. If they mumble, they look like enablers-of-wacko. If they denounce the resolution, they look like RINOS.

Republicans are busy doing RINO hunting. It will push into victory some Democrats who might have had a hard election fight in 2022.

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  1. Every single Republican holding office at this moment was freely and fairly elected. Getting more votes meant they won their position or seat in office. This nonsense about Trump being cheated in the 2020 election has to stop. I wish reason would dawn on thier party that if the vote was rigged why didn’t the Democrats take the whole thing. The down ballot Republican candidates won big! The fact remains the under vote was in the Trump column. Why? Because enough Republicans chose to pass on all the Residential candidates and just vote down ticket. This fact as been proven time and time again in recount after recount.

  2. The Jackson County Republican Party speaks for nobody except for the five lonely people who attend their meetings.

  3. Fresh evidence here of why the GOP is also known as the Stupid Party. It will not affect Cliff Bentz, but it may well harm Christine Drazan.

    Regardless of his 2020 election fixation, Trump always was and remains unqualified for the job, via intellect, temperament and character.

  4. LDs point is true, but if someone unqualified for the job was elected President, what does that say about those who elected him? The most important position in a democracy is that of citizen.

  5. WHEREAS The Republican party has degenerated into a cesspool of lies, hypocrisy, and delusion;

    WHEREAS Only the most delusional continue to believe the Big Lie put forth by actors who stand to gain financially and politically;

    WHEREAS Politicians who have no scruples or morality will pander to those who are so addled as to believe in conspiracies that have been debunked by every court, the Department of Justice, and the White House counsels office;

    NOW THEREFORE We reject the Republican Party as a legitim...oh, never mind, this is too stupid to bother with.

  6. A well informed and educated citizenry strokes fear into yhe hearts and minds of would authoritarians.

  7. This comes as no surprise. The GOP in Texas and Idaho issued similar proclamations. The problem for Republicans is that without all the nut cases stupid enough to swallow such crap, they wouldn’t have a party.

  8. The Republicans would have to find a real smoking gun to make accusations of 2020 election fraud stick. After all this time, it’s doubtful they will find one. So it’s time for them to shut up about it and do something more productive with their energy.



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