Sunday, July 24, 2022

Easy going Sunday

There is more to life than politics.

Sometimes a problem looks intractable. A boy has his head stuck in a metal fence.

Sometimes things work out, if we re-think the problem.


  1. I once got my knee caught that way at the zoo when I was a little kid.

  2. Michael: were you trying to get in or get out? 😀
    Sorry. It was just too tempting!

  3. Anonymous,

    Another time, when I was about three, I managed to get through a fence surrounding the lion enclosure, and was making my way towards the inner fence when my dad reached over the first fence, grabbed me by the collar, and lifted me out of there. I don’t actually remember this event, but I’ve been told my dad asked what I was doing, and I replied that the lion was my friend and I was going to play with him.

    Later in life I got smarter… 😀

  4. Anonymous,

    When I observe the events going on around me, sometimes I’m not sure which way I was going and where I ended up. 😀



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