Friday, June 24, 2022

Trump: A very, very close look


A 71-second outtake reveals how carefully Trump tries to manage his image. 

Today's blog post is a close look at Trump before he is ready for his public presentation.  We can see an unguarded off-camera Trump. It is Trump being Trump. In one sense the scene is utterly anodyne--a TV pro quickly primping himself and evaluating and creating the composition of the TV shot. The video clip is interesting because it reveals his attention to detail and how the position of the water glass might affect the overall look of his presentation.

It is what we might expect from a TV star but it contrasts with his behavior in administration of his administration. Even his closest aides and confidants remarked on his carelessness, spontaneity, lack of planning, inattention to briefings, and his apparent disinterest in the details of governing. He had "big picture" ideas, and a keen eye to what ideas and words moved the public. He was relentless in selling them, but not in the process for achieving them. His primary achievement that resulted from consistent discipline over a four-year term was his remake of the federal judiciary. It was accomplished because he thoroughly delegated the task. He let The Federalist Society handle it.

He is a performer and marketer. We see him at work, getting things just right, in control in his area of interest. He wants the optics just right. Of course the January 6 hearings are infuriating for him. He realizes he looks bad. He was openly critical of Kevin McCarthy, who made the "very, very foolish decision" to let the January 6 committee be composed without Trump defenders in it. 

Other people are shaping his image. Take a look at backstage Trump, from a video documentary created by Alex Holder: The Water Glass.

First 10 seconds: enter and sit down and check monitor to see how he looks. He notices his open suit jacket.

Second 11 to 17: He adjusts suit by buttoning it and sitting up straight and pulling stomach in, looking at the monitor.

Second 18 to 20:  He does not like the water glass in the shot, and tells an aide: "I don't think you want to have the water in the picture. You can take it."

Second 20 to 34 The aide removes the table and water glass, and Trump checks the monitor.

Second 35 to 42: Trump asks for the table and water glass be brought back. "It's missing something." He directs that the cover on the water glass be removed by the aide. 

Second 43 to 50: Aide brings table back and Trump checks the shot, now with the table returned. He checks and re-checks the front button of his suit. "OK."

Second 51 to 55: "How's that look," Trump says to himself. Trump adjusts the table by sliding it 4 inches toward him. He checks the monitor.

Second 56 to 1:00: Trump now begins adjusting the water glass. Trump lifts and sets down glass, and decides the napkin doesn't look right, so he asks that the napkin be removed.  The aide comes to remove it.

Second 1:01 to 1:05: Trump moves the glass about two inches forward, and then back, trying to get the glass positioned where he wants it. He checks the monitor.

Second 1:06 to 1:08: Trump says "Right. Let's go." He is ready.

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  1. Wonder how his look would be in an orange jump suit?

  2. There's a minute I'll never get back...thanks!

  3. Ever seen a picture of him in a golfing shirt without his girdle? Not a pretty picture.

    But for a guy obsessed with image, it’s hard to imagine one more repulsive than his attempted coup.

  4. Much ado about increasingly little.

  5. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of our high IQ contest is.........the glass of water!

  6. You democrats are obsessed with Trump. It's a sickness. If Trump farted, then you'd freak-out. I don't see the problem with the Trump video. All it shows is that Trump is concerned with his appearance. Notice that Trumps was very respectful with his "help" in the video.

    Let's turn our attention to demented Joe Biden. It was in the news yesterday that Joe needs cue cards just to do basic commands like "sit" and "stand". Perhaps you'll agree that Biden needs to be replaced when he needs a cue card to go poop.

    No matter how much you trash Trump, then Joe Biden is still worse.

    Curt Ankerberg
    Medford, OR

  7. Trump is starting to look like Neapolitan after Elba. What followed was Waterloo. Not hard to imagine Trump supporters waging war. Is Mar a Largo Elba or Devils Island? Hope not.



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