Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Political insult: Banana Republicans.

"Banana Republicans"

I heard Larry Summers, say it on CNN this morning. 

Clever insults have power. Pocahontas was Trump's snide name for Elizabeth Warren. It positioned Elizabeth Warren as a finagler and fraud, pretending to be a Native American. Pocahontas embodied an idea that motivated voters, that affirmative action hiring gives unfair advantage to people. Pocahontas associated her with that. Cruel, but smart, of Trump.

Castro giving a long speech
Larry Summers voiced an insult worthy of Trump. Summers is an economist, a former president of Harvard, and a former Treasury Secretary. He has been an outspoken critic of the Fed, saying that they misread the economy and were too slow to raise interest rates. That error unleashed the inflation, he says, and it is why the Fed now has to hit the brakes (raise interest rates) very hard. This will cause a regrettable, but necessary, recession, he says. He linked the phrase "Banana Republicans" to inflation. He says irresponsible attacks on election integrity accelerated the public's distrust of all institutions. If we don't trust our elections, we cannot trust our government, so we cannot trust our currency. 

The phrase Banana Republicans encapsulates multiple ideas and prejudices. There is no answer to it. There is no counter-argument, because it isn't an argument. It is a sneer. American self-image is one of a country with a secure, orderly government. Americans assume Latin American police are corrupt, the governments operate by nepotism, and that they easily slip into dictatorship or fascism or communism. Americans think Latin American strong-man dictatorship governments are evil, foolish, or both at once. We don't fear corrupt Latin American governments--because they are far away, south of the border, and not us

The idea of Banana Republic imagines a sweaty man making long, impassioned speeches to adoring--or intimidated--crowds: Castro. We imagine a fascist terror government: Pinochet. We imagine a narco state: Columbia. We imagine a terrorist military government with dissidents disappearing in the night: Brazil. We imagine a corrupt, populist socialist Venezuela. None of it is good.

Banana Republics are TV and movie caricatures. We envision military men with a chest full of medals.

Latin American dictatorships can be played for laughs. Woody Allen wrote and directed Bananas.

As Trump well understood, people in the USA have a snooty prejudice against Latin Americans and their governments. There is no groundswell of fear that immigrants from Norway, as Trump suggested as a preferred alternative, would change the American way of life for the worse. Norway isn't a "shit-hole country." Banana republics are. Trump successfully weaponized our prejudices. Banana Republicans turns the table.

The Banana Republicans insult widens the focus from Trump to all Republicans. The insult is not an argument or even a description. It is a name. It assumes the guilt. 

Like a majority of GOP House Members, my own U.S. Representative, Cliff Bentz voted not to accept Pennsylvania's electoral votes in the night following the attack on the Capitol. At the time it may have seemed to him like a middle-of-the-road, cautious vote. Now, with the revelations of the former president's post-election plans, his vote looks like part of his corrupt effort to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Trump is on record telling the Justice Department falsely to announce they found fraud in the election. That's all we need, he said; the White House and GOP House Members will do the rest. Now those GOP House Members look like toadies and co-conspirators. A description can be argued, but a name is an identity and it is one associated with shame. 

They are Banana Republicans. We will be hearing this phrase often.

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  1. “A description can be argued, but a name is an identity and it is one associated with shame.”

    The House Select Committee is doing a fine job of describing Banana Republicans. The problem is they have no shame. Liz Cheney is one of the few true conservatives left in the GOP who takes her oath of office seriously. As she said about those who are defending the indefensible: “There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.” Amen.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. "Banana Republic" is associated with authoritarian regimes, single party (or no party) rule, but most of all, corruption.

    The founders feared tyrants and religious zealots and attempted to create a republic that would keep these evils from infecting the body politic. The fundamental principle is that a majority will believe those values. What we are seeing is a modern attack on those principles by a party that's been taken over by anti-democratic forces who are taking advantage of vulnerabilities in Constitution that the founders never could have foreseen, for instance the pernicious nature of institutionalized racism, and even more so, the rise of a tyrant through the means of rampant celebrity worship.

    In this regard we are just as at risk as any place South of our border.

  4. How about conned republicans? Saps of $250 million?

  5. “Banana Republicans,” monkeying with the election, slipping on the peel.

    Elections are more about memes than policies, it seems. The more we learn about the psychology and motivations of voters, the more accurate my computer scientist view of elections seems:

    Elections are an attempt to extract high-quality decisions from a large number of low-quality components.

    Information theory tells us that there are actually ways to do this. Here’s hoping it works out like that in our upcoming elections.

  6. I'm a Banana Republican? Wow! Now I won't be able to sleep tonight.

    It's hysterical if Democrats like Dr. Larry Summers have to revert to name calling in order to beat Republicans. They certainly haven't done it with their liberal policies. The fact is that Democrats want to change America into a socialist country, but they haven't calculated beyond their noses that socialism and Marxism kills the middle class, and puts everyone into poverty (except for the elite).

    Who is going to want to work if everything is free from the government? Freedom is no longer an option under Marxism, and you become a possession of the state. There are only two classes in Marxism. The elite, and the downtrodden. Since Peter Sage keeps pushing the Marxist agenda, he must mistakenly believe that he'll be appointed an "elite". I doubt it. Sage will be a subservient peasant just like everyone else, controlled by some faceless elitist in Belgium.

    Anyone who's taken an economics class knows why there is inflation. I have, and Peter Sage hasn't. The government has pumped-in trillions of dollars in funny money into the economy since Covid started. People were paid not to work, and trillions were squandered on bogus government programs. That funny money destroyed the value of a dollar. That's why we have inflation, not because some "Banana Republicans" dissed on Joe Biden, or questioned his government.

    If the best that Democrats can do is name-call, then they'll get "plastered" in November (in my opinion). The economy is bad. Crime is bad. Inflation is high. Grocery store shelves are empty. Millions of illegal invaders and drugs (fentanyl) are crossing our southern border. And Democrats are attempting to enslave you and eliminate your rights. You ain't getting my guns.

    Once Republicans re-take the House and the Senate in November, then expect both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be impeached multiple times into oblivion. Democrats played dirty versus Trump, and the favor needs to be returned. Joe Biden should be imprisoned for bribery and treason. If Republicans are smart, then they'll indict Nancy Pelosi and her drunk husband for insider stock trading, too.

    In all honesty, I think that Democrats have overplayed their mandate. They "won" the last election by a small margin, yet they rule as if they won by a landslide, and that all of America wants to be "fundamentally changed", which they don't. Americans value freedom, and they don't want to be socialists, and the proof in the pudding will come in November. That's what Dr. Larry Summers is afraid of.

    Banana Republican? I'll wear that as a badge of honor.

    Curt Ankerberg
    Medford, OR

  7. Make monkeys great again. Trump 2024. Who needs banana republics, when we have Trump?

    Anyone interested in who trump really is ayould listen to the infamous phone call between Trump and Raffensperg (“)? Et al. Y'know, where trump tries to subvert Georgias election results. They talk for about an hour, and Trump's “logic” is quite a spectacle.

    It’s easily locatable on Google.

  8. Fun post. Larry Summers is an almost endlessly talented--and often shockingly plain-spoken--progressive economist and public servant (and Harvard prez?), in stark contrast these days to airy pinhead Janet Yellen.

    One quibble--leave Castro a-LONE! The longtime hero of Democrats is not to be smeared in these otherwise valid comparisons. Just ask a young, ambitious would-be revolutionary, unhappy with Biden. Our own Eva Peron?

  9. I hope that we will not be hearing this phrase often. It is just as insulting as "sh**-hole countries." Both phrases are arrogant, rude and demeaning.

    Both phrases are loaded with racist and imperialistic meaning. Rich, successful, white, American men using derogatory terms that insult poor, predominantly black and brown countries.

    Larry Summers should know better and do better, although he is known for making controversial remarks. The twice impeached traitor is a hopeless case. We have come to expect this attitude and language from him.

    "Clever" is not acceptable when it demeans marginalized people in some of the poorest and most violent countries in the world.

    As we used to say when we were kids, that is so funny I forgot to laugh (from SNL, I think).

    Recently, the north and south American "Summit of the Americas" was held in Los Angeles, an ethnically and racially diverse city in Southern California. Many residents are from or have family and ancestors from "Banana Republics." Cringe

  10. Who truly believes that the vicious cycle of mutual contempt will ever produce a flourishing society?

    If you think about it, when has personal aggression towards someone’s identity or personal beliefs ever done anything but raise their defenses? Has anyone ever had their mind changed from pure argument? As the old saying goes- honey attracts more flies than vinegar.

    Trump bet that he could be vulgar, brash and contemptuous towards his opponents, and still attract the middle by being their single-issue champion. But what he really did was “mainstream” insult and outrage as ordinary discourse (I wouldn’t call it dialog), and it has coarsened the overall culture. “A house divided”….. as the biblical saying goes.

    Yes, Summers was clever in a mean kind of way, but divisive, hurtful and alienating as other have mentioned



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