Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Buffalo shooter's manifesto

The alleged shooter's 188-page manifesto is hard to find on line.

I found it.

A link to it is located on The Occidental Observer, an American far-right online publication that covers politics and society from a White nationalist and antisemitic perspective. Its articles present Jews as parasites who exploit naive Whites. The publication presents Blacks and other non-white foreigners as invaders who cause demographic and cultural destruction. The manifesto itself is located via this link, which was active as of 6:00 a.m. PDT on Tuesday, May 17: http://www.kevinmacdonald.net/spree-killer-manifesto.pdf

The link above includes the name "Kevin MacDonald" and that is key to how I stumbled upon this site and therefore the link. Kevin MacDonald, the founder of this site, lived in Jacksonville, Oregon, a charming former Gold Rush town near Medford. He was living under an assumed name. I read an article about him where he described the location of his secret home, thought it sounded oddly familiar--like Jacksonville. I circulated copies of his photograph to people here locally. He was instantly recognized by people in the tight-knit amateur musician community, in which he, too, participated. MacDonald is internationally famous as a scholar and White nationalist thought leader, author, and publisher. Local musicians told me he was dismayed to have had his "other life" revealed to people in his secret cocoon here. Several of the musicians he jammed with are Jewish and had no inkling of his writing. He promptly disappeared from his former acquaintances.

The Buffalo shooter's manifesto is hard to find via Google searches. There are references of it, but no links to the primary source.  I found it when I was reminded of The Occidental Observer. They had the link as the first item on their website.

There are different schools of thought regarding publicizing the manifestos and political ideas of terrorists and mass shooters. One is that publicizing their goals gives them what they wanted so desperately they would kill and die for it. Therefore, the media should not cooperate. Don't give them their 15 minutes of fame. Insofar as fame makes anyone "heroic" in their evilness--a Hitler, an Al Capone--then publicity gives them what they wanted. 

Another school of thought is that people have a need to know what is in the political and cultural zeitgeist. The premise of The Occidental Observer is that America is under existential threat by Jews and non-European immigrants, and the Buffalo shooter put those ideas into practice--except that he concentrated his shooting on Blacks rather than both Jews and Blacks. His manifesto focuses on Jews. The Whites-under-siege idea is uttered repeatedly on Fox by Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham. What those Fox hosts say is a franker and more polemic version of what Ted Cruz says. There is a continuum of thought here.

From the manifesto
I have a third reason for revealing the link. The techno-thriller and science fiction writer Dean Ing wrote a prescient book, Soft Targets, about a Middle Eastern country taking Americans hostage. It was published shortly before the Iran hostage event so the book caught a lot of attention. Ing's book described a third technique for dealing with terrorists: Make them laughingstocks. Reveal the villains as miserable losers. They are fools who have been deluded. 

That makes sense to me. It fits a paradigm this blog has described multiple times in the past. Villains--political opponents--are understood as either knaves or fools. A mass shooter wants to be understood as a heroic rule-breaker, a knave. They don't want to be seen as a fools.

From the manifesto

I read enough of the manifesto to think it is self-defeating. Some White readers may be seduced by the idea of White superiority over Blacks, one of the sections of the manifesto. The manifest quickly moves on to Jews, race separation, fiat currency, and then his plan of action to go step by step shooting the guard and then Black shoppers, two shots to the chest. A person who thinks he agrees with any of it quickly confronts things that seem ugly and wacky. The shooter doesn't look heroic, even in his evilness. The manifesto author  comes across as a kook who came under the influence of GOP and Fox ethno-nationalist bigots. He cut and pasted from crazy internet sites. He makes toxic ideas look bad. He discredits himself and the people whose ideas he borrows. 


  1. “Make them laughingstocks. Reveal the villains not as courageous fighters for a bad cause, but as miserable losers. They are fools who have been deluded. They are pathetic.”

    The people fomenting all the hate and anger wouldn't need any help looking like the idiots they are if it weren’t for all their guns. Thanks to GOP gun worship, even though only a few of them act out their violent fantasies, it has a profound affect.

    Almost half of Republicans swallow the racist bullshit that motivated the Buffalo shooter. That comes as no surprise, considering how routinely it’s spewed by the likes of Fox “News” and Trumplican politicians. These are the same people who would have us believe that what’s tearing this country apart isn’t racism, but “wokeness” and “CRT.” Pathetic indeed.

    When it comes to mass shootings, I think the Onion headline says it best:

  2. Something which continues to bother me is the way "Woke" has become, and is used by the Right Wing as a pejorative slur, like it's something to be ashamed of, on a par with pedophilia. Nearly every definition of the word I've been able to find includes words like empathy, caring, especially for less fortunate people and othe words I have always thought to be desirable traits in a civil society.
    Is this just another example of how poorly The Democratic majority fails at getting its message across, or a visible symptom of something more vile in our culture ?

  3. We can go back to 2002 and see Democrats pushing their own version of “replacement theory.”

    Ruy Teixeira and John Judis published their influential book, The Emerging Democratic Majority, which claimed that demographic changes would soon make America “majority minority,“ and that this would ensure decades of Democratic dominance of American politics. This led many Democrats to decide that ignoring the white working class was a winning political strategy.

    So if you ask, “Where did the right get this idea?”, that’s one place.

    Teixeira has since realized that this prediction of Democratic demographic political hegemony was wrong. But that’s decades after he and his co-author promulgated that racially toxic idea.

    The liberal mainstream media is currently ginning up a moral panic about “white supremacist ideology.“ They, of course, totally ignore their own side’s contribution to racial division.

    1. The media is owned by corporations. The "liberal media" cannard is false.

  4. X
    From the Great Gatsby:"Civilization's going to pieces,
    ." broke out Tom vio-
    "Tve gotten to be a terrible pessimist about
    things. Have you read The Rise of the Colored Empires'
    by this man Goddard?"
    "Why, no,
    ;" I answered, rather surprised by his tone.
    "Well, it's a fine book, and everybody ought to read
    it. The idea is if we don't look out the white race will
    be-will be utterly submerged. It's all scientific stuff;
    it's been proved.
    "Tom's getting very profound,
    said Daisy, with an
    expression of unthoughtful sadness.
    "He reads deep
    books with long words in them. What was that word
    Well, these books are all scientific,
    insisted Tom,
    glancing at her impatiently.
    "This fellow has worked out
    the whole thing. It's up to us, who are the dominant
    race, to watch out or these other races will have control
    of things.
    "We've got to beat them down," whispered Daisy,
    winking ferociously toward the fervent sun.
    17 682
    Tweet your reply

  5. I cited the left’s/the Democrats’ role in pushing their own version of political replacement theory. I never claimed leftists/Democrats were the only ones pushing replacement theory, or even the main ones. I mean what I say. I don’t necessarily mean what other people interpret my words to mean.

    Luke 6:42 Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?

  6. A description of one of the defining institutions of the liberal mainstream media by someone who saw it from the inside:




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