Friday, April 1, 2022

Shoot the Moon

The time has come.   
Just go.
I don't care how.
You can go by foot.
You can go
by cow.
Marvin K. Mooney,
will you
please go now!

Donald J. Trump isn't going away.

Trump is like a large cold sore on the lip of a contestant in a beauty pageant. It keeps oozing, so it needs constant attention. It is front and center in the middle of her face. It seems to have a mind of its own. And it won't go away.

Democrats aren't pretty. But Republicans have Donald Trump in the middle of their faces.  It is what can save Democrats in 2022. 

Democrats seem to be incapable of getting into sync with the public mood, or changing that mood. Yet Republicans will lose if they cannot get rid of the cold sore. Trump has believers. GOP officeholders and candidates go along for the ride.

Trump has moved into a manic phase. He keeps holding rallies. He gets a big audience response to his stolen election shtick. He sounds wild and desperate. He has a King Lear rage manner about him. March 29 he published seven statements, included this: 

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

While they say that January 6 was an “attempted coup,” which it was not, they should add that the Election on November 3 was the actual coup. All you have to do is look at the massive evidence in Swing States, available upon request (with much more to come). Our Country is paying a big price for that Rigged Election!

And this:

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

So, let’s get this straight. The Democrats commit massive and overwhelming voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, and they want the Republicans to go to jail for investigating and protesting a very crooked Election? Republicans must get tough (and smart!) and not let them get away with the Crime of the Century!

Democrats face a miserable midterm election. There is the usual pendulum swing of the off-year election, plus inflation, impatience with COVID, supply chain issues, and a general mood of discontent. I consider Biden's age, feebleness, and fumbling speech to contribute to the discontent. Biden communicates continuity, which isn't all bad, and general incapacity, which is very bad. Biden can say "change" and "new" but it doesn't matter. The messenger is part of the message. Biden looks like the grandpa who sits at the head of the table out of respect, but he is no longer the head of the family. After Thanksgiving dinner some younger family member drives him back to the Assisted Living facility because he really shouldn't drive anymore, especially at night. 

Trump can save Democrats. In the card game of Hearts, the winning strategy is to get as few points as possible. However, if one's hand is very bad, a sometimes-winning strategy is to reverse polarity and take all the points. Lose so big you win. That is the game in which Americans and Democrats find themselves. Trump is the Queen of Spades. He remains the giant, looming disaster for America, and enough people realize it to elect Democrats. Republican leaders are afraid to cross him and the GOP electorate he leads. 

America may well choose to continue the Trump Era and re-elect him and people who support him.  A majority of the Republican primary electorate likes what Trump has to say. That is a risk. But Trump makes a majority of Americans very uncomfortable. If he would just calm down and shut up, admit that Biden beat him but that he is coming back for a re-match, Rocky-style, he and Republicans might win big in 2022 and 2024. But he won't.

He isn't going and he isn't changing his story. 


  1. While climate change and the national debt lay waste to our grandchildren’s quality of life, Republicans are fixated on CRT, non-white immigrants and where trans kids go to the bathroom. Most Republicans don’t believe in evolution in spite of all the evidence, but believe the election was stolen with no evidence whatsoever. They live in an alternate reality and shouldn’t be allowed to run for office in ours, especially after their coup attempt.

    During the Civil War, white Southerners were fighting to destroy the Republic. Today Trump and his cult are doing the same, but Sen. McConnell, considered a more moderate Republican, says he is fine with them because all he cares about is winning. Considering the quality of leadership that our Republic is producing, I’m afraid it has a terminal illness.

    1. Stirring up hate is all the republicans have.
      They don't have any policies that are good for Americans.

  2. I heard a report recently (probably on NPR, so take that into account) that attendance at Trump rallies is down. Maybe that’s a sign that mooning the country is starting not to work, politics in this country is entering a new phase, and we might soon be done with that lunatic.

  3. Trump’s moral character is to lie and cheat. If the country wants to support someone like that it deserves to fail.

  4. Not knowing exactly what Putin's war with Ukraine will look like to the US voters on Nov 2022, it is difficult to say exactly how Republican candidates will fare at the ballot box. The deep feeling within the United States was politics ended at our shores. Whether Trump's continual praise of Putin and continued request for Putin's help with Trump's "reinstatement" as the 45 president of the US also remains murky.

    Fox news commentators are doing an excellent job of feeding the beast that is Trump's ego. The fantasy world of what is happening domestically and internationally remains firmly fixed in the minds of the Trump base.

    Cultural warfare is the Republicans primary weapon. Facts and conspiracy remain intwined in the fantastical "Qish" nightmare projected upon the body politic we once called the Federal Government.

    I remain a Democrat but am badly shaken by our current crop of State and local Democrats who embrace liberal extremes figuring publicly in Oregon politics. I am left hoping this crop of candidates get their act together soon! I will be watching closely Betty Johnson of Scappose in her run for Governor of Oregon.

  5. I think that the main way Trump can hurt the Republicans' chances in the 2022 election is to support candidates in primaries that are such crackpots that they cost the Republicans election chances in the House and Senate.

    In 2024, it looks like Ron DeSantis is setting himself up to be the Trump-faction candidate who isn't nuts (i.e. isn't Trump). I wouldn't be surprised to see DeSantis beat Joe Biden in 2024, to say nothing of being able to beat the mediocre and uncharismatic Kamala Harris if she ends up being the candidate.

    I am still watching Dan Crenshaw as a possible Republican dark horse.

  6. If one focuses on labels alone, it's a toss up.

    A recent report from Oregon is that NAVs now have numbers great than D or R registered voters.

    The key to the upcoming elections in 2022 will be focusing on what the candidates support, despite the party label after their name.

    In Oregon, it will be interesting to see the outcome for the Governor race. I'm thinking Betty Johnson has a pretty good chance. Great Senator who got things done, and one who didn't always support the D's.

    The use of a broad brush doesn't tell the entire story. It's tough to run as an independent, but the D and R candidates who will do well are the ones who have the right message to win over the NAVs.

    Party line voting will not win the next election.



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