Friday, April 22, 2022

Scenes from a Biden event

President Joe Biden was in Portland, Oregon on Thursday.

We weren’t supposed to record the event or take photos. We signed something saying we wouldn’t record the event, I didn’t sign anything about taking photos.  I snapped a few, but stopped when someone with a badge tapped me on the shoulder and shook her head.

Biden looked healthy and at ease. 

We needed to attest we had been vaccinated to get into the event and then everyone took a COVID antigen test at the site immediately before entering. I passed and got a red band for my wrist.

Biden began his speech by repeating why he decided to run. We have heard this before. He said he was offended by hearing Trump say that there were good people carrying the Confederate and Nazi flags saying “Jews will not replace us.”  He added something new. He said his grandson showed him a photograph of him with his grandson at Beau Biden’s casket, with the caption saying Biden had a new pedophile target. Biden said America had lost something under Trump and MAGA, and he wanted to restore the good soul of America.

The crowd was enthusiastic. The two primary Democratic candidates for governor were there, Toby Read and Tina Kotek.

There was a helicopter overhead and patrol boats on the water.

The most visible security was on the demonstrators kept about 1,000 feet from the event.  They had Trump campaign signs, “Fuck Joe Biden” signs, “Let’s Go, Brandon” signs, and a new theme of insult, Cornpop, regarding the improbability of Biden being a tough gangster with corn rows in his hair. I kept a distance. They shouted, “Traitor! Traitor!”


  1. Good pictures. Those demonstrators look as wackadoodle as the Tea Baggers. They probably have such visceral hatred because he was that Kenyan Muslim's VP. You'd think they'd be over it by now, but they're still fighting the Civil War.

  2. Looks like a fun day.

    Those individuals exercising their right to free speech are a marvel. Where do they think they live? The "F*** Joe Biden and Everyone Who Voted For Him" sentiment is hilarious and terrifying at the same time. One of the aspects of the MAGA movement is it's pathetic impotence, leaving one wondering who exactly will do the deed.

  3. Glad to hear they were doing security competently.

    I’ve always thought they should get those idiot demonstrators together with antifa in some stadium and let them fight it out, providing weapons to whichever side was losing, switching as needed.

  4. Try demonstrating against Putin in Russia like that. Everyone would be shot.



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