Thursday, April 28, 2022


Tucker Carlson says men should shine red light on their testicles.


A lot of other Republicans are making a similar point. They say men have turned into "pansies."

We are observing a re-emergence of the very old idea: Americans have gotten soft. 

Tucker Carlson worries that men are under attack for their "toxic masculinity." Men "can't be men," he says. Women shame them. Women boss them around. Women make more money than men, so men can't find mates. 

It isn't just Tucker Carlson. Republican U.S Rep. Madison Cawthorn urged mothers to raise their children up to be "monsters." His audience applauded. Josh Hawley complains that men are weak and adrift, sitting in basements watching porn. Ted Cruz said the left is "trying to destroy the American military and turning it, frankly, into a bunch of pansies."

It would be easy for Democrats to dismiss this as partisan posturing. Would-be Republican successors to Trump are expressing a deep and long-held fear in America. Rather than dismiss it, Democrats could recognize it and work with it, giving it expression that repositions the Democratic brand. Let Tucker Carlson have the testicle tanning. Michelle Obama offered a better way. Recognize that Americans, now and always, worry about the overall fitness of their children to get educated, get jobs, get mates, and to survive in the changing world. Let's eat healthy food and exercise, she said. "Let's get moving." 

John Adams expressed the concept that prosperity brought refinement. Progress meant moving indoors.  

I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain

John Kennedy, in his Boston accent, urged American to renew American vitality by acting with "vig-ah," i.e. vigor. We had a missile gap with Russia. Both militarily and physically, Americans had grown soft, he said. Kennedy voiced a challenge to Americans: Walk 50 miles in 24 hours. Only strong people can accomplish it. Kennedy authored an article for Sports Illustrated, The Soft American.

The age of leisure and abundance can destroy vigor and muscle tone as effortlessly as it can gain time. Today human activity, the labor of he human body, is rapidly engineered out of working life. By the 1970s, according to many economists, the man who works with his hands will be almost extinct. 

In a February, 1942 fireside chat, FDR cited Axis propaganda that called us decadent weaklings:

Ever since this nation became the arsenal of democracy – ever since enactment of Lend-Lease – there has been one persistent theme through all Axis propaganda. This theme has been that Americans are admittedly rich, (and) that Americans have considerable industrial power – but that Americans are soft and decadent, that they cannot and will not unite and work and fight. From Berlin, Rome and Tokyo we have been described as a nation of weaklings – 'playboys' – who would hire British soldiers, or Russian soldiers, or Chinese soldiers to do our fighting for us. Let them repeat that now! . . . Let them tell that to the Marines!"

Democratic sensitivity to #MeToo and support for the equality of women has been interpreted as an attack on men, not disapproval of boorishness, harassment, and misogyny. Democrats have a difficult and narrow path in messaging. They need to promote the full involvement of women in the life of America without appearing to accomplish it by suppressing and disrespecting men. It may be impossible. Democrats are the party of office workers, not farmers and oil drilling roughnecks. Democrats have already lost the votes of White males. The loss of Black, Hispanic, and Asian males may follow. 

Democrats have been more comfortable with the language of "equity" over the language of "equality of opportunity." Biden in Portland talked about all the women he appointed to high positions, not the highly qualified people he appointed. Progressive women may insist on this language and approach. Men less schooled in anti-racist, anti-misogyny doctrine may consider it being picked on and ignored. 

Montana Senator Jon Tester

In less than a year Democrats seeking the presidential nomination will be trying out ideas and language in gatherings in New Hampshire. One thing a Democrat can do is praise physical fitness and strength, a presumably male trait reflecting manliness. It doesn't diminish women. The Democrat can be shown spending time outdoors. Ronald Reagan supposedly chopped wood. Maybe he really did. Senator Jon Tester really farms. The fact that he doesn't "look like a Democrat" is the point and the problem for Democrats.

The Democrat who can get this right--or right enough--will emerge as the one who will find pluralities that launch him or her into the Democratic nomination. I don't expect it to be Joe Biden.


  1. "...anti-racist, anti-misogyny doctrine"

    Yeah, as opposed to racist, misogynist doctrine...the poster boy being you know who. What this really is about is another angle on anti-intellectualism, truth, knowledge and reality, not to mention obliquely promoting violence as problem solving strategy.

    There is literally no such thing as "looking like a Democrat". If anything fitness, diets and health are Progressive values, with the exception of the macho "roid rage" mindset, those sad muscle bound obsessive exercising schwarzenegger wannabes.

    If this was on TV I'd be screaming at it.

  2. Very bizarre. I thought these wackos compensated for their sexual inadequacy with guns.

  3. A lot of men and women these days act like trash-talking pigs. The men are bad, but many women are too. Look at the Kardashian Klan. They make sick and they have many of fans and followers. I am a woman.

    I don't understand why Tucker Carlson's wife has not left him. I expect that she will, just like the wives of Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Bannon, etc.

    Our society is in the dumper.

  4. Can someone explain the naked photo to me? I do not understand

  5. Tucker Carlson makes a lot of money by promoting BS.

  6. Tucker Carlson should interview Jackson Katz, PhD, an expert on American masculinity and gender equity. (He also earned his master's degree at Harvard.) Born in 1960 (a late Baby Boomer), he is a former high school football player. He minored in Women's Studies as an undergraduate. It would be very interesting to watch that interview, if Carlson would let him speak.

    Tucker Carlson has issues with women. His mother abandoned the family when Tucker and his brother were young. Carlson comes from a very privileged and elite background. I wonder if his audience knows this.

  7. The Democratic Party and the left have been promoting negative attitudes towards men for quite a while now. They throw around prejudicial terms like “toxic masculinity“ in ways they wouldn’t towards any other group (except white people).

    The men they approve of are not exactly paragons of masculinity. Case in point: pajama boy.

    Woke anti-male ideology is especially prevalent in higher education. The result has been a catastrophic drop in the percentage of male college students. The ratio is now 40% male, 60% female; not surprising given the ideological hostility expressed towards men.

    Alarm is expressed about fields (typically STEM) where males still predominate. No such alarm is ever expressed about fields in which females predominate.

    Given recent electoral results, it’s starting to look like the left’s anti-male chickens are coming home to roost.

  8. “Toxic masculinity” refers to the notion that some people's idea of “manliness” perpetuates domination, homophobia, and aggression. Of course Tucker Carlson and his ilk would feel threatened by casting that in a negative light. It’s like his antipathy toward “woke,” defined as “alert to social injustice in society, especially racism.” He seems to have an empathy deficit.

  9. Weak men fear strong women.



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