Monday, March 7, 2022


The past two days I have written about the "coolness" of Zelensky.

Late last night a reader sent me this, found somewhere on the web:

We Americans may not have realized it, but we were looking for a political leader of fortitude and integrity. We had settled for something less. A cold predator KGB-type snake might be the future of national leadership. Or a tycoon con man, who appeals to our worst instincts. Or someone too old to be dangerous.

Zelensky isn't ironic. He doesn't present a subtext that points in the opposite direction. He isn't triangulating. There is no book deal in the offing for him. He isn't exaggerating for ratings or playing to his base.

Zelensky captured our attention and admiration because we respect earnest authenticity on behalf of one's countrymen.

Ask what you can do for your country.

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  1. He is an inspiration. Hope they don’t kill him.

  2. Americans have become accustomed to politicians that equate patriotism with greed and lust for power, so it’s almost a shock to encounter one who obviously believes in something greater than himself, willing to lay his own life on the line standing up to a much bigger bully. Such rare individuals are an inspiration that ‘cool’ doesn’t really begin to describe.

  3. Don’t you think “cool” is much too trivial word to describe a selfless leader who loves his people and is willing to put his life on the line? To me, “cool” by definition has always been all about image. It is ephemeral; it doesn’t last.

    I think as an actor and comedian, Zelenskyy understands the power of words and images. But he’s not just creating an image. He’s an expert communicator who has had a horrible situation thrust upon him, where those skills are critical for inspiring his people and shaming the West (somewhat) off of their "business as usual" trance . I think he cares about his image, only to the extent he can get support to defend his homeland. He’s fighting for his life and the lives of his people. “Cool” doesn’t even come close to describing him.

  4. Cool is too trivial, yes. And it is about image, not substance, which is counter to my premise.

    I suppose the word really is: Admirable. Heroic. Can Americans experience heroic as a deep value rather than as an impression? We are so un-accustomed to high visibility heroics as regards politics.

  5. Zelensky has risen to the occasion, which is great.
    But prior to the attacks he wasn't very popular.

    1. Mc; I believe he was elected, running on an anti corruption Platform by 70 odd percent of Ukrainian voters. Not "popular"?



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