Thursday, March 24, 2022

Ka-POW! Poor Mo Brooks

Mo Brooks hitched his wagon to an ingrate. 

Brooks gave him everything. It wasn't enough. Trump dumped him. 

Just three days ago I posted how Alabama's U.S. Senate candidate Mo Brooks published a 90-second video swearing allegiance to Trump. He criticized his primary election opponents for not being all-in with Trump.

Brooks was already exceptional in his fidelity to Trump. U.S. Representative Brooks had spoken at the January 6 rally wearing body armor. He urged the faithful to go to the Capitol and take names and kick ass. “Are you willing to do what it takes to fight for America?," he asked the crowd. “Will you fight for America?” 

He wholly endorsed the Big Lie. As a member of the House, he led the effort to discard Biden electoral votes. If elected U.S. senator, he promised to vote to replace RINO Mitch McConnell.  

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I chose Mo Brooks as the example of  division within the GOP: The Trump team versus the not-quite-Trump team. The GOP division would be hard to repair so long as there were people like Brooks condemning the less-than-100% Trump faithful, and so long as a majority of Republican voters believed Trump.

Ka-POW. Trump sucker-punched Brooks.

Trump withdrew his endorsement. Brooks wasn't good enough for Trump. 

Brooks fought hard for Trump through January 6, but said the last chance for Trump was whether or not Congress accepted the Biden ballots on that day. Trump disagrees. The 2020 election should be voided, now and anytime, Trump says. Trump noted that Brooks had told a rally crowd in August that the America should put the 2020 election behind us. Brooks got boos from the crowd. That speech appears to be the breaking point for Trump. Brooks said the voters should "move on." Trump isn't moving on. 

Trump said Brooks had gone woke.

Mo Brooks was a leader on the 2020 Election Fraud and then, all of sudden, during the big rally in Alabama, he went “woke” and decided to drop everything he stood for—when he did, the people of Alabama dropped him, and now I have done so also. The people get it, but unfortunately, Mo doesn’t.

The backstory emerges from Mo Brooks. Trump kept pressuring Brooks throughout 2021 to do something, somehow to rescind the 2020 election, now. Nothing less.

 Brooks says Trump asks for the impossible.

President Trump asked me to rescind the 2020 elections, immediately remove Joe Biden from the White House, immediately put President Trump back in the White House, and hold a new special election for the presidency. As a lawyer, I've repeatedly advised President Trump that January 6 was the final election contest verdict and neither the U.S. Constitution nor the U.S. Code permit what President Trump asks. Period.

Republicans keep being taught a lesson, but they don't learn it. They keep being burned. Trump is a taker. A user. He is in this for himself. He is the worst of bad leaders. He demands of Brooks--like he demanded of Mike Pence and Brad Raffensperger and Brian Kemp and Doug Ducey and Bill Barr—they do something illegal and dishonorable with the spotlight of the law and the judgement of history on their faces. 

This is a good sign for Democrats for 2022 and 2024. No one is better at staying center stage than Donald Trump. Trump isn't giving up and he is publicly breaking with Republicans who try to "move on." GOP candidates in anything like competitive districts need to distance themselves from Trump. Trump isn't cooperating. Trump isn't moving on. 



  1. How bad is that? Poor Mo tried to sell his soul, but the devil didn't want it.

  2. It seems to be generally accepted by rational people that anything Drumpf touches eventually dies, as Mo Brooks (deservedly,imho) just found out. In your opinion, Peter, what does this portend for our local situation, in ORD 2 ?

  3. Hmm...which is worse Brooks winning without Trump or with him?

  4. "No one is better at staying center stage than Donald Trump".

    Where a certain political melodrama is concerned, that's so. Its regular patrons include more Democrats than Republicans at this point. Like poor Mo, and poor Hillary, they can't quit him.

    1. Bringing up Hillary? Seriously?

    2. The MAGAts are the definition of insanity.

      They keep expecting Trump to be something he will never be.

      It's like expecting Wings to be The Beatles.

  5. The Republicans have a difficult needle to thread with Trump. At the moment, I only see Ron DeSantis doing it successfully, but it only takes one example to prove that it’s possible.

    Things that could save the Republicans from going down with Trump:

    * Trump gets ill or dies.

    * Trump gets convicted of something that prevents him from running in 2024.

    * Trump screws up his response to Ukraine in a way that alienates a significant part of his support.

    * Trump sees an opportunity to make more money by not running for president.

  6. If Donald Trump is still attracting more attention than he deserves, it's probably because he's still the undisputed leader of the GOP - not in spite of, but because of his attempted coup. Don't turn your back.

  7. It's like expecting Wings to be The Beatles.

    Sometime in the 1970s, when I was in my 20s, a friend’s 12-year-old daughter came up to a group of us and asked,

    “Was Paul McCartney in some other group before he was in Wings?”


  8. Hillary can't stop bringing up Donald Trump either. Trump gets far more coverage these days on CNN and MSNBC than Fox.

  9. For good reason: he's the Supreme Leader of the Insurrection Party, but that doesn't bother Fox in the least.



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