Tuesday, March 29, 2022

America is not done with Tulsi Gabbard

She says the elites are lying to us. 

The anti-establishment conspiratorial left meets the anti-establishment conspiratorial right.

Tulsi Gabbard was lost in the scrum of Democratic candidates in 2020. She isn't lost anymore. She has a niche. On Fox.

Bernie, Warren, Klobuchar, Moulton, Delaney, Booker, Harris, Gabbard, Steyer, Bennet, Williamson, Buttigieg, Gillibrand, O'Rourke, Yang, Swalwell, Delaney, Ryan, Inslee, Bullock, Sestack, de Blasio. 
That isn't all of the 2020 Democratic candidates
A close reader will notice that I didn't list Jeff Merkley, Julian Castro, John Hickenlooper, or Michael Bloomberg. They were bonafide candidates, but I only list the people I personally saw in New Hampshire. I also list John Delaney twice. I do that because he had far more Town Hall events than anyone else, not that it helped him. Like his name, he hardly got noticed once, much less twice. 

Tulsi Gabbard's name is there in the scrum.  She dropped out in March, 2020. She didn't catch on either.

The failure of a candidate to get attention is less due to candidate competence than it is to whether candidates had an established brand that caused them to stand out. To a casual observer, they all said approximately the same things. They all wanted to expand health care, thought billionaires should pay more in taxes, thought Black Americans faced prejudice, and supported Roe v. Wade.

The fact that Kamala Harris didn't get traction is not that she was a "poor candidate." She got lost in the crowd. So did Tulsi Gabbard.

Tulsi Gabbard had two elements that might have made her stand out. One is that she included the names of Democrats, especially Hillary Clinton but also Obama and Biden, in her denunciation of America's military and foreign policy establishment. She voiced attitudes I had not heard since the 1960s, a broad-brush condemnation of the whole American military-industrial-intelligence complex. She was unique in her partisan "disloyalty." It wasn't just Republican hawks who lied to us; Democrats did, too. They are all corrupt liars.

The second element was her striking appearance and manner. She is wears solid primary colors--red, white, blue, black. She has a calm, deep voice. She looks like a Fox News anchor or commentator, but she doesn't share their tone of high drama. She sounds serene in her earnest self-confidence. 

She comments regularly on Fox. I have not seen her praise Trump there, but a Fox commentator need not do that. She dislikes what Fox News dislikes, and that's enough. She criticizes Biden on foreign policy, saying America provoked Russian into invading Ukraine. She criticizes Kamala Harris on criminal prosecutions. She says the left is godless. She slams Mitt Romney and tells him to resign from the senate. She criticizes Ukraine and its medical labs. She criticizes the fact that she is criticized; she says she is a victim of cancel culture.


She says American Democrats have "a F-You" attitude to the American public.


She tells Tucker Carlson that Biden's comment hoping Putin would leave office reveals the truth that this is a war of regime change.


She has a style: She looks straight at the camera. Like Liz Cheney, she is an uneasy fit for either political party. She has a platform and a popular message of profound distrust of political elites and the foreign policy establishment. They are lying to us, she says. They are trying to drag us into foreign wars and they hate us. There is a market for that view on the Tucker Carlson right: Populist, conspiratorial, obliquely-anti-Semitic, resentful of elites. There is also a market for it on the left. There is still an anti-war left. Like the right, it believes powerful elites are running the country and dragging us into wars. 

If things go badly in Ukraine--and maybe they already have--we will be seeing more of Tulsi Gabbard on TV, and maybe in New Hampshire. This next time she will get noticed.

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  1. Tulsi Gabbard spoke at the 2022 CPAC, hitting on most of the far-right's usual and customary talking points: Clinton corruption, cancel culture, the power elite, the mainstream media, the security state, etc. She received a standing ovation. To her credit, she didn’t claim the 2020 election was rigged or stolen, which seemed to be the theme of the conference, but she said she felt “right at home” there. I’d be surprised if we see her in New Hampshire running as a Democrat.

  2. She's a lunatic.
    She can make more money complaining about problems rather than offering solutions.

    Based on both of those, she might as well be a republican.

  3. The problem is, our elites suck. They enthusiastically went along with hollowing out our middle class for the last three decades. They made their billions destroying companies with leveraged buyouts and exporting all of our manufacturing to Third World countries.

    All of this creates political opportunities for outsiders, well intentioned and demagogues alike. If our elites took their responsibilities to the rest of us more seriously and honorably, there would be much less of an opportunity for strange political phenomena.

    1. If, by "elites" you're referring to those in power, then I agree with you.

      But if you're using it in the republican-turn-up-the-nose-at-education manner than you can't be further from the truth.

      We need a population and leadership that are educated and involved.

      Did you know that most members of Congress do not believe in evolution?

      Education is the opposite of religion.

      The US is being outperformed by nations that emphasize education, while the countries governed by religion slid back into the Dark Ages.

  4. Somebody oughta put a hit out on her. She’s crazy and a lil bit dangerous, I don’t care what her party affiliation is but my guess is she hasn’t done jack for the people of Hawaii and what little federal exposure they have. Where’s my polonium umbrella gun.



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