Sunday, February 27, 2022

"I would like you to do us a favor though."

Ukraine wanted the Javelin missiles Congress had authorized.

Trump said there was a holdup. 

He needed a favor.

With so much news coming so fast it is easy to forget the connection to the first impeachment of President Trump.

Below are pages from the transcript of the testimony of Ambassador William Taylor, the chargé d'affaires at the U.S. embassy in Kiev in 2019. He expresses for himself his dismay at seeing military aid to Ukraine held up, with release conditioned on support for Trump's re-election.

The tendered quid pro quo was "crazy."

Military aid was conditioned

Aid to Ukraine in jeopardy 

"President Trump wanted President Zelensky in a box."

Here is a link to the full transcript: 


  1. I was never sure if Trump’s actions toward Ukraine were coincidental or coordinated to his and Putin’s needs. Slowing arms to Ukraine didn’t help Trump as much as Putin, who was maneuvering to take Ukraine piece by piece.

  2. President Putin ordered a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile Republicans – the same party that led an assault on our nation’s Capitol and tried to overturn the 2020 election – are praising Putin and blaming the war on President Biden. What we have here is an attack against democracy on two fronts.

  3. I want to see a Berlin Airlift -scale transport of Stinger and Javelin missiles to Ukraine. Biden has not yet done this, and he gets the blame for not doing it.

    Trump is no longer in office. We have more important things than him to talk about.

    1. Biden is not to blame for any of this, unless you are brainwashed Fox watcher.

      Biden has been a great world leader at this time.

      Democratic administrations always clean up the messes made by republican administrations.

  4. Mr. Trigoboff; as long as Agent Orange is leading the charge in the destruction of the Republic, he will continue to be a topic, as abhorrent as that is.
    If Drumpf, backed by nearly a 100% of Republican turncoats hadn't held up aid to Ukraine in an attempt to steal another election, just maybe Ikraine might not be in such a desperate situation.

  5. The reason Trump is so infatuated with Putin is they're two of a kind and they both need to be held accountable.

  6. Just read an article regarding how effective and lethal the Javelin is against tanks. We are now sending more of them. Would the world be standing up to Putin if Trump were president? I think not.

    1. Trump tried to use taxpayer-funded equipment for personal gain.

      That's worse than the government funding abortions.

  7. Javelins hit tanks from above, where the armor is thinnest.

    1. Speaking of thin skin, nice try of yours to deflect from the former president and his admiration for Putin.

      The world will never forget.



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