Sunday, December 19, 2021

The unvaccinated are dying.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

The more unvaccinated people get sick, the better for the GOP. It proves Biden is weak.

Watch Biden beg. 

Please get vaccinated.

Fox & Friends hosts say it with snark and a sneer: COVID is here and growing again. They shake their heads with disdain; Biden said he would "shut down the virus." Ha!

I watch just enough Fox News to know what they are saying and how they are saying it. The narrative is that Biden is trying to get you to wear masks, and you refuse to listen or be bullied by him. He is trying to get you to get vaccinated and you refuse to knuckle under.

On their website, they write:
Biden’s warning comes almost a year into his presidency after repeating many times on the campaign trail that he was the candidate who would "shut down the virus" and blaming former President Trump for his "ineptitude" in slowing the spread.

The COVID vaccines were developed during Trump's term under Operation Warp Speed, which he initiated.

MAGA world is claiming that the water for the horse is there because of Trump, proof of his competence. Biden cannot get the horse to drink, proof of Biden's incompetence.

The hypocrisy is monumental, but there is a deeper psychology at work. The refusal of Trump voters to get vaccinated is, in fact, a failure. COVID is still here. Biden is visibly frustrated. Worse, he is a supplicant. He wants something MAGA is refusing to grant. That puts MAGA world in the power position.

All of us have watched others in frustrating situations, for example a guy pulling on the starter rope when the small engine won't start. We have seen a driver spinning wheels of a car stuck in snow. We have seen parents who cannot stop a child's tantrum. Watching, we feel two emotions simultaneously. First a recognition that the person is not at fault, not really. And second, a sense that if they just did something better or different they could solve that problem. Maybe the person should be adjusting the engine's choke, should be rocking the car back and forth, or should doing something--anything--differently to calm the child.

Fox quotes Biden, with all the awkwardness of his phrasing preserved: 

[COVID is] here now and it’s spreading and it’s going to increase. For unvaccinated we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death if you’re unvaccinated for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they will soon overwhelm. But, there’s good news, If you’re vaccinated and have your booster shot you’re protected from severe illness and death.

The denoted message is one of Biden doing his job, encouraging vaccinations. The deeper message is one of his helplessness. He cannot convince Trump supporters to vaccinate.

Don't we see that MAGA  vaccine resisters are doing this to themselves? That it is their fault so many people are spreading COVID and getting ill?

Sacrifice, for a principle
Not entirely, and maybe not at all. Football coaches get fired because the team's quarterback threw an interception and the team lost out on being in the title game. We look at results, not causes. 

Fox and MAGA world have positioned resistance to Biden's vaccinations as a matter of sacrifice and conscience, rather like a hunger strike. The self-imposed suffering is proof of sincerity. They are the patriots here.

But Biden is offering cool, refreshing water bringing health to the horse. Surely, Biden should be the good guy in this narrative. It is not working out that way. The vaccinated and COVID compliant have grown tired of virus protocols. We want it over. To the third of the country that is MAGA world, Biden is the guy who is abusing the child by trying to restrain it, making the tantrum worse. He is the bad guy. Or the stupid guy digging the tire wheels deeper into the snow.

Mostly old people dying

Is it logical or fair to blame Biden for not being able to persuade the horse to drink? No. But the MAGA tactic of making Biden look pathetic in his helplessness is good politics. People are dying at a rate that a great many Americans seem to consider acceptable, about 1% of the people over age 65. It is a value judgement. I am not totally surprised. I used to be young once and remember thinking that people age 72 were pretty much used up and surely ready to die. People my age vote, but we don't matter as much to the young as we think we do. We are a burden. Saving our lives just isn't worth the hassle of inconveniencing the young and healthy. 

That is the MAGA position. I am dismayed by it, but I am not sure they are wrong on the politics of it.


  1. Let’s just see what happens with the new variant getting a lot of the unvaccinated sick, maybe going to the hospital, maybe dying. They can hold on to their self righteous pride, but don’t expect pity from many of the vaccinated. Among my social group is a growing intolerance of the unvaccinated. Many now tell people if you are unvaccinated I no longer wish to be your friend. Some who have been told this act surprised. Guess they aren’t very aware.

  2. Speaking as a 75 year old who can’t stand the kids’ music, they can take their virus and get the f___ off my lawn.

  3. Take a little comfort in that MAGA world is getting a little smaller every day, thereby fulfilling their slogan.

    President Biden is hardly weak. Never mind the hypocrisy, this message only rings true to the MyPillow crowd. Trump was dangerous because he was, the President, otherwise an inconsequential loudmouth. The power resides in the office, not the individual.

    The twisted logic of your observation shows that FOX commentary has degenerated into adolescent put-downs, shouted from the window of a passing car. Next thing you know, they will be mooning us on their way to the Sonic. Cool.

  4. Those who won’t follow COVID precautions or get vaccinated aren’t doing anything as thoughtful as a hunger strike. They’re more like children with oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD. Their refusal to take advantage of free, life-saving vaccines has prolonged the pandemic, resulting in countless thousands of preventable deaths.

    The good news is that it’s now mostly killing the willfully ignorant, though probably not enough to impact their political influence. The bad news: their ignorance is a breeding ground, not only for crackpot conspiracy theories, but for mutations that continue to overwhelm our hospitals and disrupt our economy.

    Much of this, of course, is due to disinformation spread by the Republican noise machine, such as the commentators on Fox Noise. It's beyond ironic that they consider themselves 'pro-life.' They're literally killing us.

  5. Sad to say-sort of-those fools who've waited until today to begin the process of getting vaccinated are shit out of luck, assuming the virus continues to kill or maim the unvaccinated.

    You don’t suddenly become a member of the vaccinated club the day you get the first shot, folks. For example my wife began the Moderna PROCESS, shortly after I began the Pfizer PROCESS, about a year ago, at first opportunity. Both vaccines have similar PROCESSES:

    You have to wait about three weeks after your initial poke to get poke #2. Then, you havre to wait a full SIX MONTHS to get the booster. So, the total elapsed time from start to finish is about SEVEN MONTHS! And don’t forget, there’s a certain period of time after each shot where the vaccination hasn’t become activated yet. So you really can’t join our Club of the Blessed Vaccinated until what? 7 1/2 to 8 months from today?

    I wonder how many people are regretting the fact that they were so damned short sighted as to wait until it's probably to late for the various vaccines t9o do a damn thing for them. For their moms, their fraiends, wives, hubbies, etc.

    And that doesn’t even consider the projected ONE MILLION NEW OMICRON CASES by mid January.

    Thank you, and thank the horse you rode in on, fools, for totally fucking up so many people's ability to get LEGITIMATE health care, when patients line every wall in local hospitals, all because YOU were too stupid, chicken shit, or just plain Trump-ass-stubborn and gullible to get vaccinated years ago, when it would have helped actually END the pandemic?

    I'm pupae with rage, actually.

    Maybe you’ll get lucky, and survive. If so, I wonder what you’re gonna tell your grand children?

  6. Michael T, you call it “the kids' virus? What kind of weird “logic” brought you down to that basement level of thinking?

  7. I can't remember who it was, but a very smart political commentator once said that you can tell a lot about a politician by watching them on TV with the sound turned off.

    When you watch Trump this way, you can see that he projects very strongly. Obama also did, and so did W Bush and Bill Clinton.

    When I watch Biden with the sound off, there is nothing happening. Kamala Harris is even worse. She looks sad and very uncertain.

    This does not bode well for the Democrats unless they can nominate someone else for 2024.

  8. While I rarely agree with Michael Trigoboff, today I most enthusiastically agree, and with Dave. My small social group is 98% vaccinated, and I'm willing to stay home to not be around that person, should she be invited to any gatherings...Perhaps Shunning should be brought back into Social Acceptance, the practice might change some minds..

  9. Malcolm,

    1. "The kids" (i.e. anyone who isn't old) often do not get very sick from Covid. They are for the most part going about their lives without worrying about getting infected, from what I read.

    2. I was being sarcastic/humorous, not serious. You didn't get that?

  10. Malcolm said,

    I'm pupae with rage, actually.

    Hopefully you will grow up to be a very pretty (but angry) butterfly. :-)

  11. Hillary Clinton was right. The whole village needs to get vaccinated or we are all fucked.

  12. Michael -

    You recently criticized someone for not being serious. Now you say you were just being sarcastic, not serious.

    You also said, "I suggest that you intentionally try to engage with what people around here are actually trying to say." What the hell does watching people with the sound off have to do with anything being discussed here?

  13. Michael—

    Agreed, Mr. Sage’s propositions are hardly mutually exclusive. Too many Republicans are, er, dead wrong about vaccine efficacy, and selfishly obstinate about how individual freedom necessarily intertwines with group responsibility in a complex society…..AND Joe Biden is a mumbling, ever-diminishing dotard who cannot formulate complete thoughts and face unscripted questions on any subject. We must put our trust in the advisors who make the policy and fill his teleprompter. Thankfully that does not include the self-absorbed, tone-deaf “horrible boss”, per her own staffers, Kamala Harris. Maybe Omicron will prove to be a telling dilution of COVID’s force, if not ubiquity.

  14. Mike,

    My attempt at humor regarding my lawn was not intended to or likely to derail someone else’s point.

    Peter’s post today was about Biden’s political effectiveness. I pointed out what I think is a good way to assess Biden’s (or any politician’s) effectiveness.

  15. Michael -

    Good point, if you don't care what anyone is saying.

    My attempt at humor regarding Phyllis Schlafly's Saran Wrap advice was not intended to or likely to derail someone else's point - that is, unless it wasn't worth making.

  16. I think you are missing the point.

    Peter's post was more about some people's obstinate stupidity, with the help of Fox Noise, regardless of anything Biden does. but maybe he could clarify that.

  17. Well educated governors like DeSantis decrying mandates and mask wearing, Pure Evil, wanting the dying numbers to go up for political power.

  18. Mike,

    On reflection, I think there is something to your criticism back at me. Thanks for engaging. I will work at being more fair.

  19. I'm all for shunning those who refuse simple public health measures, including not covering their health care.

    The unvaccinated/unmasked simply don't deserve the luxury of being in society. By creating a surge situation for health care, they are delaying life-saving medical treatment to others.



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