Saturday, December 11, 2021

Can Tina Kotek be elected Oregon Governor?

I get the willies when I think about the 2022 Governor race in Oregon.

Tina Kotek could be another Hillary Clinton: 
     Unstoppable as the nominee. 
     Unelectable in the general election.

Oregon Democrats have three well-positioned candidates for governor. Nick Kristof is the out-of-the-box celebrity journalist getting his feet wet as a politician. Tobias Read was elected statewide to the office of Treasurer. The frontrunner is Tina Kotek.

Tina Kotek has been a state representative since 2007 and Speaker of the Oregon House since 2013. That job made her a major player in Oregon politics--a visible deal-maker, with friends and allies nurtured for over a decade. She has endorsements from fellow officeholders, from large unions, and from advocacy groups like the League of Conservation voters. Yesterday I got another of the near-daily fundraising letters from her, this one announcing her endorsement by Emily's List. Insofar as anyone earns a nomination within a political party by showing up and doing the work, Tina Kotek deserves it. 

I get the willies about the race because I expect her to win the primary, and then lose in the general election. 

Her loss will shock some people. Oregon has not elected a Republican governor since 1982. Democrats have super-majorities in the legislature. And Tina Kotek is so qualified, so knowledgeable, and she is someone already doing the work. That is her problem. By "her" I mean Tina Kotek, but also the problem of the current governor Kate Brown and every other Democrat associated with the status quo in Oregon. 

I like Kate Brown and think she has done a difficult job well. But she has worn out her welcome. I liken it to the situation of school superintendents and city managers who have three or four good years and then need to move on to somewhere new. Kate Brown did the hard job of trying to suppress COVID in Oregon, and it worked, We have one of the lowest death rates, notwithstanding that much of rural Oregon has resisted her at every turn. A lot of them are angry at her. Urban Oregonians mostly complied with vaccinations. They have followed mask and social distancing guidelines and watched schools and businesses struggle for two years. They are tired of COVID, and Brown is the face of COVID protocols.

Plus, there is the Portland problem. Metropolitan Portland is a honey-pot of Democratic votes. White liberal Portlanders gave seven-to-one margins to Kate Brown in 2018 and the same to Biden in 2020. Portland's liberalism has exacerbated the problem of unhoused people in tents and sleeping bags on the sidewalks and parks of Portland. No Portland politician wants to appear cruel. Every potential solution makes someone miserable. It is an intractable problem, so it persists. There is a message sent of Democrats as ineffectual. 

Portland street

Same with the problem of repeated civil disturbances. Anarchists dressed in black accompany peaceful protesters to get physical and political cover. Protests against police misconduct degenerate into the anarchists within the crowds breaking windows, setting fires, and attacking police officers.The vandalism is a statement of nihilistic opposition to the social order, but it is also a tactic. They hope to elicit a police response that can be condemned as too violent. Democratic officeholders walk on eggshells, appearing unable to distinguish between the protesters and the vandals. Police feel unsupported. The street violence continued, night after night, another message of Democratic ineffectiveness. It happened again after the Rittenhouse verdict in November. Democrats in Portland come across as over-indulgent parents unwilling to stop their spoiled teenagers from doing criminal mischief. The anarchists are not on the Democratic team, but they are co-located within it, and sometimes voice goals that seem related to the issues of the team. Democrats get the blame.

Another riot in November

Is Tina Kotek responsible for the Portland messes, or for COVID shut-downs, and for the impatience of the COVID-compliant to be done with this? No. But she is conspicuous as part of the status quo. She will be understood to be the newer, younger version of governor Brown, just when people want change.

My perspective is from downstate, where the pickup trucks in Trump areas boast images of boys pissing on Kate Brown. Here impatience with the "Portland/Salem liberal groupthink" is pervasive. But won't giant Democratic margins reappear in Portland, this time to elect Tina Kotek?

I expect not. 

There is too easy a case to be made that Democrats had their turn and we need to try something new. Republicans will make that argument. An independent candidate, Betsy Johnson, will make it as well. Their hands are clean. I think that argument will stick. Democrats let bad situations get out of control, and the evidence for it persists. Portland used to be beautiful. Now it isn't. Portland lost something.

Can Tina Kotek fix this? Can she look like a change agent? She hasn't, and I suspect she doesn't feel she can without burning bridges she doesn't want to burn. She is the status quo candidate, just like Hillary Clinton was.


  1. Voters have good reason to assume that a choice between a Democrat or a Republican would amount to a choice between more of the same or Trump.

    That being the case, what’s so terrible about Betsy Johnson? Just asking.

  2. New York City just decided to allow non-citizens to vote; crazy woke nonsense that confirms all the negative stereotypes about liberals.

    The people I know in Portland (all of whom lean liberal) are totally fed up with the chaos and crime and homelessness in Portland. Everything around their houses, even down to gardening gloves, is getting stolen. Downtown has become a dystopia of homelessness and mental illness and garbage and human waste in the streets. Portlanders may not yet be ready to turn to the political right, but I think there is a good chance that their turnout will fall in the next election.

    Kotek could take a stand against the craziness in Portland. But chances are she won’t.

  3. I remember when Republican Vic Atiyeh—of Portland—was governor in the mid-80s. I have a hard time imagining any Republican winning this time, though I suppose basketball player Chris Dudley did come pretty close not so long ago.

    Kotek will be the establishment-Left standard bearer, agreed. Tobias Read has a big vulnerability besides straight white male which has been woefully under-publicized by the typically partisan news media. Internecine conflict will change that.

    The potential spanner in the works for Kotek besides Kristof is the newly independent Sen. Johnson, who could realistically draw from both sides of the aisle. Nonetheless, there are just too many Democrats not to carry the ultimate nominee.

  4. Republicans will make the election about Portland. "Antifa!!"

    If Tina and the others can make the conversation about statewide issues; climate, education, housing, infrastructure, timber, and Republican anti-democratic white supremacy (Trumpism), most voters will let Portland take care of itself.

    It is going to depend a lot on who is actually running on the other side. If it's a smoothie like the guy in out!

  5. Beaten by whom? Bud Pierce or Jessica Gomez? Have you noticed that both of them are talking about public safety (law enforcement) and homelessness? Both of them will be seen as too moderate RINOs to excite the whack job ideological ultra right. And Johnson as an independent will take more votes from the R than the D nominee.

    The vast Middle of unaffiliated voters will again hold their noses and vote for the ineffectual D.

  6. Fair, or not, Kate Brown and other Democratic leaders (?) in Oregon have come to be a symbol of fecklessness, unable to make hard decisions without seemingly endless testing of the political winds, and if th R party should happen to nominate a Candidate who isn't completely Q Anon crazy, I suspect they may very well win the Governor's Office.
    Very valid, and concerning points in this mornings post, Peter. Thank you.

  7. Peter, you may be correct about Kotek not winning, but to describe her as being like Hillary is a mistake. There were people who voted for trump just because they hated Hillary. She had too much baggage, and just did not appeal to people enough to get out the vote. Hillary could not get past the nasty stuff thrown at her, like her emails, and such. Every week in the National Enquirer was a made up scandal about her.
    I do not think Kotek has that baggage.
    But it is too soon to predict, as we do not know all of the candidates on both sides yet.
    I voted for Hillary, of course.

  8. The run on sentences here are atrocious.



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