Monday, November 15, 2021

Second banana.

Vice Presidents become president--when the president dies in office.

Kamala Harris is in a bad position, and it has just gotten worse.

A proxy war is underway.

Joe Biden was not VP when he campaigned for the presidency.  He had four years out of office to re-brand himself as a powerful thinker, a leader, a man with a plan to make America better. In fact, Biden didn't do any of those things. He wasted the period, but he got elected president anyway, by backing into the office. He won the nomination because he wasn't Bernie Sanders. He won the presidency because he wasn't Donald Trump. 

Look at the standard, acceptable stance of the VP when the president is making an important speech: Two steps behind and two steps to the side. The body language tells a story of support for the boss. You are Ed McMahon to Johnny Carson. He makes the jokes. You laugh. You never upstage the Top Banana.

That is the burden Kamala Harris carries, and it is showing up now in articles like this by CNN, now dominating their web and broadcast spaces. The knives are out. 

The article leads off with an ugly conclusion:

Worn out by what they see as entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus, key West Wing aides have largely thrown up their hands at Vice President Kamala Harris and her staff -- deciding there simply isn't time to deal with them right now, especially at a moment when President Joe Biden faces quickly multiplying legislative and political considerations.
The exasperation runs both ways. Interviews with nearly three dozen former and current Harris aides, administration officials, Democratic operatives, donors and outside advisers -- who spoke extensively to CNN -- reveal a complex reality inside the White House. Many in the vice president's circle fume that she's not being adequately prepared or positioned, and instead is being sidelined.

The sourcing is the big takeaway: "Nearly three dozen" people are talking. It is a proxy war. The long article goes on and on about the West Wing's frustration, Harris's frustration, staff mismanagement, botched administration policy, bad messaging, and more. People are saying she is failing. Others are saying she was set up to fail, a leader "not being put into positions to lead." Biden and Harris will smile and deny there is any problem. Meanwhile, the aides snipe and leak.

Kamala Harris was dealt a very bad hand in a Vice Presidential game already stacked against her. Biden brought presidential dignity and norms back to the White House, but he did not bring the ability to articulate a unifying policy direction. He is frail and inarticulate. The stacked game consists of the requirement that the VP be in a supportive role to the president, whatever his flaws. The bad hand in that game is that she will instantly look sharp-elbowed and disloyal if she does something Biden sorely needs someone to do: Project a Democratic vision that pulls together a governing coalition. Biden needs the help that Richard Cheney gave George W. Bush, and that help made Bush look competent and Cheney look fearsome. Biden cannot do that. If he gets what he needs, a powerful articulate voice, Biden will be defined as weak, not smart, and Harris will be defined as stabbing her benefactor in the back. 

There is no needle for her to thread, no Goldilocks "just right" middle ground of being both leader and supporter. People will be looking to see if she is trying to trade places at the podium, and will be judged harshly if it appears to be the case. It would be "House of Cards" in real life.  

She is stuck, but so is Biden. Therefore, the proxy war.

[Tomorrow: Kamala Harris's path to the White House is for Biden to leave office promptly. The old don't give up power voluntarily, not the Supreme Court, not congressional leadership, not the presidency. It must be wrested from their grasp.]


  1. 24/7 cable news channels thrive on conflict and are not above creating their own. That said, we all know Biden picked Harris for her demographic appeal.

    The 2020 election was uniquely bizarre in U.S. history, not only because of Trump’s attempted coup, but because in spite of all the highly qualified individuals we have in this country, the contest to lead it was between two over-the-hill white geezers. We have a minimum age requirement to run for president. We should also have a maximum.

  2. Regardless of the outcome of the midterms I think/hope that shortly after Pres. Biden will announce he's not running.

    This possibility is driving all the palace intrigue, and a consequence of electing a septuagenarian. The open question is whether or not Trump actually runs and the odds makers are saying yes, but that can change; there's lots of unrequited ambition in the Republican snake pit and they might decide that MAGA is a losing strategy. The Virginia election might be the beginning of the shift, with Republicans returning to their covert racism.

    All the sniping aside ask yourself if VP Harris is qualified, which BTW wouldn't even be a question for a male VP.

  3. Kamala Harris has negative charisma. Her bizarre habit of laughing hysterically when she’s asked a tough question doesn’t help.

    In 2020, Harris didn’t even make it to to the Iowa caucuses. Her vicious racial attack on Biden during a debate was unconscionable. That Biden picked her despite that attack made him look weak and feckless to me.

    I suspect she was picked for VP because she checked off two diversity boxes: black, female. An object lesson in the hazards of affirmative action…

  4. I've felt for months that VP Harris is purposely being sidelined by Biden, or his handlers. She helped get him elected, so now they can cast her aside. No way is the Democratic Elite going to allow a woman of color to accede to the Oval Office, no matter howxqualified she might be. It's telling that her assignments from The Boss have seemingly all been no-win situations.

  5. "You laugh".

    Not when your mirthless laugh is almost always defensive, and sounds like a tray of silverware being dropped on a tile floor.

    Spin aside, there is a reason Harris was behind Andrew Yang in her own state when she put her moribund campaign out of its misery.

    Her problem isn't ambition (sexist) nor even inauthenticity (untrue). It's she has no known core principles, so is naturally awkward.

    She's Veep purely for diversity optics, which Biden telegraphed. She'd be as at home if America had a Politburo, or Gestapo.

    1. Before she was somebody she was my neighbor in carriage hills, el sobrante. Came to our place on Sundays to watch the Sopranos on the biggest tv in the neighborhood. I went to the gun range with her, talked dirty to her at the mailboxes and wife and I took her to a party at Frankie Beverly’s. She has values and you might not like them. Check out all her alameda county murder convictions then go from there. Is she qualified to run the country? More than Trump ever was.

      If necessary she’ll learn what she needs to. I hardly lose sleep over a scenario of her leading if necessary regardless of how much I dislike her politics.

      The President doesn’t define my destiny I do.

  6. This situation is not without precedent in my lifetime. FDR brought Truman in as his VP and then ignored him. When FDR died Truman was clueless, but went on to do well and was re-elected despite the Dewey headline. Trump used Pence in the same way for his own purposes until Jan 6th. How this will all play out for Harris remains to be seen, but we have been here before.

  7. My prediction:
    Biden resigns January 19, 2023. Harris serves his remaining two years then two full four-year terms.

    10 years of VP Harris as POTUS can really make some strides for this country.

  8. You have to admire the chutzpa of a Republicans complaining that Harris “has no known core principles.” Claiming she’d be as at home if America had a Gestapo sounds like Godwin’s Law at work.

    Her alleged “vicious racial attack” on Biden was a primary debate in which she had the nerve to question his relationship with segregationist senators and opposition to school busing as a means to desegregation. The only thing surprising about it, after four years of Trump, is Biden’s lack of pettiness in response.

    We’ve seen half of America go berserk after electing President Obama, and demand her arrest when Democrats nominated a woman. I doubt if we’re civilized enough for a black female to be a viable candidate.

  9. She’s odious, but then they all are.

    And we’re the spectators dining on bread and circuses.

    (Obama insiders are probably running this show.)

    1. I thought Trump was still secretly running the Government? Of course former Obama admin members are part of this administration as well.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Forced busing was as big of a loser for the Dems back then as CRT is now. Keep it up, Mike, and you can be part of the reason why Trump wins in 2024.

    It might surprise you to hear that I am not in favor of that.

  13. CRT is a boogeyman concocted by white nationalists. You're entitled to your opinion, but it isn't worth repeating repeating.

  14. Without a bogeyman (socialists, a god or Pelosi) Republicans have nothing.



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