Saturday, November 13, 2021

Request of my readers

Please take the Political Typology quiz, then email me your result.

FYI: I am an "Establishment Liberal," but readers probably guessed that.

The Pew Research Center does non-partisan political and cultural research polling. They created a questionnaire that attempts to show which of nine different "political typologies" a person belongs. I would like to know more about my readers. 

The questionnaire/poll is anonymous. They don't ask your name or email address. There are 16 questions. It  takes about three minutes.

They divide the American population into plausible political categories. There is a difference between "All-American" faith-and-flag-oriented Republicans motivated by affinity to cultural symbols versus populist Republicans who are motivated by distrust of elites, especially the big media and technology corporations. On the left, there is difference between Biden-supporting liberals, people OK with incremental change, and Bernie-oriented progressives. The political parties are uneasy coalitions of these groups.

Please take the quiz, get the result, and then email me a brief report, e.g. "I am a ________".   Any results I report will be fully anonymized and reported in the aggregate only.

The quiz:

Email me at:  

If you are reluctant to email me your result, you can click here, in a "survey monkey" site, and register your vote there. All I will get is a tabulation of total results. You can just click once to register your answer, then leave:

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