Thursday, October 14, 2021

Has Trump finally gone too far?

Is Trump crazy, as in unhinged and self-destructive?

Or crazy like a fox?

Trump comes across as manic. Yesterday he had ten new statements on his Save America website,  The one that got the most notice was this one:

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24. It is the single most important thing for Republican to do.


Won't vote! That must send shivers up the spine of GOP officeholders and candidates.

Five of his statements yesterday were original statements by Trump. Those statements included complaints about judges, election officials and "RINO" (Republicans In Name Only) officeholders who refused to support his effort to overturn elections in swing states. He used vivid, quotable language: "Most corrupt," "viciously," "disgrace," "partisan hacks," and sentences like this, "If we had an honest media this Election would have been overturned many months ago, but our media is almost as corrupt as our political system!"

No doubt these are welcome words to many GOP voters. Polls report that a significant number of them agree with Trump even though those same ballots elected many of the current state and federal officeholders. But angry words of a "viciously" stolen election are not the strongest message for GOP candidates in marginal districts. Better to focus on immigration, border security, inflation, gas prices, Afghanistan. Democrats look divided because they are divided. There is a huge opportunity for Republicans if they are united and stay focused on good issues

There is one big message that saves the day for Biden: He is not Trump. He isn't a wild and crazy guy fixated on reversing an election he lost and willing to overthrow the government to stay in office, and willing to intimidate Republican officeholders into going along with him. Trump just made it harder for Republicans.
 Trump's criticism of elections may have been the margin that cost two Georgia senators their offices. Now he is doing it again. It is crazy. Right?

Or not. When considering Trump's motives and strategy the best rule of thumb is to think that Trump might not be the impulsive, undisciplined, and seat-of-the-pants goofball that Democrats think he is. There may be method here.

Trump is firming up support for himself, even with the GOP officeholders who have most reason to be alarmed by his talk about boycotting an election. He is sending a warning shot. It is a doomsday ultimatum. The party is in his hands. An election boycott sinks them all. Or he could pick and choose, and punish RINO heretics:
RINOs in the State Senate and House who for, whatever reason, do nothing but obstruct instead of seeking the truth. Hopefully, each one of these cowardly RINOs, whose names will be identified and forthcoming, will be primaried, with my Complete and Total Endorsement, in the upcoming election.
Trump gets credibility from established GOP stalwarts like Chuck Grassley. Trump needs them to be afraid of him, and they are. He needs them to stay silent and go along with Trump, and they do. Silence is consent. 

People understand the situation backwards when they write that Trump is tearing the GOP  to pieces because he doesn't care about it, only himself. Trump is unifying the GOP like no Republican leader since Ronald Reagan. Go along, or else get cast into the fire the way Liz Cheney was. Trump may not have read Machiavelli, but he understands him. Better to be feared than loved. 

A unified GOP is the surest route back to the White House and control of the government. If he gets 46% of the national vote on election day, he wins the electoral vote and the White House. In close states controlled by a Republican legislature, he won't even need that many.


  1. Trump has become "Q".

    The "don't vote" statement, is the nonsensical kind of gibberish that kept the Qanon nut jobs mesmerized and running amok. Note that the signs are gone, with likely an unsold inventory of t-shirts and coffee mugs in garages around the country.

    We shouldn't be distracted by Trump's increasingly desperate attempts to hold on to the GOP and keep the cash rolling in. The "will he/won't he" run again narrative is classic TV show cliffhanger scripting and Las Vegas oddsmakers make it an even bet at this point. We'll see.

    The real damage is being done by the wannabes like Abbott. I find it hard to believe that that kind of bind ambition will be held in check by a 78 year old mentally deteriorating reprobate. My bet is that as 2024 gets closer there will be several who will attempt to overthrow Trump.

    1. Rick; Don't forget, that will she/won't she worked for HRC, in the run up to the 2015/16 Campaigns. That said, I think Drumpf will be dethroned, if not defenestrated before 2024. He's already laid the groundwork for an easy out, and all he will need is a Bonespur flareup to exit the race.

  2. Trump's getting headlines and screen time for these remarks. His remarks are splashed and churned, driving out Biden's policy initiatives to open the ports, build back better, and the January 6th investigation. A trifecta move to show he's still Top Dog. See how the press and media follow me! What if we just quit covering this old fat loser gasbag? That, dear reader, should be his purgatory.

    1. I totally agree. If the mediazwould just pretend he's dead, without a lot of wailing, he'd disappear from the Countries memory nearly overnight, save for some of his most rabid supporters. And if they were ignored, they would fade out as the foam dried from around their lips.

  3. We know Trump is crazy – he’s a psychopath. But that doesn’t mean he’s stupid.

    The quote Peter provides generated this headline yesterday in the National Review: Trump Urges Republicans to Sit Out Coming Elections. What a blessing that would be, but don’t count on it. He lies a lot.

    The quote that should be motivating Democrats is Trump’s observation that if more people vote, “you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.” We need to get out the vote.

  4. Trump is a salesman. Kind of like P.T. Barnum. He's full of bluster. He says some stupid things sometimes. But Trump isn't crazy, and he's not demented like Biden is. Trump is an egomaniac who is out for Trump first. Nevertheless, he's popular because he promotes policies most important to conservatives like immigration.

    Yet, Trump doesn't dominate the GOP like he did 4 years ago. Trump does some stupid things like endorsing RINOs like Grassley, Romney, McConnell, and Collins. Conservatives notice that, and hold it against Trump. Trump is not omnipotent. Ron SeSantis is quickly becoming the alternative to Trump. He won't directly challenge Trump, but if Trump falters, then you'll see DeSantis step-in as the head of conservatives and the GOP.

    1. You lost most sentiments with "demented like Biden". Anything after that is horsefeathers.

  5. Trump is popular because he normalized white nationalism. Anyone who doesn't think he dominates the GOP isn't paying attention. White nationalists are now the Republican base and if the party distances itself from Trump, it will be distancing itself from its voters.

  6. edc.pers.home......If you were a school teacher, then it's obvious why schools are failing.

    1. At least I'm not too cowardly to post under my name. And your previous post regarding President Biden is still horsefeathers.

  7. The schools are failing Mr. Anon know nothing because parents have decided that they are totally disinterested in education. Don’t need it just like science. Too busy with their hustle to read ( The Lost Art) How many books are there in the home? You could have a drive by shooting and never hit a book, a PlayStation maybe. Parents are failing the schools. Ask any teacher. No money for supplies. No money for equipment.
    Don’t tax me. I already got my public education, too bad for your family and your spoiled lazy brats.

    1. Thank you, Mr. Bowman for elucidating what I believe is a huge problem, exacerbated by what Mike mentions. I know many fine teachers, being ground down by everything mentioned here. I wish I knew how to fix the situation. The one thing I'm sure of is that electing Republiqans to School Boards is not the snswer.

  8. This is something I heard years ago from a local teacher who had been teacher of the year:

    "The teachers are afraid of the principal, the principals are afraid of the superintendent, superintendent is afraid of the school board, the school board is scared of the parents, parents are scared of the children - and the children aren't scared of anybody."

  9. Trump is a con man. And if you don't see the con, then you're the stooge.

  10. A con man knows every second he’s on the con. In my opinion, Trump is more a malignant narcissist who genuinely believes to be true whatever his ego needs to be true at a given moment. He actually thinks the election was jobbed.

  11. Yes, it's pretty pathetic when we need to put up billboards to remind an ex-president that he lost.



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