Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Fiduciary. Some jobs include a duty of care.

Not everyone has a well-functioning immune system. Colin Powell didn't. COVID tipped him over the edge.

I consider health care workers and police officers to be fiduciaries.

Readers of this blog skew older. We have a right to live. We have a right to be protected from people who would assault us by carelessly shoving us and knocking us down onto a sidewalk or store aisle.

There are some places where an old or ill person is likely to be by necessity--hospitals, for one. Much of the work of a doctor, nurse, or other attendant is done up close. A police officer, too, is likely to get close to a senior who is being helped or detained. In either case, people are in the control and care of the worker. 

Everyone exhales. That is how COVID spreads.

A word has become a familiar part of public discourse, "immunocompromised." Getting older in itself is a cause of reduced immunity. Other causes are chemotherapy for cancer, drugs to suppress rejection of transplants, and treatment of diseases including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, multiple myeloma, and more. 

Powell died from a combination of COVID and multiple myeloma. Tucker Carlson's monologue made the point that Colin Powell had been fully vaccinated, but got COVID and died. Readers who have difficulty understanding neighbors who refuse vaccination might take a moment to read closely and watch this talk, even if watching Carlson is not something one normally does. He said,
Like almost everyone his age Colin Powell was vaccinated against Covid, yet according to his family and doctors Colin Powell died of COVID. Of course that fact does not make his death any less sad, nor is it unusual. Many thousands of vaccinated people have died of COVID. Former CDC director Robert Redfield just today announced that about 40% of all recent COVID deaths in the state of Maryland, for example, are among those who have had both shots. So what does this tell you exactly? It tells you you have been lied to. 
Vaccines may be highly useful for some people, but across the population they do not solve COVID. That’s not speculation. It is an observable fact. People who have been vaccinated can still get the virus, they can still transmit the virus to others, and they can still die from COVID. Colin Powell is hardly the only example of that. So the question is, why are they telling us otherwise? And the answer is simple. They are telling us that to divide us from each other. To set the country against itself. It’s been going on a long time but it’s never needed to happen. There is no inherent reason that a virus should rip apart the United States. COVID easily could have brought us together. Shared suffering often does that. 9-11 did that. Yet from the very beginning demagogues like Joe Biden and many others have used this virus as a hammer, to smash the bonds that connect Americans to one another.


Carlson employs an adept switch in the vaccination frame. He
 left out the fact of Colin Powell's multiple myeloma, and he offered a misleading statistic about the effectiveness of vaccines. Readers should not let his cynicism and dishonesty distract from the skill of his message and presentation. He is indignant and confident. He is bold and shameless. He blames Democrats for what he himself is doing right there on screen. "Vaccines may be highly useful for some people" is a subordinate clause, a throwaway to the real point of the sentence, that vaccinations "do not solve COVID," as if anyone claimed vaccinations "solved" it. Carlson employs Powell's death to show vaccines don't work. People inclined to think Joe Biden is a demagogue now know the score. You are a victim of lies. Don't be a sap. There is a lying demagogue in America who inflames and divides, and it is Biden.

There are lots of old and immunocompromised people who do well--if they avoid a mistake. An older person who falls, or is shoved, sometimes breaks a hip and dies. A person who carries COVID endangers others with exhalations. Some of the people they endanger are immunocompromised. They have a right not to be shoved. They have a right to know the institution that person works for has taken every precaution.

Many people like what they hear from Carlson, and it helps explain why people quit jobs this week rather than be vaccinated. They don't want to feel pushed around by a "demagogue." Meanwhile, vulnerable people don't want to be pushed around, either, or be at higher risk of a breakthrough case of COVID transmitted by an unvaccinated person. Colin Powell died because he caught COVID from someone and that, when added to the existing disease, was enough to kill him.

How does one resolve the conflict between the two views of shoving? There is law and custom regarding fiduciaries. They have a duty of care. 

The news is full of people resigning their jobs this week. I am OK with them quitting. Go. If they don't want the duty of putting the vulnerable person's interest first, they should do something else.

City councils and hospital boards of directors are fiduciaries, too. People in control of police forces and health care workers have a responsibility to the people they serve and to their institutions. A vulnerable immunocompromised patient or police detainee who gets COVID after close exposure to an unvaccinated COVID-infected health care worker or police officer has a gripe, and maybe a lawsuit. 

A multi-million dollar lawsuit might give fiduciaries of institutions courage better to protect the people they serve.


  1. I removed a comment written in the style of Curt Ankerberg. It used a false name, it employed name-calling. It was a troll comment. That put the comment into the classic Ankerberg style, but may have been by someone mimicking him.

    Ankerberg is a frequent candidate for office. He runs in Republican primaries. He is famous for using bad language and making comments that mention pedophilia and homosexuality. When he--or someone who mimics him--comments here I delete them and put the comments into the context of reminding readers that a federal tax judge found he committed tax fraud, and that his defense to this was his mental disability.

    Readers are invited to review Mail Tribune articles about him.

  2. Some are unhappy about all the people who refused vaccines taking up space in our hospitals. Others are upset about being compelled to take a free, safe and effective vaccine when instead they could be taking the latest quack cure they saw on social media.

    I have a modest proposal: Those who don’t trust the medical establishment enough to get vaccinated should have an alternative to a medical establishment when they come down with COVID-19. They could go to alternative clinics that provide treatment based on “alternative facts.” Any doctors and nurses too stupid to get vaccinated could staff those clinics and administer the hydroxychloroquine, disinfectants, horse dewormer or whatever. It’d be a win-win.

  3. Excellent point and much needed refutation of FOX disinformation.

    This is a good example of the very profitable FOX/Republican strategy. Republican politicians and other right wing sources, anti-vax celebrities for instance, promote mistrust, FOX "news" reports it, and then the primetime talking heads angrily amplify it. In this way they give credibility to misinformation and outright lies to an audience eager to believe them.

    This barrage of BS also forces credible information sources to constantly be on the defensive playing "whack a mole" with the latest regurgitation from Tucker and the rest.

    The motive? MONEY

    BTW, while I believe Redfield probably made that statement I couldn't actually find it though I did find this reporting of Dept. of Health statistics from the Baltimore CBS outlet:

    "Of those cases, 1,842 vaccinated Marylanders were hospitalized, representing 10.8% of all Covid cases hospitalized in the state. 233 fully vaccinated Marylanders have died, representing 8.36% of lab-confirmed Covid deaths in the state."

  4. No argument from me about the efficacy and general necessity of COVID vaccination. Various deniers and conspiracists are harmful to others, period.

    Front-line contract workers like police, EMTs and hospital workers are not devils, but I'll try to be their advocate in the following sense alone.

    Remember how the Nuremberg trials cast the Holocaust as sui generis (thankfully), so the auspices for a unique charge of crimes "against humanity"?

    However, that usage subsequently expanded and contracted in often makeweight and politicized application, diminishing the concept as precedent.

    Is COVID-19 sui generis, warranting a public health equivalent of martial law? It certainly seems so...yet still could happen again, and hence...

    Especially for unions, there could be concern that once their contracted healthcare autonomy is overridden, it can routinely be subject to the "public good".

  5. I welcome the police in Washington being removed from their jobs due to the state mandate to be vaccinated. These are the people who should not have the police power and in my mind the most likely to abuse it. 127 Washington state troopers “quit” yesterday. We need police, but not people who don’t care about others enough to get vaccinated.

  6. In discussing vaccine mandates, some people like to bring up the Nuremberg Code, as if it were a violation. They must have heard it on Fox "News." There isn't much to say about it except that it's a crock.

  7. Mike--

    Relax, big fella. I'm referencing the Nuremberg trials and Holocaust crimes against humanity in general, not the Doctors Trial nor the resultant Code. Of course the vaccines are not sinister experiments. That would be for the conspiracists that you'll recall from your careful reading I rejected out of hand. Hint: not everything you read from folks who don't share your politics carries the worst, most overwrought explanation.

  8. Dudgeon--

    Try not to get in such a huff. What makes you think I was referring to you?

  9. Irony; Tucker Carlson labeling Joe Biden a "demagogue".
    Poetic Justice: Tucker Carlson coming to same end as Benito Mussolini.

    1. A very thoughtful and thought provoking round of commentary this morning. Thanks to all.

  10. Mike--

    Me citing "Nuremberg" fifteen minutes before you did.

    Addendum to all on the contract precedent--

    Many of the public workers in e.g. Chicago, especially police officers, reportedly ARE vaccinated anyway but do not want to submit their names and personal health data--again, with precedent in mind--into what they believe is an unsecure online compliance portal.

  11. Dudgeon--

    In that case, get as indignant as you want. If the shoe fits etc.

    By the way, anyone who thinks there's any resemblance between vaccine mandates and Nazi Germany must have had a cephalo-rectal anastomosis,

  12. Mike Ankerberg--

    The proposed comparison/contrast was sui generis legality. Whooosh!

  13. The SAR-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid19 doesn't follow political commentary, rather the virus is an equal opportunity infector. Compare our response to Covid infections in Australia, a country with a similar makeup to the United States, has a minuscule number of fatalities by requiring everyone coming into contact with the public (frontline workers broadly) be vaccinated. Australia's vaccination mandate and eight day lockdown has reduced the effect of the virus on their death rate, case load and their economy. Well chosen words and or horse dewormer has no effect on the virus. Antivaxxers, play on verbal bullying, right wing fascist literature and fractured history reminisces but result in no benefit or relief from the effects of a deadly virus. Viruses just don't care. That is the nature of a pandemic.

  14. Low Dungeon--

    In a discussion of vaccine mandates, you made a direct reference to the Nuremberg trials where Nazi war criminals were being tried. It wasn't very "sui generis" of you - you're hardly the first. I don't think anybody with intact cognitive function would mistake it for anything other than what it is - a reference to the Nuremberg trials in connection with vaccine mandates. Holocaust victims don't appreciate it being trivialized.



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