Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Southern Oregon in the National News--Yet Again

Medford is Number One.

Our problems have caught the attention of the nation. 

The Asante medical system showed up in bright red on a national map published in the New York Times. I have taken a bit of local hometown pride when seeing the banner that noted that our local hospital was recognized as a cardio-vascular center of excellence.  My father had helped raise money for the hospital back in the mid-1950s as one of the school principals who spent weekday evenings calling on prospective donors to build it. I have a sense of connection. My hospital. But this time the hospital was not getting an award. It was being recognized as the hospital getting the highest increase in COVID patients.  News stories generated locally and picked up nationally described the people lined up in the hallways, the ICU unit slammed, the need for more ventilators.

Much of the multi-county area that sends patients to Asante is "Trump country." The vaccination rate is low and mask compliance is spotty. Oregon has a heightened "backlash" problem not present in red states, because Oregon's state leadership reflects the COVID policies typical of metropolitan areas. That generates political resistance. The hospital says that 95% of the new COVID patients are among the almost 50% of the adult population that remains unvaccinated. 

Then there is the smoke here.

Yesterday's air near my farm

Medford was in the news for forest fires and smoke. Medford was number one for hazardous air. Sometimes the air is "unhealthy," sometimes "very unhealthy," sometimes "hazardous." There are big fires just to the north of us but the very biggest fires are in California to the south.

This past weekend Medford's air got above 300 on the Air Quality Index--hazardous for anyone simply to breathe--which put us at twice the particulate level as the most polluted of major cities around the world that report data. Kabul routinely makes the list. 

After the fire.Today, the Rogue Valley made the national news a third time. The New York Times is running a big feature on the Almeda fire, one year later, with a close-up look at six families. To remind out-of-area readers, the Almeda fire roared up a fifteen mile strip of parkland, igniting over 2000 homes over a 24-hour period, primarily burning dense mobile homes parks built alongside that park. The news story describes life after the fire, and their difficulties finding a place to live. The fire that displaced them reduced the already-short housing stock of the Rogue Valley. People are living in storage sheds and RVs. 

There are common themes to each story. One is low incomes, which make their options very few. None of the families are in a position to tap a savings account to buy or build something new. The other theme was that they wanted to stay here. 

The article is not a typical hard news story with quotes from public officials and descriptions of FEMA timetables. The article looks at families in distress and explains why it is they stay. The Rogue Valley is home. The Times writes:
A year after the Almeda fire, hundreds who are still in trailers, hotels and other temporary homes continue to grapple with that question. They have faced vast challenges in rebuilding their lives in a region where affordable homes are in short supply and the competition is fierce. Above all, there’s a looming sense that more fires are sure to come.

Still, residents are reluctant to leave a community they are bound to by work, school or family.

The year 2020 appeared to conclude with a January 6 coda, an insurrection blow-off where a president drew a crowd to the Capitol to reject an election and retain office. What a miserable year. Insurrection. Fires. Smoke, COVID. Surely 2021 would be better. 

It turns out that the problems of 2020 are still with us.


  1. We have far too many people who are adamantly opposed to taking the simple steps necessary to curb the spread of COVID-19.They think the pandemic is a hoax or no big deal. They go berserk over schools wanting to protect their children. They’d rather take a horse dewormer than a free, life-saving vaccine. Then when they fall ill with COVID, they flock to the hospital and displace patients who weren't asking for it.

    It's no surprise they are supported in their madness by the same political party that claimed the election was "stolen." Their contempt for science and facts will be our undoing.

  2. When you have a corrupt Federal government that allows highly infected illegal aliens to cross the border unimpeded, and then it transports them across country without any medical testing, then you're going to have a Covid problem. Blame the new Covid outbreak on Joe Biden! According to the Federal government, only White Americans carry Covid, while illegal aliens and Afghan refugees don't.(That's only a slight exaggeration)

    The Covid "death numbers" are so bogus and over-inflated it's not funny. Almost every death is listed as a Covid death, whether it's Covid-related or not. The death numbers are obscenely dishonest.

    Only the very ill (in most cases) are being affected by Covid, while the real Covid death rate is extremely low. It's clear to anyone with a brain that Covid is being used by the Democrats as an instrument to enact their socialist programs. Nancy Pelosi and Barry Obama and their friends can prance around at their parties without a mask, while they try to put you on "lock-down". As Rahm Emanual says, "Never waste a good crisis".

    Steely, if you're so worried about Covid, then go get 5 shots, and wear 4 masks and a bubble suit, and stay in your closet. But don't bother me. The rest of us are going to live out lives unimpeded.

    America was founded by "real men", and real men aren't afraid of a stinking little virus that was made in China.

    1. Thank you for confirming the mind sets of those perpetuating the C-19 impacts on individuals and communities. One certainly could not construe you as capable ofsatire.

  3. Hey Anonymous, if you are ever hooked up to a ventilator that "us real men" prattle of yours will be garbled as you struggle to breathe. Meanwhile, pray that neither you nor yours needs emergency medical care any time soon. The hospitals are full of vax resistors who supported your position yesterday.

  4. Comments in reverse order to Anonymous's post...

    If Anonymous is such a big, strong, viral he-man, what's he afraid by wearing a mask that such a small, weak, woman governor wears? I see thatThe Rock wears a mask in public too. Is he more of a man than The Rock? Why does wearing a mask make you feel that somehow your sexuality is compromised ? Is everything sexual to you?

    The death tolls from Covid19 are now taking younger and younger people. Why is that? Well the variant causing this round of infections is much more contagious. Anonymous is correct to point out that your heath status can have a serious impact on Covid19 or for that matter the common flu and a host of other diseases. Being unhealthy is not good if you have and accident or become sick. Your outcome is usually worse. Simply put, more people are getting Covid19 so it follows as the night the day that there will be proportionally more hospitalizations and proportionally more deaths. I might add here I do not wish that on you or yours!

    It just occurred to me. is Anonymous's a kin to hippopotamus's?... I digress.

    Anonymous points to the corrupt Federal government as the reason for resisting mask wearing. He clearly supports Trump's resistance to mask wearing as bad optics. But let's NOT forget that this unhealthy, obese man nearly died from the disease and received his vaccinations in private. Trump's appeal to people like Anonymous is simple. Trump gives people like Anonymous permission to do whatever they feel like. No more nanny state for them (Exception: as long as you're white.) Believe the lies Anonymous but don't try to spread them here. Bring facts with proof please. What Anonymous does not explain is why or how mask wearing somehow benefits a supposedly corrupt Federal government?? Anyone, anyone...?

  5. If nothing else, Peter’s blog has resolved any doubt about whether the wingnut anti-vaxxers have a lower I.Q. Unfortunately, you can’t cure stupid.

    1. Unfortunately, stupid has a way of curing itself.

  6. " Real men" protect and care for the weaker, less capable and less fortunate

  7. I now tell antivaxers “Don’t eat the sugar cube!” However, as children they already have. EXPOSED! Antivaxers just can’t help being liars and hypocrites. They cannot hide the shame of their childhood, vaccinated for diphtheria, small pox, and yes, polio. Sinners all.



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