Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Elections don't matter.

There is a new normal: Republicans need not accept elections.

Norms are what matter.

     ". . . That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. . .."

                   Declaration of Independence

The words of the Declaration reflect Enlightenment ideals. They also, in the long run, reflect practical reality of political power. The will of the people is like gravity or the tides. Eventually it determines everything. 

Americans don't eat rats, and are most of us are disgusted at the prospect, although rats are commonly eaten by people in Southeast Asia. Culture and norms matter.

The norms of the American republic changed. What was unthinkable two decades ago--that a president can ignore an election, throw out ballots, and stay in office--now has the enthusiastic support, or silent consent, of leaders and members of one of the two great political parties in America. 

Trump's ability to persuade and lead public opinion has been vastly underestimated by people who perceive themselves to be thought leaders and caretakers of American culture. Trump is a towering figure in American politics. He did what FDR did 90 years ago by establishing the New Deal; Trump changed Americans' understanding of government. A significant body of Americans don't accept election losses as legitimate. 

Trump led this, but leadership has trickled down to state and local GOP leaders. They agree or are silent. They understand their base. 

Trump issued a statement: 

Today's news describes Peril, a book written by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa. Trump was screaming mad that Pence would not unilaterally discard electoral votes. Peril describes Pence as desperately wanting to comply and sought an excuse. Pence called former Vice President Dan Quayle looking for some crack or seam in the wall of law. Quayle said there was none.

The sources for this story could only be Pence and Quayle themselves. At least one of them was willing to talk to Woodward and Costa; the other did not deny it, so it is in the book. 

The lost opportunity for Pence is the "tell" that reveals the changed state of public norms. Pence could position himself here as heroic, as a man courageously resisting tyranny and a coup d'état. He has a great story. He was an eyewitness and victim. He stood tall and proud.


Pence is obviously attempting to position himself as the 2024 Republican nominee. That requires that he be the reluctant disappointment, one who changes the subject of Trump to the things Trump got right. The people whose support he needs don't want a hero. They wanted Trump to remain president by hook or by crook.

Trump begged, flattered, and threatened officials to claim fraud. The system of checks, balances, and federalism anticipated the possibility of a dangerously persuasive actor operating in bad faith. In 2020 Trump was stopped. That was then. Trump's persistence in claiming fraud has metastasized. Public opinion within the GOP primary electorate now accepts Trump's premise and goals. Larry Elder's pre-election claims of upcoming massive fraud in the California recall election hurt him among Democrats, but not Republicans. Additional Republican state legislators are demanding forensic audits of 2020. Election denial is becoming commonplace.

Pence has a chance to be a hero of the republic. I stood up to Trump and tyranny!  He isn't doing that.

Why not? He wants to win a Republican primary.


  1. I have removed an obscene comment by Curt Ankerberg. Ankerberg is a local Republican office-seeker who has been found guilty of tax fraud and filing inaccurate tax returns by a U.S. Tax Court. The judge concluded these were not "mistakes." They were "fraudulent intent for each year by clear and convincing evidence."

    People wishing to learn more about the source of nasty comments that pop up on this site can consult the local newspaper story:

    Peter Sage

  2. Using the word great in conjunction with the Republican Party is perhaps misplaced ? One of two most dominant works, but I don't think Republicans have approached "great" since perhaps Dwight Eisenhower.
    Their total capitulation to the Fa ssf cost Forces of Trumpism, and the aiding and abetting of a (botched) Coup d`Etat have forever removed them as contenders for Great. I do think wounded, angry creatures are at their most dangerous when cornered, and the Republic needs to be on guard for further attempts to overthrow the Elected Government.

  3. "Fascist" forces. Sorry for the typos.

  4. Hmmm, Bob Woodward is either a bete noire or a valued source with his most recent journalism. Democrats dismiss his reporting that General Milley was playing slap and tickle with his Chinese counterpart to undermine President Trump (and arguably America), and now Republicans will have to deal with the implications of this reporting about Mike Pence. My own primary caution is that I just don't believe Pence would turn to Dan Quayle for definitive advice on this or any subject, Indianans or not.

    I will acknowledge that Trump himself actively undermining an election for his own race as a presidential incumbent is the worst in this category. As a Republican with a fair memory, however, I take issue with Mr. Sage's characterization of what was unthinkable a couple of decades ago. Democrats high and low declared that George W. Bush was "selected" in 2000 by a corrupt Supreme Court, and even challenged his reelection. Hillary Clinton claimed the race was stolen from her in 2016.

  5. It should be noted that so far this tactic has not worked, other than to keep the MAGA heads riled up. So far. It may be useful to get media coverage, but as the CA GOP just discovered, it doesn't seem to move the broader electorate. One looks pretty silly contesting a 60/40 election one lost (5 million "fraudulent" votes?). True, California ain't Carolina so we'll have to see where it goes from here.

    The legal system has thrown these cases out for utter lack of evidence; it appears even conservative judges feel duty bound to follow the rule of law. Republicans seem happy to sacrifice willing lawyers, like Rudy "What's he up to these days?" Giuliani to ridicule and sanctions.

    It's a pretty obvious binary strategy:
    A: Be Trump's VP if/when he runs in 2024 or...
    B: Be the MAGA frontrunner if he doesn't

  6. About the time of Newt Gingrich's Contract On America, the GOP began it's fall down the rabbit hole. Trump was simply the latest and most extreme manifestation of it's tendency to depict political opponents as enemies, praise war criminals as heroes, make up their own "facts," etc. Since he's the undisputed leader of the party, it's not likely to change for the better anytime soon. Today's Republicans have to swallow Trump's Kool-Aid or risk being labeled Wackos In Name Only.



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