Monday, August 30, 2021

Vaccination Porn: Anti-vaxxers die of COVID.

 "Ha! You have it coming."

I delete blog comments that appear to take satisfaction out of the deaths of anti-vaxxers. 

It is unlovely. It is disrespectful. It is politically counterproductive.

The media has a genre I call "vaccination porn." It is the semi-joyful story of comeuppance, in the form of a report on the COVID death of someone who publicly opposed vaccinations and tried to convince others not to be vaccinated. 

I understand the emotion of joyful justice, but I try not to give into it, nor do I let this blog be a venue for expressing it. Life is unfair. Sad, unlucky, painful things happen to people, both guilty and innocent, bad and good. Rain falls on the just and unjust, so I try not to let myself think that someone else's misery is deserved.

The media stories about the COVID deaths of anti-vaxers are an iteration of a classic trope in slapstick comedy, the quick reversal of fortune. Here, Charlie Chaplin, at second-40 tosses a banana peel onto the sidewalk. At second-46 he slips on it. 


The comedy is richest when a person is injured by the very mechanism that he uses to injure another, like Hamlet's two schoolfellows who carried letters that would have had Hamlet killed. Hamlet says, 
For ’tis the sport to have the engineer
Hoist with his own petard; and ’t shall go hard
But I will delve one yard below their mines
And blow them at the moon. O, ’tis most sweet

"Hoist on his own petard" is a memorable phrase, for good reason. It reflects a human emotion.

I call the stories "porn" because there is an element of furtiveness in the media accounts. They don't say aloud the "Ha!" part, but it is there hiding in the shadows, like pornography before the 1970s when fig leaves were removed and it became full-frontal everything. For most of the 20th century pornography was illegal, so there had been an element of tease. There were accidentally-on-purpose flashes of breast. There was a veil semi-hiding the good stuff. 

COVID death news stories look like this:

The "Ha!" is a silent letter, present but unpronounced.

A COVID-conscientious person is continually confronted in public by people who have removed their masks or who wear them under their chins--about 10% of people yesterday in Costco. One can ascribe a hostile attitude to them; darned if they care if you catch something from them. It creates a moment of animosity. Wearing a mask is an inconvenience done for the benefit of others. Vaccinations were originally understood to be primarily about protecting oneself, but now they, too, are a public health matter. Vaccinated people are less likely to spread the disease, less likely to incubate a new variant, and less likely to clog up the hospitals. In the minds of the COVID conscientious, anti-vaxxers and mask removers are like litterbugs, drunk drivers, or people who would smoke a cigar in an elevator. One could delight if the cigar turned out to explode.

Best not. The politics of gloating over comeuppance requires the COVID-vaccinated to invite their better angels. Gloating backfires politically. Anti-vaxxers do not perceive themselves as scofflaw cigar-smokers stinking up someone else's air. They perceive themselves as cautious about the risks of a vaccine, realistic in the perception that COVID "cures" are worse than the disease, and courageous in their defense of all-American freedom. 

Some people will enjoy the karma-justice of the anti-vaxxer hoist on his own petard, but it must be a guilty pleasure, not a proud one. It is guilty. We know how random and unfair misfortune can be. Misfortune happens to everyone. Best to keep that sad reality--not Hamlet's "most sweet"--in mind.
 If other emotions come unbidden, keep silent.

The unvaccinated have their reasons. Deaths may persuade them to change. Contempt will not.


  1. That’s all well and good (sincerely), but WTF Costco???????!!!!!!!

    “ A COVID-conscientious person is continually confronted in public in stores by people who have removed their masks or who wear them under their chins--about 10% of people yesterday in Costco.”

    I don’t advocate having stores check vaccination status at the door, because that isn’t simple, but masks are simple. Nobody not wearing one should be allowed in. Period. Or to continue to shop with masks off, which will be a bit more complicated ~~ until word gets out.

  2. Nope.

    Anti-vaxers in the media are promoting it for money. They are profiting from human misery and do not deserve anything but our deepest scorn. It doesn't matter whether they believe the garbage they spout or not. It's a payday. This goes for the outlets that host them and the sponsors who support them too.

    Thousands of innocent, gullible fools will die or have lifelong disabilities due to their lies. Businesses will fail, people will go bankrupt, be evicted and lose their livelihood as this pandemic goes on interminably.

    Good riddance.

  3. I see no indication this fellow was making money at this. Are you going to throw your self-righteous, not proud, gloating in the face of the four kids he left, Mr Millward? This was the conversation,

    So much tribalism. So much distrust.

    So much ugliness.

  4. No shirt, no shoes, no service.

    We are all used to, and follow this rule. Why is “no mask” so difficult for so many?

  5. The MASK has become to the anti-vaxxer and covid denier, a tribal symbol. Wear the mask and be identified with the nanny state. Shun the mask and be identified with... freedom? That said I look at my own life and times of riding in and then driving a car without seatbelts; and , I might add a bike without a helmet. It seemed unnecessary to me and maybe even dangerous if, in the case of seatbelts, I needed to exit the car quickly for some reason, or in the case of wearing a helmet on a bike the speed I traveled seem too slow to cause any injury but a helmet could slip and obstruct my vision. I gave no thought to the others in the car who may or may not wear seatbelts. Or no thought to the reality of brain injuries and my disability society would bare the burden for my lack of concern in the case of injury. In the case of seatbelts, I only started using them when it became the law "click it or ticket". Now mandates make sense to me now. We are not giving up anything to wear a mask.

  6. It was exactly one week ago that Nancy Pelosi was at a Democratic Party fundraiser in the Bay area with hundreds of wealthy, older, white donors (just like Peter Sage). NOT ONE OF THEM WAS WEARING A MASK. NOT ONE OF THEM! Your Queen Nancy has told the world that we don't need to wear a mask, because she and her friends don't wear masks at their parties, except for show. Barry Obama and his friends weren't wearing masks at his party either! We all know for a fact that the cheap-ass masks that everyone wears DON'T WORK, they don't keep-out virus particles, so this is all for show in order to show subservience to your Nazi Party leaders. I'm a good little sheep, I wear my official mask, and I got the official vaccine (which doesn't prevent re-infection). I do what I am told! I have a better idea. Try to keep yourself in good physical condition, and then you won't get sick.

  7. Check this out, “Anonymous,” who think you won’t get sick if you’re in good condition. Did you miss this local story? Good friend of a good friend. Zero “underlying conditions.” 47 years old. Underestimate this virus at your peril.

    1. I saw that story about the former Medford resident. I believe this particular anonymous is probably Curt Angerberg cleaning up his language and insults so as not to be delted.

  8. That said, I agree with Sally; any business n.v es has a right to take actions to protect its employees, and customers, and should be enforcing the masking rules, at the door, and inside, as well. And while I don't rejoice in the feeling, I can't help but feel a little schadenfreude when a Phil Valentine goes toes up after all his denial preaching.

  9. I agree with Peter that misfortune can come to anyone, and it is not good form for a good person to gloat. I suspect that those victims got the message as they were terminally ill. That would be enough. I think it should be publicized, however, for everyone to know.


  10. It's hard to feel any sympathy for the sort of whackos who held an anti-vax, anti-mask super-spreader protest in front of Asante, while staff put their lives and families at risk to take care of idiots like them. Delete this if you wish, but they're dying of stupidity by choice.

  11. You know, some days it pays to get up just to read this blog... I agree with Michael S

  12. Be a good a Christian to the antivaxer and offer to them your ultimate insult…”I am praying for you.”

  13. I totally agree with Dave Norris, and Michael Steely, and for a distinct change, I can't agree with Mr. Bowman, mostly because I don't subscribe to the collection of mythical hypocrisy labelled "christianity".

  14. Let’s reverse the empathy flow on this. Let’s assume the media exposing anti-vaccer Covid deaths are trying to break through the tribal wall of misinformation with the news that “your messengers have been lying to you.” And let’s give the vaccinated who use snarky humor, instead of violence & intimidation, to express their well-founded rage, some credit for self-restraint. I am beyond furious with those who believe that they are entitled to be stupid and to spread a deadly disease to others. If I vent by quipping that a hospitalized anti-vaxxer has “just won the Darwin award“ it seems like a forgivable jab at someone who believes they are entitled to kill my husband or my unvaccinated grandchild.

    I’m saving my empathy for the doctors and nurses. I



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