Tuesday, August 3, 2021

"Peter, I respectfully disagree."

 Yet another doctor tells me I am dead wrong about COVID.

This time it is David Gilmour, M.D., a former Jackson County Commissioner.

My logic is a mix of the medical and the political. We have the capacity to make COVID hospitalization and death very rare in this country, if everyone medically able to get vaccinated did so. But near-universal vaccination isn't happening. Too many people aren't bothering to get vaccinated or are firmly opposed to it. It is a problem of messaging and branding--the stuff this blog writes about. 

The vaccine brandMy proposition is that vaccines developed two separate brand ideas. One--the dominant one--is that this was an extraordinary gift from medical science, a pandemic-ending lifesaver that is surely safer than getting the disease. I agree. I have that brand idea in mind.

The other brand developed in opposition. It was that there is nanny-state over-reaction to COVID, and pressure to get vaccinated is another iteration of it. It is pressure to conform, to knuckle under to the worrywarts. It is pressure to see COVID as a bigger deal than it really is. Some people consider the pressure a simple nuisance, like unwelcome people at one's doorstep with Bible tracts certain they will save your soul if you just listen to them. Some people see the CDC and Biden and state governors as tyrants pushing something risky, maybe even dangerous. They want to mandate vaccinations because the free people of America won't do it voluntarily--proof positive that it is unwelcome. That second brand makes it a choice between submission versus freedom. Seen that way, of course people resist.

France is trying vaccine passports. It is creating backlash, with huge anti-compulsion demonstrations. In the USA, the backlash is less visible, but also present in the form of low vaccination rates.

My suggestion to Democrats is to back off talk of passports and requirements, except in medical facilities. Quit trying to persuade. More "selling" confirms the tyranny brand. It becomes a contest, and getting a vaccination means losing. 

Ending talk of mandates and vaccine passports does not mean Democrats are taking silent glee in the deaths of Trump-supporting vaccine refusers. I argue that it means Democrats recognize when a political message is having a reverse effect.

David Gilmour is a family practice physician here in Southern Oregon. He maintained his practice while serving as a Democratic Jackson County Commissioner. He was a popular Commissioner and physician, with a reputation for being very reasonable.

David Gilmour says I misunderstand the situation. This is a medical emergency that requires government to do more, not less. Vaccinations work, and innocent lives are at stake.

David Gilmour Guest Post

Peter, I respectfully disagree. During the past year, the life expectancy for the U.S. population as a whole fell for the first time since WWII. That was all because of COVID-19, with over 600,000 dying this past year. 

Just giving up and accepting hundreds of thousands of more deaths as “inevitable” should not be an option. The vaccines work well at preventing serious illness and death. It makes sense to maximize vaccinations in select groups. Vaccinating front line medical workers, teachers, and others who have frequent contact with vulnerable people could be the first step. Mandatory vaccination of health care workers has already been sanctioned by the courts. All front line hospital and clinic staff and first responders should have vaccination (or alternatively frequent COVID-19 testing) as a condition for employment. 

If politics were out of the picture, that would raise no more eyebrows than past requirements for chest X-rays and PPDs to monitor for tuberculosis, or hepatitis screens to rule out active hepatitis.

Schools present a difficult dilemma during the COVID-19 era. Kids definitely can get and transmit COVID-19. Yet vaccinations are so far not available for children under 12. Even before the Delta strain, it was known that teachers can  catch and transmit the virus, both to other staff and to the children under their care. Mandatory vaccination of teachers and mandatory masking of everyone inside a classroom may become a necessary evil to both save lives and to prevent future school shutdowns from outbreaks. Such a decision should be made by the local public health authority and not be delayed by making it an item of negotiations between school boards and labor unions. Adding Covid-19 vaccinations to other required pre-enrollment vaccinations (such as meningitis vaccine) for entering college students will also do much to prevent university outbreaks and keep universities open.

When I was in my 20s, I had to carry a yellow vaccination book to be able to travel to many countries. I suppose that the booklet today would be maligned as a “vaccination passport." I would not be surprised that proof of COVID-19 vaccination along with a recent negative COVID-19 test will be a future requirement for crossing borders, and maybe for air travel. 

Yes, mandatory vaccinations and testing may be viewed by some as an abridgment of “freedom.” But with freedom comes a responsibility to do no harm to those around us. We still have a long difficult road ahead of us. Let's not blow it by doing nothing in the midst of crisis.


  1. I have “given up” about gun related deaths and anti-vaxxers. To me they’re in the same boat as QAnon, Scientology, Astrology and wack-a-doodle conspiracy believers. There’s no hope for this group. It’s Jonestown all over again. I do believe the courts may play a role. We have seen their role play out in prosecuting parents of children abused and mistreated and died as a result of the parents “belief” that some wack-a-doodle thing would be the right way to raise them. From where I seat in life I can only say I’ve gone my part to help and educate and at this moment I give up. It is what it is....

  2. As COVID-19 seems to be focusing on the unvaccinated, who adamantly insist on their 'freedom' to infect others, there is an increasing frustration and indifference to their plight. The problem is, they're still infecting others and allowing for more virulent strains of the virus to develop. To the extent that it's possible, vaccination should not be optional.

  3. I have heard reports recently that vaccinated folks infected with the delta variant are just as infectious as unvaccinated folks infected with delta. If this is true, how can vaccination keep delta from spreading?

    I should add that I am fully vaccinated.

  4. "With freedom comes a responsibility to do no harm to those around us".

    Clemenceau said war was too important to leave to the generals. The above shows why public health is too important to leave to the doctors.

    Dr. Gilmour's operative ethic has no limiting principle, even for policy in the heart of the pandemic, let alone now on the backslope.

    As written, the "harm" test could well serve--and has served--varied exigencies of authoritarian regimes from the Left or the Right.

  5. Infected, unvaccinated people are a public health hazard and as such will need to be coerced. Unfortunately this will require a "bipartisan" approach but as long as Republicans see an advantage to pandering to the misguided, uninformed and just plain stupid, people will get needlessly ill and possibly die.

    That's the problem. The solution is obvious.

    The Biden administration and Congress could put us on a path to stopping this. History will likely judge them unkindly if they don't.

  6. Dr Gilmour’s operative ethic was enshrined into law in 1905, Jacobsen vs Massachusetts, upheld in SCOTUS through numerous challenges.

  7. Mr Millward, I regarded Democrat Jeff Golden as a public health hazard a couple or three years ago when he refused to support mandatory vaccinations for public school attendance.

    And still do.

  8. Sally--

    That case empowers states to impose mandatory vaccinations, yes, but with the holistic responsibilities, assessments and accountability such a step entails in addition to medical advice for a political entity answerable directly to the people.

    A duty to "do no harm to those around us" standard, basically a doctor's own ethic extended now to society, remains problematic in a public health setting, as applied now to groups, not individuals, and with "harm" conspicuously and invitingly undefined.

    It's no accident that Democrats have spoken of late about gun violence, climate change and even systemic racism in addition to the COVID pandemic in terms of "public health crises".

  9. What would this society look like if we had this political climate during polio, measles and all the other scourges that have been tamed by vaccines?

    C'mon folks, there's something different happening now, and it's not good.

  10. Some who comment frequently here always seem to lead one to believe that it's only Regressives (Republicans) who are anti-vax.

    The facts do not support this, and also ignores past anti-vax actions prior to the pandemic.

    I live in a community that is mostly right leaning. All I have encountered couldn't wait to get vaccinated, and I led an effort to get almost my entire neighborhood of 100 homes jabbed. The few who did not either recovered from COVID-19 early on, or had a medical condition that prevented them from getting the vaccine.

    And yes, I do know a few who still refuse, but they are from left, right, and non-affiliated political persuasion.

  11. M2inFLA has a good point. Ashland is a hotbed of anti-vaxxers who like to cloak their ignorance in pseudoscience. However an AP-NORC poll shows that as of July 23, "Republicans are far more likely than Democrats to say they have not been vaccinated and definitely or probably won’t be, 43% to 10%."

    This is an issue that shouldn't be partisan, but it is.

    1. And there are the Hispanics and Blacks who are identified as groups who have too many described as not getting vaccinated.

      None of us like that vax/non-vax divide has been politicized.

  12. I ask them when I meet them, you want some polio? How about a little diphtheria or yellow fever? I know, I got some Ebola right here and maybe some herpes…sorry , no vacs for those. But I can get you small pox and maybe some Dengue fever. I love my malaria but again still working on that vax. And oh, that little kid with cancer tumor, you just nailed him with that big hug. Such a generous, empathetic soul, you are, you are.

  13. Hello everyone, I want to say a special thanks to Dr OGU. for helping me get cured from herpes virus 2019 , I contacted him base on the testimonies I saw about him on the internet I was diagnosed of HERPES Virus i have tried all I can to get cured but all to know avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal man who prepare herbal medication to cure all kind of diseases including HERPES virus, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try I was cured by his herbal medicine and natural herbs, kindly contact him today through his email: drogugusolutionhome@gmail.com or text/call: +1 (719) 629 0982

    He’s waiting to help you.


    If you have any sickness like : H I V/AIDS , CANCER , HERPES 1 or 2 , GENITAL WARTS, Yeast-infection's (HPV), and Hepatitis A, B. Trichomoniasis Gonorrhea, Epilepsy, and Syphilis.

  14. Peter, that post ⬆️⬆️ from “Jennifer Robert” is spam. You need to remove it.

    1. Agreed, thanks for so promptly pointing it out as the fraud it is.

  15. Nothing has ever been accomplished in our nation by the utilization of logic and common sense. We curtailed smoking and integrated our schools only after
    legislation was passed. The very same pattern is evident in the current controversy surrounding the transmission of Covid-19 by unvaccinated carriers of the disease. Until the day when they are held responsible for the spread of this scourge will we see progress in suppressing it. In recent years, often with the best of intentions, the individual "rights" concept of the
    Constitution has been over broadened by jurists eager to implant their names in law journals. I suspect the uneasy alliance so permeated with slave owners that created our Constitution would be aghast at many of the interpretations that have been made in respect to their "true intentions". I predict that nothing will be done until the day (hopefully) the Republican party rejoins the human race by facing reality and eschewing the overthrow of our democracy.
    Bob Warren



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