Friday, July 30, 2021

Update from the Oregon Secretary of State's office

 I got a phone call. 

The Secretary of State's office says they did not intend to stonewall and resist questions about the 2020 election.

Carla Axtman, the Communications Director for the Secretary of State Shemia Fagan, called me and said her goal was to be quickly responsive to questions on the quantity and nature of fraudulent voting. In being quick, she said she understood her response lacked the detail I sought. She apologized for that and said she would get that information promptly, likely within the next week. 

Americans have heard that their elections are unreliable, indeed so unreliable that it is acceptable to ignore them. The "Stop the Steal" rally and insurrection has support from a considerable number of people, and a larger number who minimize it and don't think it particularly worrisome. There is a premise behind that support and minimization: Elections are an imperfect way of determining the popular will. Attendance at rallies, Facebook posts, and the comments of friends and neighbors are a more reliable guide because so many people are voting illegally. That is the thought and fear. 

I consider that a proposition subject to verification. There could be widespread voter fraud, and if so, the distrust of elections by some large segment of GOP voters would be well founded. The information from Jackson County suggests that voter fraud is very, very rare. The Heritage Foundation found and reported as such, as well. Our Secretary of State has the information to confirm or refute the notion of widespread voter fraud, at least here in the vote-by-mail state of Oregon. The office is not withholding it, they insist. They are compiling the information now and will be providing it to me and others. It will be posted promptly on their website as well.

I am asked not to be impatient. Instead, I am asked to stay tuned.  I will keep readers updated on what I learn.


  1. Very cool. The power of a blog to light a fire under a recalcitrant bureaucrat. Good work!

  2. It’s important to differentiate between “voter fraud” and “voter mistakes.” People live busy lives. Sometimes they forget to change their address with the county clerk. Sometimes they space out and forget little details that could cause them serious fines. The ex-felon in Texas who didn’t understand that his voting rights didn’t begin until the end of his parole is a good example of this.
    Intent matters.

  3. I find it bothersome, given the current foofoorah over voting rights, and alleged fraud that the Secretary of States Office doesn't have all the information you requested on their computer desktops.
    I can never forget a former State Rep from Medford telling a group of some 300 Realtors that the lack of evidence about Voter Fraud was "compelling proof" voter fraud was endemic in our State , and did so with a straight face. I have no doubt he believed his absurd statement. And that was iverc20 years ago.

  4. It's good to see that the spokesperson did get off of her high horse and admit her mistake.

    You can get a better idea looking over her contributions to Blue Oregon before it withered away, and before she became a state employee.

    There is a lot of opportunity for the SoS office to improve their transparency.

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