Monday, June 7, 2021

Maybe COVID was a lab leak, after all.

Frankenstein COVID

Humans worry about messing with Mother Nature. 

Dr. Frankenstein's creation
There is a partisan consequence to the origins of the COVID. Where it came from matters because it changes the focus of blame. 

Democrats focused on how American dealt with a problem that arrived on our doorstep--people getting sick with an infectious disease. Without strong evidence they planted a stake in the ground: COVID happened "naturally," in a transfer from bats to some unknown intermediate host animal to humans. Since it was an accident of nature, the focus can be on whether Trump handled it correctly. Trump, Fox, and Republicans generally, said it was the "China-virus," and therefore Americans should focus blame for any problems on China.

Evidence that it was created in a Wuhan biological lab is a multiple victory for Republicans. Democrats had scoffed at that idea, and they would be wrong. News media hostile to Trump had dismissed a Wuhan laboratory genesis, so they would be wrong. Politically correct people who accused Trump of racism would be wrong. Mis-informed President Biden is playing catch-up to Trump. Win-win-win-win.

The Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed yesterday by a physician Steven Quay, and physicist Richard Muller, arguing that science points to laboratory tinkering with the virus, exposed by a genetic "fingerprint" in the part that increased the overall lethality of the virus--the so-called "gain of function." 
In the case of the gain-of-function supercharge, other sequences could have been spliced into this same site. Instead of a CGG-CGG (known as “double CGG”) that tells the protein factory to make two arginine amino acids in a row, you’ll obtain equal lethality by splicing any one of 35 of the other two-word combinations for double arginine. 

They conclude by calling this "the damning fact."

There is a whole other way to look at this. It is neither damning, nor surprising. It was just a mistake of the kind that happens all the time with scientists. 

BSL-3 and BSL-4 Labs
There are two dozen labs around the world like the one in Wuhan. There are four Level 4 Biological Safety Labs in the U.S.: A CDC one in Atlanta, a military one in Maryland, and university-based ones in Galveston and San Antonio, Texas. Scientists know that manipulating viruses is dangerous, which is why they are done in facilities with special filters, hazard suits, and positive air pressure. 

The U.S government actively defends the need for labs. In a NIH webpage titled "The Need for Biosafety Labs," the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease writes:

New threats to health continually emerge naturally, however, as bacteria and viruses evolve, are transported to new environments, or develop resistance to drugs and vaccines. . . .To control epidemics and protect the public health, medical researchers must quickly identify naturally occurring microbes and then develop diagnostic tests, treatments, and vaccines for them. Preparing for bioterrorism--the deliberate release of a microbe into a community in which it is not a current health concern--calls for the identical scientific skills and strategies.

Here is the full text:

Humans have been writing about the hazards of tinkering with Mother Nature for all recorded history. Adam and Eve ate from a forbidden tree. Pandora opened a box. Prometheus gave fire to humanity--and received eternal punishment for it. Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus in 1818, describing the monster created by a scientist. It was her submission in a competition to write the most terrifying of horror stories.

Voters in Jackson County, Oregon voted to disallow genetically modified crops to be grown here. People pay extra to buy organic food. People worry about herbicides, pesticides, lead paint, and asbestos.

There is good reason for worry. Modern science sometimes goes wrong. Nuclear weapons testing at Hanford during World War II radioactive iodine that damaged the thyroids of children downwind. The supposed wonder-drug Thalidomide, intended to reduce risks of miscarriage, caused an estimated 100,000 deaths and 10,000 babies born with birth defects. 

Thalidomide survivor

Democrats are in a Catch-22 with the Wuhan lab leak theory. Normally the right approach to deal politically with this potential is to say "So What?" What is the difference if the virus mutated in a bat or in a laboratory? Either way, the real issue is whether China played down the hazard--effectively doing exactly what Trump did. The blame settles on the response. 

The catch is that the Wuhan lab theory points back to the hazards of science. Democrats are fully invested in the notion that the COVID vaccine is safe, that scientists know enough and are careful enough to create--at "warp speed" and under emergency authorization--a vaccine safe enough to put into the arm of nearly everyone, including people who are very unlikely themselves to get seriously ill from the virus.

Democrats want science to seem benevolent and trustworthy. They are fully committed to widespread vaccination. They are betting the farm on the notion that people of science know what they are doing and can see the downstream consequences. I hope they are right. I am vaccinated. But sometimes they mess up, even when their intentions are good.

Supposedly good. Wuhan is in China, after all, and Americans may presume bad motives. Just why would anyone investigate increasing the "gain of function"? Many Americans, on both left and right, would be suspicious if the outbreak came out of Galveston, Texas, wondering what the CIA--or Bill Gates--is up to. They are doubly so if it comes out of Wuhan.

It would be better for Democrats if there were clear evidence that bats are to blame.



  1. I don’t care how it came to be, only how is the best way to deal with it. Although It probably gives terrorists an idea of how to create havoc. As our knowledge increases exponentially these types of things become more possible by just a few people. It makes me wonder if humanity will survive without AI taking over and being in control. In the meantime at least Fox News has something to yell about.

  2. "Reports based on U.S. intelligence have suggested the lab collaborated on projects with the Chinese military." - WSJ

    If COVID was due to a breach from the lab, then it follows that Chinese authorities could have quickly kept it from spreading.

    Unless, the lab tried to keep the breach from the government and failed, so that by the time it was exposed it was too late. This hypothesis seems likely in a society governed by fear.

    This is a breaking story, and one that needs beyond a shadow of a doubt confirmation to avoid become another conspiracy meme. The WSJ opinion page is not where the story should start and end.

    Democrats will make every effort to follow the science, but politically, if true, and Occam suggests a strong possibility, Republicans will find a way to exploit this with more xenophobic fear mongering, conveniently ignoring the likely truth that the US is doing the same research and just as easily could have had an breach.

    Shortly, climate change will make all this geopolitical nonsense moot. The first step in saving the planet will be to disband all armies, since they collectively are the biggest users of fossil fuels.

    On another note, "GOP Joe" Manchin will vote against HR1, proving once more that it's the "moderates" who sabotage the Progressive agenda and in this case move us closer to a white supremacist police state.

  3. “The science” is settled, the Democrats keep telling us on a variety of topics.

    I am currently reading Unsettled. What the book says about current computer models of the climate should give pause to anyone with an open mind. Those models are the main support for claims about how much the temperature will rise as a result of CO2 emissions.

    Speaking as a computer scientist, the book seems very accurate and credible on the models to me. These computer models are a very thin reed to support major and very expensive/disruptive changes to the economy of the world.

  4. Anthropogenic climate change is "settled science," computer models not so much.

    The origin of COVID-19 is not settled, and it matters less for knowing who to blame than for knowing how to prevent a recurrence. The dominant hypothesis among scientists is that it was naturally transmitted from animal to human, but a lab leak can't be ruled out because at this point we have no evidence for either hypothesis.

  5. Maybe the lab was full of flying bats. Hanging out, so to speak. Chinese love to infect their population. It was all planned so they could disrupt their economy and be the laughing stock of the world and Fox News. Boy, I can think of a million mistakes this country has done. Look at the suicide rate of our GI’S. HOW ABOUT USING GI’S in the nuclear tests in Nevada . Strontium 90 in mother’s milk. Oil spill here, Oil spill there.

  6. I’ve been following this story closely, and this is one of the better recent pieces about it.

    Btw, I cannot imagine anyone saying “origin doesn’t matter” for any other man made disaster, eg, Chernobyl, air crash, oil spill.

    Also important: the US (and France) funded this research for a long time with a short pause. And still does.



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