Thursday, May 6, 2021

The emperor has no clothes.

     “Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster. . . Therefore, choose life, so that you and your children may live."

            Deuteronomy 30

     "The question before us now is whether we will join Trump’s crusade to delegitimize and undo the legal outcome of the 2020 election, with all the consequences that might have. . . . For Republicans, the path forward is clear. . . .We know how. But this will not happen if Republicans choose to abandon the rule of law and join Trump’s crusade to undermine the foundation of our democracy and reverse the legal outcome of the last election. History is watching. Our children are watching."

          Liz Cheney, Op-Ed, Washington Post May 5, 2021

     "GOP leaders shouldn't have to lie about 2020 to keep their job."

          Editorial, Wall Street Journal, May 4, 2021

Liz Cheney said Republicans are at a crossroads. The GOP can validate Trump's Big Lie, echo it, and send the country down the road to an American future when losing candidates for office send partisans to the streets or the Capitol to change the result by force, or we can reaffirm what Ronald Reagan called an American "miracle," the peaceful transfer of power.  Cheney, Washington Post:  Click: Op-Ed

She is saying what they know, but cannot say or bear hearing. 

She is expected to be ousted from her position of leadership in the House GOP within the week. House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy was heard on a hot mic saying "I've had it with her." Other GOP Representatives are complaining that she isn't creating unity because she is contradicting the Trump story line of a stolen election. That position is now the default, acceptable position for Republican officeholders. It need not be forcefully advocated, but it must not be contradicted. Cheney is doing just that, saying every officeholder really knows it. The silence of consent is poisoning our party and our democracy, she says.

Many GOP officeholders have stayed in good standing--or at least out of the line of potential fire--by mumbling and letting the story of election fraud be said by others, without contradiction. So, the Trump story thrives and spreads.  Liz Cheney is the latest example of the peril of truth-telling.
Trump is good at framing a political message. He knows how to attack and belittle. Trump has a platform, essentially a blog like this one, only with a "CONTRIBUTE" button, and no way to comment.

Political observers have no choice but to bookmark his site. He says controversial things in a powerful smash-mouth way, with familiar put-downs and insults. Other people read it and report on it, so it is news.

Readers have asked me "when are you ever going to stop talking about Trump?" The answer is whenever Trump stops being the major influence on GOP decision makers. At the moment they are terrified of him.

In a series of announcements yesterday Trump said Mike Pence failed to use his power as presiding officer to disallow electoral votes cast for Biden and he blamed 
"gutless and clueless MINORITY Leader Mitch McConnell (he blew two seats in Georgia that should have never been lost)" for having failed to engineer "a far different Presidential result, and our Country would not be turning into a socialist nightmare!"

He attacked Liz Cheney. 
Warmonger Liz Cheney, who has virtually no support left in the Great State of Wyoming, continues to unknowingly and foolishly say that there was no Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election.
Shortly later he announced his support for a change in leadership to avowedly pro-Trump  Elise Stefanik.
Liz Cheney is a warmongering fool who has no business in Republican Party Leadership. We want leaders who believe in the Make America Great Again movement, and prioritize the values of America First. Elise Stefanik is a far superior choice, and she has my COMPLETE and TOTAL endorsement for GOP Conference Chair.

Trump is speaking populism to a populist audience. Even the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal is contradicting Trump. On May 4 they ran an editorial titled "Purging Liz Cheney--GOP leaders shouldn’t have to lie about 2020 to keep their job."

The better part of political prudence would be for Ms. Cheney to ignore Mr. Trump. But Mr. Trump won’t ignore her. He issued four statements on Monday and three of the four were attacks on fellow Republicans, including one on Ms. Cheney. She may be ousted because she is daring to tell the truth to GOP voters—and at personal political risk. . . .

Mr. Trump lost the popular vote in a rout and the Electoral College by a similar margin to what he won in 2016. Mr. Trump lost even as Republicans gained 12 seats in the House. The election was close, but not as close as others in American history. 

Republicans should find a way to speak this truth to voters in 2022.

Liz Cheney is on her way out. She is saying what Trump doesn't want to hear, and officeholders are listening to Trump. For now, still, it is Trump's party. 


  1. Trump is a psychopath who falsely claims the election was “stolen.” Republican politicians that contradict him with facts are labeled “traitors” or Wackos In Name Only. To remain Republicans in good standing, they’re expected to believe him or at least pretend they do. In other words, they have to be crazy or liars. Preferably both. The GOP has degenerated into a Trumplican Party with no platform other than doing his bidding.

  2. Trump’s brand is “Winner.” That’s why Trump voters voted for him. To admit that he lost the election, Trump voters would have to admit to the fact that he is not a winner - he’s a loser. So instead they believe the big lie.
    Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

  3. 100 Million People, nearly 1/3rd of the country, have decided to rally around the political platform of one idea. Trump is no longer a leader, but an ideology that opponents will have to reckon with whether they like it or not.

    No matter how much the idea might be hated, these are real numbers. This is putting money to the mouth, cashing the ass check. Haters can either decide to work against this or find some political compromise. To date they refuse to compromise, refuse to buy into anything Trump has created.

    You can hate the man until the end of time. The idea will not die. The next couple decades are being cemented right now.

    1/3rd of the country, possibly more. Leave us the fuck alone or pay political consequences. Let us live in freedom or pay political consequences. Ride the fence and pay political consequences from both sides. Lines are being drawn and the people don't have time for squirrels who can't decide how to cross a road.

    We are in the era of the sanctuary city, the sanctuary county, and even the sanctuary state. Democrats invented that concept in modern times; the cat is out of the bag; and even Trump is no longer in control of it anymore. To unify you have to stop blaming Trump and admit his ideas are legitimately possessed by a significant number of people even if you don't agree with them.

    Democracy fails because the majority continually tells the minority to pound sand. Stop doing that? Maybe?



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