Friday, May 28, 2021

Real Raw News: Hillary Clinton Hanged at Gitmo

Fifteen percent of your fellow Americans believe the government, media, and financial worlds in the U.S. are controlled by a group of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who run a global sex-trafficking operation.

Possibly readers missed the news of Hillary Clinton's execution, witnessed by Donald Trump, at 9:05 p.m. on April 26. 

To learn what is really going on, one needs to consult the right news sources.

The Public Religion Research Institute, a non-profit, non-partisan organization that studies the intersection of American politics, culture, and religion, released the results of a poll. The organization noted a "non-trivial" number of people believe in the Satanic cabal conspiracy. Moreover, a higher number of people, 20%, believe "a storm is coming soon that will sweep away the people in power and restore the rightful leaders." And 15% of all Americans and 28% of Republicans, agreed that "things have gotten so off track true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save the country." Understanding QAnon’s Connection to American Politics, Religion, and Media Consumption

This helps explain why so many Republican officeholders are sitting back quietly and going along with Trump. They don't want to stand in front of a stampeding herd. Too many Republican voters believe ideas that would seem extreme, except that they are so widespread they have become commonplace. The poll also helps explain why GOP cooperation and compromise with Democrats is so politically difficult. One doesn't compromise with disgusting Satan-worshiping pedophiles who traffic and kill sex slaves. 

Hillary Clinton remains a special focus, claimed to be someone who tortures children to cause their adrenaline to rise, then kills them to drink their adrenaline-infused blood. Or cuts the faces off children to make a therapeutic mask she applies to make her own face look younger, an idea that circulates on the web under the name "Frazzledrip."  Forbidden Knowledge: Frazzledrip is real  There are also links on that site to NASA admitting the moon landing was faked.

Belief in this suite of beliefs is not limited to Republicans. While 28% of Republicans believe the Situation so grim that a violent overthrow of the government may be inevitable and necessary, 7% of Democrats agree, and Democrats have the Congress and White House.

The strongest predictor of belief in this is the respondent's primary source of news and information.

Various demographic, religious, and political factors are associated with agreement with the belief: Being a Republican, being a political conservative, being Hispanic, being Catholic, not having a college degree, and being non-White.

The headline for this blog post was news that Hillary Clinton was hanged at Guantanamo Bay at 9:05 p.m. on April 26. It is the kind of thing that catches a reader's attention.This was not covered by the mainstream fake news. If a reader believes what one sees on mainstream media, she is still out and about, carrying on as usual--somehow, apparently, not executed after all. The story here of Hillary Clinton's execution has lots of details to give credibility. Her last meal was scrambled eggs and a milkshake; Donald Trump was in attendance to watch; Navy Seals arrested her on March 2; a three-officer panel found her guilty of murder; the gallows was a steel scaffolding, with a trap door opening down. The story concluded with a quotation from "a source":
"As much as Trump hated her, this was purely business. He cares about the children who suffered at her hands more than he cares about what she did to him. Yes, her demise sends a signal to the Deep State. But Trump knows there are many more to go, and he won’t celebrate till the job is done.”

Other news stories on this site are that the military arrested Adam Schiff on Wednesday; that a military tribunal convicted John Brennan of murder and treason; that the U.S. Navy Seals stormed Bill Gates' Wyoming ranch, and that Anthony Fauci is preparing to flee the country, having purchased overseas properties in the UK, Argentina, and Panama, and having netted at least $9 million  from COVID vaccination sales. Read about it here:

The news stories are fantastical, but they are not trivial. The stories are written as factual, contain tidbits of specifics that make them read like a wire service report, not an opinion piece, and are amazing enough to be circulated among like-minded people. Maybe it's true. Maybe some of it is true. I read about it somewhere. 

The story of Hillary's death has been viewed 599,335 times in the past month. The story of Anthony Fauci has had 96,390 readers since it was posted on May 15. 



  1. I’m thinking big brother may be necessary in order to control and make illegal some of these information outlets that endanger our country. Humans are too easily influenced by these kind of hysteria mongers. Remember witch hunts, Hitler? I don’t think our country will survive without some kind of intervention on this. I remember talking with an intelligent nurse before Obama was elected, trying to convince him that of course Obama was a US citizen, but was unsuccessful. Talk radio was too influential. Now the internet makes it even easier to be led into believing pretty much anything.
    This is serious stuff and very dangerous.

  2. After Barack Obama’s election, the GOP realized it needed to expand its appeal. It has since become a ‘big tent’ – a three ring circus featuring the tea party, birthers and Qanon. Facts are irrelevant – they prefer ‘alternative facts’ – and truth is the enemy. Thus, their opposition to a bipartisan Jan. 6 commission. They seem to be living in some alternate reality, but they’re still voting in ours. Isn’t that election fraud?

  3. These stories would merely be fantasy fiction if it weren't for the insertion of real people into them. If an aspiring screenwriter submitted them they probably would be rejected as amateur having the ring of a half bright juvenile prosaist. Free speech tolerates this, like the supermarket tabloids that brought Trump to the popular mind along with UFO babies and two headed goats. The goal of these sites is to build a following and attract advertising; it's about money and the fascination with celebrity.

    In this particular case, stories about Hillary Clinton appeal to misogyny and fear of emasculation by an accomplished woman. She has little actual power since leaving office, but still terrifies.

    "Q" has disappeared but these manias have an afterlife that will fade or be replaced with the inevitable copycat. Though the postings have stopped, the last one was in early Dec. 2020, believers hang on, with one theory being "Q" is a time traveller who has returned to the future. In that respect the delusion has a messianic tilt and a certain paranoid logic. ​

    I suspect the "take up arms" question would probably track well with one that identified white supremacist affiliation.

  4. The elite media, thanks to their liberal bias, has lost the trust of a significant proportion of Americans. Those people have turned to other sources of news.

    None of this is good, and the liberal elites have only themselves to blame. No one forced them to bias their coverage the way they did:

    * the Steele dossier
    * the Russiagate hoax
    * the conspiracy of silence on the possibility that Covid came from the Wuhan lab

    And those are only some of the more recent examples. They go all the way back to Dan Rather’s lies about George W. Bush’s Air National Guard service, and further back than that.

  5. Oh, and one I forgot:

    * the protests last summer here in Portland were “mostly peaceful”

  6. you got me wondering what crazy things people believe. A two minute Mr. Google search on some bona fide surveys:

    History: Ten percent under 40 had never heard of the Holocaust. 11% thought the Jews were responsible for starting it (in NY it was 19%). Check out this map of respondents.

    23% could not name Great Britain as the country from which US got its independence. Education and income level made no difference in answers.

    Science – 25% of 2.2 million Americans surveyed think the sun revolves around the earth (not including those who believe the earth is flat) Also half understood that antibiotics are not effective against viruses.

    Not promising

  7. Response to John C:

    There are many in this great land of ours who fool you by walking upright.

  8. Response to M. Trigoboff:
    • In October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates. Separately, in April 2016, an attorney for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, while the Free Beacon stopped its backing in May 2016.
    • 34 individuals and 3 Russian businesses were indicted in the Russiagate “hoax.” Seven pled guilty and five were sentenced to prison.
    • The possibility of COVID coming from the Wuhan lab is being investigated, but the dominant theory for how the COVID-19 pandemic began remains natural transmission from animals to humans.

  9. Russian hoax? The biggest liar ever known phrased it as a “hoax.” Doesn’t that say it all?

  10. These are the patriots who will replenish the tree of liberty.
    “Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up ...”



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