Monday, May 3, 2021

Kate Brown. Saving lives is a no-win problem

"From what I have seen at least 95% of people are wearing masks, and if they worked so well don’t you think after a year we would be in a different situation? The only reason our state is in the situation it is, is because our governor is out of control with power. As far as I know a virus has never been controlled once let out. The only way that our state opens is when businesses and people quit listening to commy kate and get back to living. "

Michael, comment on Next Door. Medford, Oregon, May 2

Brown: "I choose to save lives."

For the benefit of out-of-state readers, "commy kate" is a reference to Oregon Governor Kate Brown. Governor Brown just noted that multiple counties in Oregon have seen a sharp rise in COVID cases, causing her to re-classify them as "extreme" risk status, which re-imposes restrictions on indoor meal and beverage service.

Message boards are a way to sample public opinion. There is a school of thought that there is wisdom in crowds because the pooled opinion of a wide variety of people on anything--for example, the correct number of beans in a large jar--is likely to be close to the objectively "correct" answer. Therefore we can trust the crowd to determine the correct value of stock in Apple or Microsoft or to elect the best possible leader at any given time. Message boards make one doubt that. There are a lot of angry and opinionated people and it is hard to perceive wisdom there. But message boards do have value. They show the problems governors are up against when they attempt to reimpose COVID restrictions after having relaxed them.

COVID infections are back on the rise nationally, and especially so in Oregon, including my own community, Jackson County, with a population of about 221,000.

Cases are up. Deaths are rising again, but are still well down from four months ago presumably because the people most at risk from dying have had the opportunity to be vaccinated, and most have done so. The people getting and spreading the disease are younger people.
Currently, in Jackson County:

Below, the graph shows who ends up needing hospitalization. Notice that the big jump is at age 50 and above:

Most of the chatter in the Next Door website in opposition to vaccines is ideological. Vaccine opponents are usually also mask opponents and COVID minimizers. There is a libertarian every-man-for-himself streak, plus a generalized fear of government, in much of the opposition chatter.

The backward step on COVID shutdowns is infuriating to many. Some people are saying very intemperate things. The governor travelled to Medford last week with an entourage of security. Many people never wanted any COVID response, and a great more accepted it briefly but have lost patience with COVID masks, distancing, and shutdowns, especially since they thought we were on the home stretch. The constituency most concerned about COVID, has gotten vaccinated. That leaves a much bigger group of people who are less worried and therefore less inclined to accept COVID inconveniences. Making matters worse is that getting vaccinated had implied a return to normal, and yet CDC guidance retains use of masks. This circulated within Next Door chatter:

Democracies are better at dealing with clear and present threats than with potential ones.
Events in India demonstrate that there are tens of millions of people worldwide carrying the virus. The more people doing so, the more mutations happen and the more likely it is that I new, more virulent and deadly strains can take root and circulate here in the USA. People who don't get vaccinated are potential carriers of the disease and its new variants.

Next Door chatter give some insight into the opposition to vaccines. It is a matter of privacy, autonomy, and freedom. Within the subculture of opposition, information circulates which gives practical reasons for opposition to justify the ideological one. Masks don't work. Masks make it hard to breathe and therefore make one more likely to get the disease. Masks concentrate the virus and make people sicker. The vaccines don't work. The vaccines are far more dangerous than reported. Vaccines might give you cancer later. The vaccines only give short-term protection, so don't bother. The disease is spread at homes, not restaurants and bars so shutdowns have no legitimate purpose. The disease is not very dangerous. The disease is totally fake. The numbers of people getting sick from COVID are far fewer than reported. People who supposedly die from COVID would have died shortly anyway. The vaccines have the sole purpose of creating health passports to control people in a new way. The best way to stop the disease is for more people to catch it, live through it, and have immunity.

It is Catch-22 for any governor. If their efforts succeed, then COVID becomes less of a threat, and therefore efforts to slow the disease will seem unnecessary and overblown. It will be much ado about nothing. If their efforts fail, then the disease got out of control, notwithstanding their having rules that damaged the economy; typical government incompetence. The people who did not get sick and did not die will not know that they owe their health and lives to the public effort the governors demanded. The families of people who do get sick and die, will note that the governors did not protect them.

Lose. Lose. Lose. Lose.


  1. Yes, reported cases are back to January levels. This is May.

    Biden is President. I can draw a clock.

    There is a possibility that we won't vaccinate enough people to reach herd immunity, with more people afraid of the vaccine than the virus. It indicates that the tinfoil hat brigade is larger than believed.

    Despite some Republican leaders getting vaccinated, including El SeƱor, I have the thought that the base doesn't believe it; that it's a ruse and they really didn't. Republicans adopted the "government is the problem" rant with Reagan and guess what? worked!

    Libertarians are merely those with severe arrested development; around age 4.

    Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV...

    Nailed it!

  2. Rick; I read one of those awful Ayn Rand novels, when I was a Sophomore at Nedford High, 1964. Thought Libertarian sounded cool, but managed to grow out of it by the time I graduated. I now believe those in Congress who claim to be "Libertarian" are merely Republicans flying a False Flag.

  3. My only problem with the “saving lives“ trope from Kate Brown is that she failed to invoke it in her vaccination priority list, scheduling seniors among the last in the nation while her campaign donors went first. No journalist has yet called this out. So when she says she’s doing this to “save lives,“ why has no one asked why that didn’t matter early on? I am not a fan of journalists being obsequious to power.

    I’ve virtually given up on hopes for herd immunity, for the reasons you list and a few more.

  4. Given the generalized reaction by the antivaxers, being a large enough population, that herd immunity will not be attained in the US. It follows that a more resilient SARS-CoV-2 virus will take root in the unvaccinated and mutate to the point where the current vaccines will offer little or no resistance, as happens with the current seasonal flu strains that come and go mutating each time so that we are never fully protected from the common cold and flu. Current public health precautions have almost eliminated infections from the common cold and flu in 2020-21 flu season as they are good public health guidelines. The current safety measures set in place by Governor Brown will likely become the rule rather than the exception regardless of which party occupies the State House.

  5. Replying to Anonymous; Kudos, for stating what should be obvious, but apparently is not, at least to many of the people who reside here in Southern Oregon.
    Now, if I can just find a mask which doesn't fog my glasses.

  6. Adding stories from my podiatrist ... the three Rivers Hospital is beds available. Bill Gates has put small nanobots inside the vaccine I order to track your every movement. The Chinese who made your mask have put Covid cells in the fabric so when you breath in they enter your body and when you breathe out you infect others. There is another story about aliens who sent the virus ( but I don’t believe it entirely, well maybe , partially.)



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