Thursday, March 11, 2021

Put Biden's name on the check.

     “Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America: 

      I hope that everyone remembers when they’re getting the COVID-19 (often referred to as the China Virus) Vaccine, that if I wasn’t president, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful ‘shot’ for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn’t be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!”

Donald Trump understands self-promotion. 

Biden needs to take credit.

President Joe Biden's office announced that the $1,400 check sent to some 85% of Americans will not have his name on it.  It will bear the signature of some nameless career official in the Treasury Department. A year ago stimulus checks were delayed because Trump demanded his name be on the checks. 

Biden misunderstands the situation. As the president, he assumes that the unrivaled focus of the public eye is on him. Normally yes, but this time not. He has a co-star crowding him on stage, acting like the alternative president, not a dismissed one. Trump's announcement  regarding the vaccine went out on official letterhead of a Trump-created Office of the Former President, with its own logo using the Presidential Seal. 

Heads up to Joe Biden: Donald Trump has not left center stage. 

The problem for Biden goes beyond the fact that significant number of people still believe Trump to be a hero and martyr. Republican voters write me arguing that Trump is honorable and truthful, that he won the election, and that the real womanizer and liar is Joe Biden. Trump elicited faith in his person and virtue. Therefore, the facts of workaday reality bend to meet that premise. The truth must conform with whatever Trump said. The election must have been stolen from him, so he is the legitimate alternative president.

The Trump base voters believe in Trump. They will never vote for Biden.

The problem for Biden is what is left of the "middle" in American politics. Swing voters do exist. They consist of the few who might vote for either a Democrat or Republican, but the greater number are the politically unattached, semi-interested people, who decide whether or not to tune in and vote at all. The extraordinarily high turnout numbers in 2020 demonstrate Trump connects with those people. He is a charismatic provocateur, a star. They noticed him. Many loved him; many did not. 

In drama terms, Biden needs to realize he is not doing a one-man-show. He is Shakespeare's Othello, sharing the stage with Iago. Iago has the better lines. Iago is the one doing the selling. Iago moves the plot. Worse for Biden in this analogy, the audience sees that Othello is being played. Trump has positioned Biden to be "Sleepy Joe," manipulated by staff and fellow Democrats. Joe is the plodder, thinking the game is one thing when it is really another. 

Joe Biden is playing by the rules of normal presidencies, so a president does not need to be a showoff. The presidency alone makes you center stage; one can act with humility and grace. After all, the money being sent out is the public's money, not Biden's, so of course the check would reflect that. He pushed through an immensely popular bill despite 100% Republican opposition, and he is, after all, the president. Surely voters will understand he deserves political credit.

No, they will not. 

That big unattached swing vote will not be watching the big speech by Biden this evening, as he talks about COVID and the relief bill. It will be boring to most viewers. Biden will say presidential things calmly. It will get some viewership by Democrats who will like it, and by Trump partisans who will hate it and who will be primarily watching for tongue-slips which document what they understand to be the real truth about Biden, that he is a befuddled, demented puppet. No minds will change.

Biden should do what Trump did. Be a glory-hound. Delay printing of the checks. Get viciously criticized by Republicans for holding up the checks out of presidential ego. The more controversial the better, because without Biden being criticized people won't notice.  Drive the point home: this check, and the ones that come later, are here because Joe Biden willed it. If Biden weren't president they would not be getting this check for five years and maybe ever.

Put your name on the check, Joe. That is exactly what Donald Trump would do. 


  1. I don’t think copying Trump is a good look. The republicans didn’t vote for it. The Florida senator wants states to refuse the money, but the Florida’s governor wants more. Democrats should just keep trucking along. Give money to families with kids and watch republicans fight that one too. Cooperate with South Korea and other allies as he is doing. Biden has his own brand, so stick to it. Trump fatigue is still present, don’t copy it and flatter Trump by doing so. Let him fade from the limelight, the best way to hurt him.

  2. Peter, your hypocrisy surprises me!

    Trump’s brand was shameless self promoter. Biden’s brand is humble servant of the people. Biden is staying on brand and reinforcing his brand by NOT signing the checks. You have written that the problem the Democrats have is this: if your brand is to be good, any variant from that is pounced on by Fox et al. Biden avoids that trap. You should be applauding his staying on brand.

    Also, Biden is demonstrating leadership by modeling humility. We have had 4 years of narcissism. Biden is leading us back from the brink of national sociopathy.

  3. I detect a touch of sarcasm?

    I would ask; if Biden suddenly becomes self-aggrandizing who will that impress? He's not in competition with El SeƱor, he won. Just because it's in someone's financial interest to keep the fight going, President Biden shouldn't enable it by giving one moment's attention to them, at least publicly.

    What we have at present is a Republican party that has retreated to the states. This is now the frontline in the fight against white nationalism. In this fight the federal government is now, sadly, having to assert its authority and counter Republican racist policies just like the 60s. The beginning of this is HR-1, a bill that should never have been needed.

    I think Mitch MccConnell's name should be on the check, just to piss him off.



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