Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A Christian speaks out

The spiritual is real. Satan is real.

    "At least 51% of us see the train wreck caused by Trump’s audacious lies, and we ask how otherwise seemingly good and reasonable people cannot see through them."

         John Coster

Today's Guest Post author shares a Christian perspective on politics. He writes today about truth, deception, Donald Trump, and Satan. He says that to understand this historical moment we need to recognize that there are spiritual forces at work.



This blog is secular and amoral in its orientation. It has attempted to look squarely at political behaviors that are dishonest, deceptive, cruel, and blatantly immoral, and then I describe whether they are on-brand or not, and whether they worked to solidify political support. That perspective helped me observe that Trump plays the narrative role of "bad guy," and it has worked for him. It is a feature, not a bug. His base loves it. He kicks ass. He doesn't turn the other cheek. He breaks rules to win. His supporters love that he wins

John Coster brings a different perspective today, one based in faith and spirituality. He writes that one of those spiritual forces shaping world events is a powerful, invisible, immortal, being named Satan, whose primary tool is deception. We are his targets. Coster writes that the spiritual dimension exists simultaneously with the temporal world, and the division between those worlds is more permeable than most people understand. Coster told me he doesn’t consider himself a mystic, but he has not discounted many of his life experiences as mystical. 


Coster studies Theology and Society at Regent College while continuing his career managing multimillion dollar real estate programs in the tech sector.  

Guest Post by John Coster

In normal times, discussions about Truth have been the stuff of college philosophy classes. That is no longer the case as the nature of Truth is being redefined before our eyes. Many are asking how deception has so quickly become the main feature of our time, ripping apart families and fragmenting society and resulting in the loss of countless lives. What perverse motivation drives those who traffic in deceit? Anyone can now create and propagate lies that go viral and suck in the vulnerable. No assertion is too outrageous to be disbelieved. Trust is the foundation of any functioning human social structure and it is clearly in a free-fall.

As a secular political blog, the regular writers here view this phenomenon through lenses of social and behavioral sciences, looking for historical patterns and human reasoning to figure out where we are in this historical moment. But what about the spiritual? The comments here often range from being dismissive to being hostile toward religion. Empiricists see the spiritual realm as not real, so not worth considering. I believe that perspective is limiting and the mystical offers a more complete explanation.

Following the teachings of Jesus Christ, I rely on the facts of his life and his teaching including claims about himself as Deity. Christian thinkers like Francis Collins, Tim Keller, Tom Wright and Dallas Willard do a credible job of synthesizing spirituality and reason; that the spiritual and physical worlds make the most sense when they are seen together. Check them out.

I believe that the historical Christian view of the unseen holds part of the secret to the chaos we see around us. What I describe is not an allegory or something like poetry. I (and a few billion others throughout history) believe the unseen is more real and powerful than the seen. My goal is not to convince but to share an understanding that may resonate and possibly be a catalyst for sincere fellow Truth-seekers.

The three main monotheistic religions of the world are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Despite their differences, they all believe in one God, who is the all-knowing, powerful, good, loving, truthful, and the creator of everything. The other force that all three recognize is a sentient being known in the west as the devil. According to Scripture he is the embodiment of evil, but his most powerful and destructive skill is as the master of deceit. His other names appropriately include The Deceiver and the Father of Lies. If you think about it, deceit almost always precedes some kind of death, usually physical, but it can include emotional, relational, or financial.

At least 51% of us see the train wreck caused by Trump’s audacious lies, and we ask how otherwise seemingly good and reasonable people cannot see through them. But think about deception historically: Big tobacco, Nazis and Jews, Hutus and Tutsis, Catholics, and Protestants (read Thirty-Years War), Sunnis and Shia, Confederate and Union, refugees, and "coyotes." Add to that every destructive habit: gambling, substance abuse, sexual abuse, binging of all kinds, and thoughts that lead to suicide. We call it self-deceit but at its core, rationalization comes from deceptive thinking. Therapies, policies, and laws are good and helpful to be sure, but they are insufficient to cut root cause of deceit.

The Christian view of the devil is not a cartoon character with horns and pitchfork or from The Exorcist. Most of the damage he does is through people and he is extremely effective. He has been deceiving and destroying humans for millennia and we are no match for his cunning on our own. But we who are followers of Jesus are not on our own, and we can have hope and peace in the midst of chaos.

Christians of all stripes believe that what makes all humans unique and sacred is that we are made in God’s image. It is not just metaphorical. It is why the devil hates us so much and seeks to destroy us. As God’s spiritual offspring, we are both influenced and influential in the unseen world for good or evil. It makes us the perfect vehicles to do the devil’s destructive work. All he needs to do is deceive us. One of his best deceptions of course is to convince us that he does not exist.


  1. It has always been disappointing to me that being a Christian has mostly been paired with being with Trump. He lies, cheats, encourages hatred/anger. Seems to me that goes in the evil category. Satan is real and manipulates. I don’t think Donald Trump worships Satan, just that he is being used by him. I wish more people could open their eyes and see what is in front of them.

  2. Trust is the foundation of any functioning human social structure and it is clearly in a free-fall.


    At least 51% of us see the train wreck caused by Trump’s audacious lies, and we ask how otherwise seemingly good and reasonable people cannot see through them.

    The mainstream media has been imposing its liberal bias on the country for decades. By doing this they have lost the trust of almost half of the people in this country.

    Once you can’t trust the mainstream, you go elsewhere for information. It’s not so much that people can’t see through the lies. It’s that people are surrounded by lies from all sides and have to figure out what to believe in that hostile information environment.

    Trust has been definitively lost. It needs to be regained somehow. That’s the challenge facing Biden. I hope he is up to the task.

  3. If there were good people on both sides, there wouldn’t be sides

  4. Throughout history humans have turned to belief in the unseen to explain what seems to be unexplainable. That so many people can be deceived and turned from love, charity and compassion is genuine evil. Invoking the Devil as cause is a partial answer a deeper cause maybe a lack of faith in our humanity. In other situations where evils walked among us the path our of darkness was lead by compassion that included holding those deceivers accountable for their actions and to atone.

  5. I had collected over the four years several cartoon memes showing people worshiping the Golden Calf, Ba'al, with trump's face replacing the calf's head. I had other cartoons showing trump as the antichrist. These were warnings to the devout Christian that the great deceiver was at work. Like the followers waiting for Moses to come down the hill, the trump cult substituted worshiping the Golden Calf.

    I am a non-believer myself, but I could see that these forces were at work.
    I agree that trump is not deliberately evil, nor does he worship Satan or anyone but himself. The evil that resulted is a byproduct of selfish narcissistic greed and unconcern by not only trump, but by McConnell, and several congress people who worried about re-election above all.
    And this resulted in way, way too many fervent followers ready to resort to violence.

  6. Posted for John Flenniken:

    Throughout history humans have turned to belief in the unseen to explain what seems to be unexplainable. That so many people can be deceived and turned from love, charity and compassion is genuine evil. Invoking the Devil as cause is a partial answer a deeper cause maybe a lack of faith in our humanity. In other situations where evils walked among us the path our of darkness was lead by compassion that included holding those deceivers accountable for their actions and to atone

  7. You can't have a God, who represents everything good without a Devil that represents everything evil. It's like having a law without consequences for breaking it. So, once the idea of God was created, the idea of a Satan was made to balance it. One necessitates the other.

    I also think the Bible is the WORST BOOK EVER WRITTEN! That will get your juices flowing. The Bible was written to teach people about God and what he wants. Fine. But, the problem is that it's not very clear. If it were well written (by men), then there would only be one Christian religion. Every Christian would believe the same thing. But, it's not. There are countless religions all based on the Bible...Catholic, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Methodist, Quaker, Lutheran, Mormon!, Voodoo, and on and on. All based on the same book. In other words, it's so unclear, you can interpret any way you want. So, what good is it? I kind of like Voodoo because they make you kill a chicken. At least, you get to eat afterwards. Don't forget there are many versions of the Bible. How did that happen?

    I regard the Bible as a philosophy book, not the word of some Magic Man in the sky who knows every thought of every human being on Earth. And, in case you are counting, the Christian religion only represents 1/3rd of the people in the world. The other 2/3rds are something else. In fact, there are over 1900 recognized religions in the world. Which one is right? They can't be all right. Maybe, just maybe, they are all wrong.

    You can believe whatever you want. It doesn't matter. Everyone is different. What you believe makes no difference. If it makes you feel better, have at it. But, if you're looking for the Truth, you best look elsewhere. Like reality.

  8. When asking an independent thinker, "Do you believe in God?" the answer is, "Which one?". The same goes for Satan, who's Satan are we talking about. The Iranian mullas, as a statement of fact, say America is the Great Satan.

    It is quite clear to me, based on Scripture, that Trump is the anti-Christ, Just look at how Christians have bought into his Grand Deception. But, what's most important, he is my Anti-Christ and these are the Pre-Tribulation Times.

    This blog does well in looking at social, behavioral, and spiritual issues of politics. What is lacking is a psychological perspective. Like the iceberg, our vastness is hidden below the surface. There we meet the devil and it is US.



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