Thursday, December 31, 2020

18 U.S. Code § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government

     "Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States . . . Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."

    Title 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure Chapter 115: Treason Sedition, and Subversive Activities  Section 2385: Advocating Overthrow of Government

Today's Guest Post author will not succeed in voiding the 2020 election to keep Trump in power. What is important is that many Trump voters welcome it, advocate it, and circulate emails demanding it.

Today's correspondent, a retired physician, sometimes includes me in emails he circulates urging the 2020 election be ignored or voided. I am sure he does not think of himself as a traitor. He considers himself an upstanding citizen, not a criminal. But the 2020 election did not provide the result he thinks is essential for America. Democrats are led by liberal elites, he writes me, and they falsely investigated Trump, so whatever happens to Biden is well deserved. In correspondence to me he simply discounts testimony of Trump's security chief, of Attorney General Bill Barr, of the Republican election officials, of Republican governors, of judges including ones nominated by Trump himself. They are afraid to tell the truth, he said. Besides, the people who voted for Biden were misinformed and wrong. The solution is straightforward: people with the power to do so should ignore the election, and retain Trump.

I get criticism wondering why I give space to dangerous, anti-democratic ideas. Others say I am being unkind, that the Guest Post author is a senile gullible crackpot, and I should not let him embarrass himself. Others have warned it is crime to publish or distribute seditious material, so let me note here that I disagree with the Guest Post author. I am sharing it so readers have some insight into what opinions are out there among Trump supporters.

Guest Post, Name Withheld

I would love to see this election overturned because it was and is the most blatant, corrupt, and serious miscarriage of justice in the history of this country since Andrew Jackson lost the first time. But as a Christian I know God is in control and biblically we are to support our leaders unless their practices go against the teachings of Christ as has happened here.

As far as Biden winning more popular votes I firmly believe that a large majority of these will some day be proven to be massively fraudulent and illegal. Conservatives just don’t think the way many elite liberals do and frankly those who control the party and who really control Biden and the presidency are totally disinterested in keeping America as a free country and I expect will continue to use their corrupt illegal tactics to maintain their stranglehold on our population in a Biden/Harris presidency.

It is documented by studies that conservatives actually support and assist the poor and care for the downtrodden more than liberals in our present society. But these poor and downtrodden are those that are unable physically or mentality to help themselves. It just makes no sense to financially support an entitlement minded society that are able, but unwilling to work for a better life because of a mentality that “the world owes them a living." It not only puts a much greater burden on those with ambition, a good work ethic, and a desire to make the world a better place, but it decreases the self image, self esteem, and self worth of those who feel they are owed by society. Also, there are multiple examples of Trump helping those truly in need and unable to help themselves throughout his career, but you are never going to hear that from the liberal media. By the way if you read the Bible Jesus was far from being a socialist believing in the importance of individual hard work and industry. His acts of kindness and divine healing were only for those who could not help themselves.

Trump and conservatives have continually supported the Constitution while the radical liberals have tried to change and rewrite it continually so I have never understood why liberals keep bringing up that point. Also, even before he was elected, and during the whole four years of Trump’s presidency the liberal elite stopped at nothing including attempts at impeachment with their lies, accusations and blatantly corrupt illegal unsupported investigations that took millions of dollars and a huge waste of time to eventually be proven false while involving the highest level of our judicial system and the previous administration because they knew he was going to reveal or at least interrupt their long history of corruption and control.


  1. It always amazes me that supposedly intelligent people can be so ignorant. It shows the susceptibility of humans to messaging. Didn’t Animal Farm warn us of this? If the election is overturned then the United States is no longer United nor a democracy. Would violence, a type of civil war take place? I think so. Imagine the horror of Trump guiding a civil war as the commander in chief. The world would be imperiled for quite a long time.

  2. Thank you, Peter, for exposing this "Crackpot", and his seditious and illegal, spousal of overthrowing the Government. It's disturbing to know these people comprise a substantial percentage of our population, but that's not as disturbing as not knowing who they are. And their clayfooted Idol, returned to D.C. today, I presume to throw more gas on the fire he's encouraging, without a peep of protest from his enablers in what used to be the Republican Party. The 6th of January is going to be very interesting this year, and it also happens to be my son's 50th birthday. I'm hoping we have multiple reasons to celebrate, his 50th, and a peaceful confirmation of the Electoral College vote.
    I, for one, look forward to watching veep Pence swallow his tongue trying to appease Drumpf, and follow the law in confirming Joe Biden as President Elect.

  3. A guest comment utterly without any redeeming value. A waste of your blog space.

  4. Here’s hoping Biden governs from the center-left. If he does that, he will have a chance of peeling off a significant portion of Trump’s base.

    But if he adopts the “stealth liberal’ tactics of Obama and Bill Clinton and pushes far-left policies “on the sly” while attempting to create the illusion of centrism, it won’t work and will leave us as polarized as ever.

  5. If, as claimed, the author of this nonsense is a retired physician, his former patients must have suffered horribly and should be made aware of his mental imbalance and obvious unfitness to function effectively in the role of medical advisor. The man is patently unhinged, perhaps the rigors of medical school and the atavistic treatment of doctors in the making is to blame but his mental abilities have clearly been compromised to an extraordinary degree. At the very least his former patients should be warned, the nutcase posing as their doctor was himself the victim of some malady that turned his brain to mush along with his reasoning powers.
    Bob Warren

  6. I find the guest post tedious. If we had never heard such views, it would be a service to hold them up. But this writer says nothing that we haven't heard time and again.

    Now for Mr. Trigoboff, who doesn't seem to realize how right of center he is. He actually thinks that Clinton and Obama were left of center (what he means by "stealth liberal" tactics I have no idea). Beginning with FDR and continuing through Lynden Johnson, the Democratic Party stood for everything Bernie Sanders advocates. Bernie rightly said, in distinguishing himself from the corporate-serving politics of the Clintons and Obama that he represented the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party. More than once in the column I until this week wrote for the Daily Tidings, I expressed regret that Bernie spoke of his candidacy as a revolution. It was simply an effort to resuscitate the New Deal/Fair Deal/Great Society. Actually, when the U.S. public is polled on issues w/o labels attached to them, a majority approve of a living federal minimum wage (at least $15@hour), universal health care, affordable higher education, a much more progressive tax structure, and trade deals that aren't written in secret by transnational corporate lawyers (as Clinton's NAFTA and Obama's TPP were). I'm quite sure that the only way the Democrats will succeed over the next four years is if they can enact such policies.

  7. Republicans and politicized Christians have each been revealed as suckers. Trump and Jerry Falwell, Jr. are the face of their politics and religion, The Guest Post author wants to believe their cons, because it lets the writer imagine a corporate Jesus, a much more appealing one to this retired doctor than the one in the Bible, the one who spoke of the poor. The poster has created a Jesus in the model of a tight-fisted Republican businessman, fiscally conservative and skeptical of the sick, the naked, the hungry, the immigrant. He thinks Jesus was all about means testing and putting the immigrant through hearings to make sure that mother is really running from political terror, and not just trying to find enough to feed her child. Trump-Falwell-Jesus.

    Peter, you shouldn't give this guy space, but since you did we can snicker at what he reveals about what he worships. Jesus Christ warned people about your Guest post guy. He worship a fake Christ, ione in the image of Trump and the author himself.. Sad. pathetic. Peter, leave him alone to stare into his Trump-colored mirror and worship himself.

  8. "But as a Christian I know God is in control and biblically we are to support our leaders unless their practices go against the teachings of Christ as has happened here" Nuff said...

  9. Peter Sage received this comment, which did not successfully post to comments. Here it is:

    Does anyone who talks about stealing the election ever present any data? It is one thing to discuss philosophy- conservative vs liberal. It is also illegal to falsely yell fire and cause a stampede.

    If he practiced medicine that way I pity his patients. Forget treason, think of the malpractice cases!

  10. Sad that a man who accomplished so much learned so little.

  11. Bob Warren; thank Dawg I've never had a Doc this unhinged. Anonymous makes some good points, as well. Mr. Rothschilds point about Bernie, Revolution and FDR, really struck a chord with me, as FDR policies probably saved my adolescent Fathers life, and that of his brothers. Had Sanders policies been presented in a different fashion, he might have attracted more votes.
    Great post, Peter, lots of interesting remarks.

  12. Trump committed treason and he should be indicted and tried under the existing federal legislation. It is likely that Trump further facilitated espionage in his relationship with the Soviet government and should be charged under the espionage legislation that was utilized to prosecute Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. It was estimated that the acts of the latter only delayed by one year the Soviet Russian development of the atomic bomb and for this, the Rosenbergs were executed. The illegal acts of Trump have damaged the US development of democracy for an extended period of time that is not yet comprehensible.



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