Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Trump the vandal.

There will not be a return to normal.   Trump changed America. 

He changed Americans.

There has been a vandal in the house. Voters chased the vandal out, but the damage is done. We are a nation of vandal survivors. We are different now. We know that political vandalism is a policy that works.

Cleanup after the vandal will be hard because the country has gotten accustomed to vandalism. The vandal also changed the people who chased him out. They are coarsened -educated--by the experience. To fight one you need to become one.

The Constitution's grand design to stop self-government from becoming lawless tyranny was checks and balances. Ambition would counter ambition. It doesn't work well to stop a politician as talented as Donald Trump. The founders understood the danger of a bold man of action claiming to govern lawlessly on behalf of the popular will and thought the ambition of House Members and Senators would restrain a demagogue. We saw, though, that a president with enough popularity will not be checked by either body. He delivers what a loyal block of voters want, he dislikes who they dislike, and he says things that ring true to them. 

Trump isn't the symbol of virtue. He symbolizes the power that comes from shameless lack of self restraint. He does what he wants and nobody can stop him. He vandalized the norms of the presidency, and does it without apology. There is something heroic about that.  We elect to office generals who win wars.

The real check on Constitutional vandalism is the self restraint and sense of honor and shame of people in office. Trump has no apparent sense of hypocrisy or the need for consistency. That is his superpower. No shame. He defends the indefensible, asserts things which his own appointees say aren't true.
Trump does not demand good government. He demands personal loyalty. Trump commands attention, and gets it.  Democrats complain Republicans are "enablers" of Trump. They need to be. The public demands it. 

Democrats have fought the battle against Trump and paid the traditional price. They have enabled people who want them to become more like their enemy. Biden himself is oriented toward restoring norms of bipartisanship and institutional power of the Congress to check the president. He is a Senate veteran. He is an institutionalist. Biden--just look at him and hear him--is obviously not a bold, action-oriented leader. Trump called him Sleepy Joe. Isn't that exactly the corrective action America needs, the full oscillation of the pendulum away from Trump?

Yes, but it won't matter. Trump caused Americans to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of the power of lawless executive power. Republican saw that it worked. It was popular. It fits the current media environment. Amid the muddle of Congress with all its debating and compromising and procedures, there was Trump, ignoring all the fussing. He was on center stage and set the agenda, exercising power fearlessly and ruthlessly. 

Sleepy, bi-partisan Joe is already getting pressure from the left to duplicate Trump. Restraint is weak, for losers. If a president does less than he can get away with, then he isn't really performing for the team. As Trump said, when you are president you can do anything you want. Anything. The laws don't apply. The goalposts of what is possible have moved, and therefore the goalposts of what is expected have moved. It cannot be done legislatively so it will need to be done with the same tool Trump used, executive power.

The real division within the left was not evident in the campaign. They unified to get rid of Trump. Now both the moderates and the left supposedly have power. The left wants action. The institution of checks and balances and self restraint were shown to be meaningless, and therefore a politician who sacrifices a policy opportunity in service to norms and traditions is a sentimental fool. 

Biden-the-candidate was relief from the manic Trump presidency, but he will find himself misplaced and uncomfortable as an officeholder. He will want to make-nice and re-establish the expectations of the old system of senatorial courtesies. Too late. Republicans and Democrats both ate the fruit. 

Republicans will want an all out fight. So will Democrats.

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  1. The judiciary provided a check throughout Trump’s term. As far as I know Trump has never violated a court decision.

    Congress still has the theoretical ability as well. They have the power of the purse. It’s just that at the moment they are gridlocked.

    Back in the 1990s we thought that Bill Clinton’s superpower was his shamelessness. Little did we know…

  2. Trump defied subpoenas.
    Trump tampered with witnesses by dangling pardons in exchange for silence.
    Trump instructed subordinates not to testify when required to.
    Trump spent money appropriated for other things on his southern border wall.
    He used federal property to stage campaign events.

    This seems lawless to me.

  3. "We have met the enemy and he is us" - POGO

    This is going to be hard. The Vandals were a tribe.

    "The Vandals were a "barbarian" Germanic people who sacked Rome, battled the Huns and the Goths, and founded a kingdom in North Africa that flourished for about a century until it succumbed to an invasion force from the Byzantine Empire in A.D. 534." - LiveScience

    We are facing a horde of 70 million+ Vandals led by Mitch McConnell. I can not help but believe that but for the Pandemic, Democrats would have lost this election. It would be nice to think that our better angels prevailed, common sense triumphed, and the Republic righted the badly listing ship of state. The pandemic made the difference because the margin of victory represents those who believed government could have, should have, done more to mitigate the spread of the disease. It was a definitive example of the cruelty of the Republican led response, following the equally appalling treatment of immigrants, and all the other offenses, major and minor, that the country has endured. Think of this: What if COVID had arrived in 2017? By now we may well have been past it, with a vaccine in place and some measure of recovery. Memories are short.

    I hope Democrats realize this win is not a mandate (I think they do), and some kind of triumph for Progressivism. It's not. This is simply a battle won, with the unlikely ally of a virus, with the Vandals far from vanquished.

  4. I remember a Russian general in the 2nd Chechen war back in the 90s remarking how manufacturing chaos was central to fomenting the 'fog of war' that made "conflict" both the point of and fuel for the conflict. There were no ideals.

    Villains are identified; and sides are chosen. The people are useful pawns in the power game of demagogues who have contempt for them.

    Many of us hope that a scaled back Trump will allow the "fog" to clear and some kind of reflection and reset....even if it's not normal

  5. Americans have the attention span of gnats. Make a new shinny object and they will have forgotten about politics since Americans are not politically astute. They like to make money, buy stuff. Donald will fade unless he keeps having rallies. Who will pay to support the events?
    Maybe his audience will move on to another Rev. Moon like minister who is more fun and even nastier. I am sure someone wants to move from the wings to center stage and Fire Trump. Maybe Trumps perp walk will end his fame? In the end, I think American fickleness will end his hold on celebrity power.

  6. Ironically, Petronius Maximus fled the Vandals ...

  7. No, Peter, while Donald Trump may fit the vandal prototype I wish to take issue with your claim that he "changed" America. The sad truth is that in his inimitable, odious style he managed to "expose" America as a nation of hypocrits by aiding and abetting the sordid, rancourous underbelly of a nation that long abandoned the ideals it trumpets to the world. A murderous prejudice had=s engulfed this nation since the end of the Civil War (a curious name for the most bloody conflict ever fought) that poisons the air we breathe. The thousands of lynchings that continued from the end of that conflict up to the ugly death of George Floyd in Minneapolis MN of all places bears witness to that undying prejudice which we are quick to condemn with words but never with meaningful consequences for the prejudiced perpetrators of these obscene events. Donald Trump, the greatest liar of all time, has unwittingly forced us to look in the mirror and see ourselves, as a nation, for what we are. The image reflected in the mirror is not a pretty one. I doubt we are capable of change.
    Bob Warren



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