Monday, November 2, 2020

Florida chant: "Fire Fauci! Fire Fauci!"

Trump said, "Thanks for the advice." 

This election resolves into choices. Dr. Andrew Fauci is yet another point of division. Either-or.

Some people look at Dr. Fauci and generally trust him. They see a disinterested, conscientious expert, giving sensible if unwelcome advice. Others,Trump included, see a Democrat, masquerading as an impartial expert, giving unreasonable advice either out of malice against Trump or as a health tyrant, happy to err on the side of excess caution instead of reasonableness.

We hear the electoral division from Trump, we heard it in the chant, we see it in stores where mask scofflaws pull their masks below their chin in defiance.

We add it to the list of choices.

Trump vs. not Trump.
Republican vs. Democrat.
COVID laissez-faire vs. COVID caution
Anti-abortion vs. abortion choice
Gun laissez-faire vs. gun regulation
Reduce government health care access vs. more government health care access
Fossil fuels vs. renewable energy
Less government income redistribution vs. more government redistribution
More Christian primacy vs. more separation of church and state
Racial laissez-faire vs.government protection of minorities
Antifa! Socialism! vs. Can't we all get along

1 comment:

  1. That's the problem with elections: Always a simple bimodal choice. That's why Germans never apologized for support of Hitler, because the choice THEY made was simply between National Socialism vs Stalin's Communist State...arguably the greater destroyer of human life. But here, I think we have a plain choice; hope we take it.



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