Monday, September 14, 2020

Medford air quality

 You can see the air. You can smell it. You have no choice but to breathe it.

There are at least two websites to measure what we are experiencing. 

This website uses data from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality--DEQ:   

Another website uses data from the US Environmental Protection Agency--EPA:

The DEQ website shows Medford's air to be "Hazardous" at 317. A user can compare us with other places around the state by punching in zip codes.

The EPA website shows a higher number, 468. This is measured from a residential street above the Medford city center, which has approximately the same hazard level, in the 460 range. Another sensor, at elevation 2,000 feet, has a lower reading at this moment 160--merely "unhealthy," although all morning that monitoring station showed a 460. Maybe it got a whiff of better air for a moment. 

Local readers do not need an explanation about what air quality this bad feels like. Go outside a moment. Out of town readers can liken it to being immediately downwind of a campfire. Ones eyes sting, it hurts to breathe, and one's instinct is to turn away immediately, except that here there is no place to turn.

Scroll down to see today's political comment on Trump, Biden, and the politics of outrage.


  1. The DEQ site with the gauge seems a little cheesey. The EPA site seems inconsistent: 323 on Hillcrest, but 155 on Torey Pines. Look for Air Visual in the App Store. It gives you a reading for your specific location based on GPS.

  2. Peter, I appreciate the info here in AZ - so worrisome.
    Les Bush



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