Saturday, August 1, 2020

Disqualifying Biden. A preview.

By election day Americans will dislike Joe Biden almost as much as they dislike Trump.

Biden in Iowa in August, 2019

Who says?  Trump and a billion dollars.

The Walmart ad this blog described yesterday is the essential Biden message: restore the soul of America, as Biden puts it. Let's work together. We are better than Trump. It is morning in America.

Trump cannot let that stand, nor will he. Trump needs to disqualify Biden. On election day, the swing voters of America, a majority of whom dislike Trump, need to cast a reluctant vote for Trump anyway, because Biden is simply impossible. Trump won a "hold your nose" election in 2016 because undecided voters disproportionately chose him over Hillary, and because a significant number of left-oriented voters did not vote for her. Enough Black voters stayed home; enough progressive voters voted third party.

Trump has two ads up and on TV. They address the presumed suburban swing voter and the wavering senior demographic. They use the voice of Sean Hannity to testify that Biden wants to de-fund police, Where they insert a two word clip of Biden saying "Yes. Absolutely" in answer to a question we do not hear, but Hannity says is a call to to defund the police.      Click     The editing seems unusually manipulative in both ads, and it is directly contradicted by Biden's prompt declaration that he disagreed with talk of defunding police. The ads strikes me as overwrought and manipulative, but they may work.

It is only one potential line of attack. We have already seen the ones listed below, some of which contradict one another, but they are addressed to different audiences. To the general electorate, Biden is a puppet of the far left, while the message to progressives in targeted ads on social media is that Biden is a corporate centrist who cheated Sanders out of the nomination.

Some of these attacks will stick. I have made a list:

Biden is senile and befuddled to be president.

Biden seems tongue-tied and unable to speak to America.

Biden says odd things like "dog face pony soldier" and is too weird to be president.

Biden is stuck in the past, thinking phones have cords stuck to a wall, and is not competent to be president in the modern world.

Biden will be a puppet of the radical left and AOC, and therefore would not be the actual president, and America does not want AOC to be president.

Biden will usher in socialism.

Biden will raise your taxes.

Biden will re-introduce a massive takeover of health care.

Biden will let foreign enemies run rampant.

Biden will defund the police and let crime run rampant.

Biden will let poor people and Blacks move into and destroy your suburban neighborhood.

Biden will support the Green New Deal and take away your cars, airplanes, windows, and food.

Biden will open the borders to too many immigrants.

Biden hates fracking and will kill the economy in swing state Pennsylvania.

Biden has hurt Black Americans by supporting mass incarceration.

Biden has been ineffective as a Senator and cannot make America better.

Biden is an establishment careerist in DC, and is therefore responsible for any discontent with the status quo.

Biden just hides in the basement like a coward.

Biden plagiarized the biography of another politician, a cheater.

Biden was a mediocre student.

Biden is cosy with China, the source of the virus and an economic and military competitor.

Biden got rich with a 1.5 billion dollar payoff from China.

Biden's son Hunter got special deals using his father's position, and Joe Biden let him do it.

Biden protected his son's corrupt company in Ukraine.

Biden was wrong on Iraq, wrong on the Iran nuclear deal, wrong on keeping jobs in America.

Biden is too cosy with the banks and corporations chartered in Delaware.

Biden has changed positions on abortion and is untrustworthy.

Biden raped Tara Reade.

Biden should be distrusted by progressives because he isn't a progressive.

Biden is tight with the DNC and the DNC screwed Sanders out of his rightful nomination.

Biden is hated even by his team; look what Nina Turner said, "half a bowl of shit."


  1. And yet the Trump campaign has suspended their adds. Why? Because they don’t stick. Biden is already mostly labeled. Trump will TRY to label Biden, but the overwhelming issue is Trump. Nothing will overcome his self labeling. I believe Mickey Mouse as a Democrat would beat Trump in an election.

  2. We’ve entered crazy season in the campaign for president for sure. Truthiness is in. Lies and slander are the run up to Election Day staple. America has seen this before and the low information voters are easily swayed by current events and full-court press of negative ads. But what of CoVid19 and unemployment? By November the smear could most likely backfire. An example: Oregon called on the Federal government to aid in addressing CoVid19 testing and drug their feet with meager supplies but sent hundreds of troops to Portland to make a show for Law and Order. This will be hard to erase for the news cycle. Baked in now is Trump attacks American cities but does nothing to deter the Russian assignations of soldiers in Afghanistan. I expect August to be the test month for attacks on the voters. It will be granular and statistically driven. Come September the most effective attack will become apparent like a bull fight the dance predictable up to the moment the sword is thrust to kill the beast - the October Surprise. Yes we’ve seen this before but not with Lucas Light and Magic technology twisting hair sniffing to rape.

  3. ...and that's just the nicer stuff. Some of it has a grain of truth, wait until you see what they make up (Hillary's sex trafficking pizza parlor).

    I think we've quashed the "protest vote", let's hope, this time around, but regardless the choice of Biden is proving to be far riskier than many believed.

  4. You forgot to include the NUMEROUS videos out there of Biden sniffing and fondling various women and little girls. Biden is as creepy as they come. Biden is a pervert.

    Most of the charges against Trump have been fabricated.

    The charges against Biden are as real as day.

    Biden is a career 50-year government employee with no accomplishments, he's been on the wrong side of most decisions, he's corrupt, and he made $19 million from giving speeches (taking bribes) in the 5 years since he's left office.

    Biden doesn't stand a chance against Trump once the voters take a good hard look at him. Biden is senile, and he can't even read a teleprompter anymore. The democrats really scraped the bottom of the barrel in choosing Biden.

  5. Most of the items you list are things that Trump would have said about any Democratic candidate, not just Biden. Moreover, most of them were said about Clinton, Obama etc. I am not sure what the purpose of this post is? I do not see its point except to devalue Biden's standing under the guise of warning us about what "Trump will do."

  6. I believe that Biden will increasingly use his VP choice (Kamala, I hope), and Jill, to help get out his message. That will put a dent in the "senile" accusation.

    Many of these are on a list that the republicans will use to accuse any democrat who runs, not just Biden. (They will keep repeating that any dem would let the border doors open, for example).

    I am hoping that trump has just too many negatives this time. I don't see many of my progressive friends saying that they will stay home this time. They will hold their noses and vote for Biden.

  7. IMHO, the best ads against either candidate are the ones they each run.

    Did ANYONE else get the "willies" from the Obama-Biden conversation ad? Two "stately," thin men in black suits have a socially distanced conversation from atop their ivory tower. The room reeked of elitism. This is what the "meritocracy" simply does not get (because they are insulated and are not in touch with real folks on the ground). Democrats make great promises before every election (usually involving "innovation, creativity" (read that "gig economy") and "hopey-changey" nonsense and then throw the LOWER CLASSES (don't talk about class in America) under the bus to Happy Town.
    Trump will reach out to the disenfranchised again and he'll have plenty of ammunition from these clueless elites. The DNC, intent on democraticide in refusing to adopt much of the Sanders platform, is once again poised to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. As one writer pointed out months ago: " as purely a negative candidate as we’ve seen in a very long time, running largely on who he isn’t and what he won’t do" (like not passing Medicare for All which is supported by 70% of Americans, including 46% of Republicans). Funny how Dem leadership sees that as a losing issue...oh, that's right...follow the money.

    Andy Seles

  8. To be honest, Barack and Michelle Obama back Biden. I watched them in action for 8 years and their decency and integrity stood in sharp contrast to the total scumbaggery of the current administration. NOTHING Biden has done or been accused of doing can compete with the ugliness and incompetence of trump and his GOP lackies. Those who still back him call into question their own critical thinking faculties and intelligence. It's already clear that they lack morals and character.



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